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In this world, if there are werewolves, there will be Vampire, and the two non-human races since ancient times are dead rivals.

When human technology was not yet developed, especially in the Middle Ages, the two races of werewolf and Vampire have always been the objects of human fear.

However, with the recent boom or so years, the human race has prospered in science and technology. Gradually, humans have mastered the most powerful forces in Earth, especially the nuclear bombs developed during the Second World War, which has consolidated in an absolute sense. The well-deserved Earth supremacy of mankind.

Take the werewolf clan as an example. If some of the current powers with nuclear weapons have discovered the Underground World where the werewolves are secretly inhabited, they only need to project a sufficient equivalent of an atomic bomb in the name of “eliminating aliens”, and then the whole werewolf can be transferred. The race went extinct all at once.

This also explains why since the first industrial revolution in the 18th century, the steam engine invented by Watt was widely used, the werewolves and Vampire gradually disappeared. Correspondingly, in the past few decades, except for a few people with internal information, the overwhelming majority of people do not believe in the existence of werewolves or Vampire in this world, thinking that these two types of human creatures are just fairy tales. It’s just fabricated.

After all, the news that the werewolves had been wiped out soon reached the ears of the Vampire clan.

Although the werewolf was annihilated, it is a great thing for the Vampire clan. After all, the head power has died out, but the Vampire clan also has to worry that since the human race of the wolf has been annihilated, then next, Is it possible for our Vampire clan to be wiped out?

In order to find out the truth, the Vampire clan specially sent some Inner Member specializing in investigation to investigate the cause of the extinction of the Wolf Human Race. The most important thing is to determine whether this genocide crisis will also come to the Vampire clan…

Since that night, on the night sky above the wild mountains and ridges of Bordeaux, France, all the werewolves in Underground World have been exterminated with a punch, and a lot of evil life energy has been absorbed. Qi Yu has another amazing idea.

“Since this Marvel world has a werewolf, then Vampire should also exist!”

“And as far as I know, Blade seems to be a character in Marvel world!”

Under such an idea, Qi Yu and Emil conducted various investigations together, and as expected, within a few days, they found a gratifying result-it turns out that Vampire really exists in this world!

Not only that, Qi Yu and Emil also investigated that there is a hidden Vampire bar in the Staten Island district of New York, United States!

The bar is only allowed to enter Vampire, not to allow humans to enter, a carnival paradise that belongs only to Vampires!

One night a few days later, in the Staten Island area, in front of the back door of an abandoned factory.

In front of the back door of this abandoned factory, stood four burly man in suit and leather shoes. These 4 burly man are not ordinary person, but Vampire, Vampire who only dare to appear at night because of fear of the ultraviolet rays of sunlight.

The four of them are responsible for the gate, and guests who are also Vampire can enter, but humans other than Vampire will be expelled or killed. Of course, in fact, there are very few people coming here. After all, the ordinary person class always thinks that this is just an abandoned factory that’s all.

Suddenly, two men in suits came over, one in the front and one in the back, and the one in the back looked like the bodyguard of the man in front.

“Strange, those 2 people are not Vampire.” One of the goalkeepers could not smell any Vampire on the two suit men who came slowly, so he reminded the other 2 goalkeepers.

Very few humans will come to the back door of this abandoned factory. Usually, only two people come every few days, so when he finds out that the person is not Vampire, he is quite curious, especially the posture of those two people. , It doesn’t look like an ordinary passerby, maybe it came here deliberately.

“Is this the Vampire bar?” Qi Yu didn’t turn around and saw the four gatekeepers and asked.

Hearing Qi Yu’s question, the expressions on the faces of the four goalkeepers were slightly startled, and one of the goalkeepers immediately expressed seriously and asked: “How do you know this is the Vampire bar?”

Qi Yu not at all answered each other’s question, just shrugged, “Oh, you mean, this is indeed the Vampire bar?”

“Who the hell are you two?” The goalkeeper man rolled up his sleeves and clenched his fists. It seemed that Qi Yu didn’t give an honest answer. He would beat Qi Yu until the truth was told.

Seeing this, Qi Yu gently turned his head and made a look at Emil around him.

Emil realized what the master meant, and rushed over and punched the goalkeeper’s head with a punch.

The goalkeeper’s head was shattered. Because he was a Vampire, when his life passed away, the body was as if it were burned by fire, and it was completely transformed into ashes without leaving a trace.

Seeing this scene, Qi Yu couldn’t help but sigh, no wonder that in these recent decades, there has been almost no news about werewolves and Vampire in the world. Werewolves are hiding in an underground world under a remote mountain in France. They are isolated from the world and it is extremely difficult for the world to discover their existence. Vampire turned into fly ash directly after Death, leaving no trace of the corpse, as if it had never existed before.

The other three gatekeepers, who saw the Russian Ross in person, actually broke their companions’ heads with a punch, and immediately became highly vigilant.

The three gatekeepers swarmed up, exposing their bloody fangs, and face looks sinister and swooped towards Emil.

Unfortunately, these 3 Vampires are only Ordinary Level lifeforms, and Emil is the Transcendent grade lifeform injected with Super Soldier Serum. After 3 times, 5 times and 2 times, Emil killed all of their 3 Vampires.

Qi Yu has absorbed 4 evil life energy by the way, and the total life energy absorbed has reached 38004 points. 961996 life energy is still needed to achieve Great Sage.

“After death, even the corpses were turned to ashes and scattered. It seems that these Vampires still love clean things.”

Qi Yu ridiculed, and then walked through the back door threshold with Emil and walked into the abandoned factory.

The two talents had just walked in for less than ten seconds, and found that there was a square empty gap on the floor in front of them, and a long stone step was connected under the empty gap.

Without guessing, the basement leading to the stone steps is the real location of the Vampire bar.

“Hmph hum, the werewolves who like to eat human flesh are wiped out by this hero, and you like the blood-sucking Vampire family, which is coming soon!”

Qi Yu flattened his fingers and took Emil to the stone steps leading to the large slaughterhouse.


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