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When Qi Yu and Emil finished the long stone steps and came to the basement at the bottom of the abandoned factory, a burst of strong heavy metal jazz sounded clearly into the ear curtains of the two.

The air is filled with the mixed smell of blood, wine and cigarettes, which can be described as black smoke, the multi-colored light Blink is uncertain, and 4 places are shining.

Several pale-looking Vampire bartenders are mixing different flavors of wine under the bar counter. The exposed bikini girl Vampire with a lithe and graceful figure walks between Vampire customers with a wine tray, while the dance floor is Vampire men and women dancing wildly with the rhythm of music highlight the carnival atmosphere of this Vampire bar.

Oh yes, although this Vampire bar is nominally called a bar, in fact, it does not only provide wine, they often provide more, or a variety of blood, of course, blood and wine are mixed together to make “Blood wine” sold to guests in need.

“It’s disgusting, why did that woman Vampire have such a big mouth on her back?”

In the process of going in, Qi Yu saw that in front of a wine table, there was a naked upper body. The naked girl Vampire was now lying down on the wine table, and behind her was another male Vampire, He had a wine glass full of blood in his hand and poured the blood from the glass into the big toothy mouth on her back.

“Their Vampires are not us humans after all, maybe their privacy is covered with 2 rows of sharp teeth.” Emil looked at the female Vampire in the direction of Qi Yu’s gaze, half-cracking a joke Ground teased.

“Pu!” Qi Yu pursed his lips and smiled. “That is to say, if any man is hooked on by this female Vampire, it’s really bloody mold for 8 lifetimes.”

Qi Yu and Emil are chatting. At this time, a bartender with a bow on his chest comes over. The bartender saw that Qi Yu and Emil were new guests who had just come down from the stone steps, suits and leather shoes, Qiyu out of the ordinary, pondering what might be the expensive clansman in Vampire, so they hurried over quickly to entertain 2 people VIP.

It is worth mentioning that in the lobby of this Vampire bar, the atmosphere is very warm now, mixed with the smell of more than 400 Vampire, so it is difficult for this bartender to smell Qi Yu and Emil’s body with the smell of Vampire. There are already 4 strong Vampires outside the gate, so it’s definitely not human beings, so the bartender naturally regarded Qi Yu and Emil as Vampire.

“Two gentlemen, may I ask what you need?” The bartender stopped in front of Qi Yu and Emil and grinned with a smile on his face. “Wine prepared from baby blood, cocktail mixed with virgin blood, and blood prepared from strong men. Spirits and so on, we all have everything here!”

Hearing this, Qi Yu remain unmoved, took out a cigar from his arms, and waved to the bartender.

The bartender intended to know what Qi Yu meant, quickly took out a lighter from his pocket, and respectfully lit the cigarette butts for his in mind guest.

“Hu!” Qi Yu spit out a plume of smoke comfortably, his fingers slightly crooked his neck, holding the smoke, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, it’s my honor to serve you…”

However, the bartender’s words were not finished yet, but Qi Yu slapped them.

The bartender’s entire body was photographed and flew out several meters, knocked down several Vampires, and finally fell to the ground and twitched violently, turning into ashes.

Qi Yu 2’s act of killing without saying anything immediately aroused the attention of all the Vampires around. Even the Vampires who were dancing frantically on the dance floor stopped turning their bodies and stared dumbly at the abnormal situation here.

For a time, several hundred pairs of eyes stared at Qi Yu and Emil curiously, and their hearts were full of doubts and vigilance.

“Cough cough, I am not your fellow Vampire, I am a human.”

“Also, I’m not targeting anyone, I want to say, everyone Vampire present tonight…”


Qi Yu didn’t hide, tweet or snarl at the 400 Vampires around him.

After hearing the arrogant words of Qi Yu, these Vampires inevitably made a series of mockery.

“A trifling mankind, also deliberately wiped out the more than 400 Vampires we were present with?” Vampire A said.

“Hmph! Don’t think you just killed a little bartender, just think that all our Vampires are unable to withstand a single blow!” Vampire B said.

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, go together, suck up the blood of this human, and then make the corpse into a piece of human flesh, feed the bitch and slowly nibble!” Vampire C said.

“You don’t have to go together, it’s enough for me to go alone!”

At this moment, a sturdy and burly Vampire man, a large man with a height of 2 meters, turned away from the crowd, and walked fiercely towards Qi Yu, with a cold expression all over his body. murderous aura.

“Oh, I thought who was talking, it turned out that our big man Kent!”

“Come on, Kent, kill this human scumbag who dares to underestimate our Vampire!”

“Kent, I expect you to bite his neck with your teeth and suck up the fresh blood flowing in his carotid artery!”

“The human family is humble, and our Vampire family is noble and indecent! Vampire is 10000 years old!”

In the process of this Vampire stepping towards Qi Yu, many Vampires around were cheering for him!

Qi Yu, however, spit out a thick smoke ring inadvertently, pats Emil’s shoulder, “It’s up to you.”

“Okay, master!” Emil nodded, then stepped forward to protect Qi Yu in front of him.

At the same time, Qi Yu walked to a stool next to it, sitting on the stool silently smoking a cigar, quite a sit on top of a mountain to watch the tigers fight. It is good to have a loyal servant by your side. For these little things, oneself does not need to be used at all. Oneself can just smoke and watch the battle beside it, and it can silently pretend to force it.

The 2-meter-large Vampire stopped in front of Emil, squashed his finger bones with his hands flat, and his face showed an evil smile with a winning ticket, “I haven’t encountered a satisfaction since I debuted with Blake Kent ‘S opponent, obviously, you will also tonight…”

However, before the words of this 2-meter-tall Vampire, Emil just thunderbolt the lightning offensive, sweeping his legs and sweeping his bulky body to the ground.

“Damn, you…”

In the horrified glances of the other Vampires, Emil directly lifted his right leg, which had accumulated tons of power, and stepped on the chest of the 2-meter-large Vampire with one foot, stepping it into fragments that seemed to have been burned by fire , Scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in a blink of an eye, disappeared.

For a time, the whole audience was shocked!

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