
Chapter 11 11. Equipment Supplier

New technology completed unlocking , Lynk naturally began to try out the new equipment.

Although the technologies stored in these systems are very complete, Lynk always takes time to familiarize themselves with the different technology systems, and also has to conduct special material tests.

Material science is a very important applied science. If there is no corresponding material, many technologies are developed, but it is difficult to manufacture. If Tony does not have aviation materials, he cannot manufacture the latter. The Mark 2 armor, as for the Mark I spliced with missile parts, has shown the danger of material failure.

Master’s equipment does not need the highest configuration for the time being, which allows Lynk to actively reduce the corresponding performance during manufacture to achieve a level that can withstand the current material performance. Unless it is necessary, Lynk No involvement in material development.

Although selling the new material to Wayne Enterprises can get a bigger profit, if the manufacturing method of the new material is stolen by the enemy, then in the end you will suffer.

For this reason, Lynk chooses to be a little uncomfortable now, instead of being comfortable now, and it will be very uncomfortable in the future.

“Batman, transform!”

In the studio, Lynk loudly shouted to the “remote control car” placed on the workbench.

ka ka ka…

After receiving the audio signal, the remote-control car, which looks similar to the Batmobile, began to deform, and soon became a stubby humanoid mecha.

The remote control car that completely adopts the Furious Tank technology has been able to deform normally at present, but the deformation speed also needs to be improved, and a lot of equipment has not been installed on this remote control car.

However, with the current results, it is enough to go to the master to collect the deposit.

“Speaking of which, there is no problem in turning a Hellfire into a Hellbat, and there is no problem in turning a Viking fighter into a ground plane. The next step is to try to turn this tank into a three-in-one machine.”

There are two forms of machinery, which are called two changes in Lynk. If the current Batmobile has three forms of tank, mecha and fighter at the same time, then it is a three-change machine. As for why pursue This kind of three-transformation machine is naturally to integrate its own technology.

Providing the Master with equipment is not only to make money, but also to be able to practice. It can be said that when the Master enjoys the benefits brought by the new equipment, he also acts as a little white mouse.

It’s just that the technology that Lynk has come up with, combined with the master’s own ability, Batman is called an invincible in the whole world in Gotham City.


“Lynk, do you have any good solution to Mr. Freeze’s ICER?”

Bruce, whose body has not dissipated the frost, took the Batman’s gesture appeared in Lynk’s studio.

Lynk knew he had money again when he heard what Bruce said.

“We need to defeat magic with magic. Since the weapon of freezing man is freezing, then we will use lower temperature to deal with him. If we use high temperature, it can also solve him, but it is easy to cause the damage on his body. There is something wrong with that suit A, but if it is ultra-low temperature, it will only make him enter a state similar to hibernation.”

Lynk took out two things like grenades and handed them over. Bruce’s hands.

G-18C Frozen Grenade comes from the skills of the ammunition expert in “Poisonous Milk Powder”, but when it is unlocked, it is a complete set of ammunition expert skill trees. The form of technology is mastered by Lynk.

As Lynk’s sixth unlocked technology, the ammunition expert includes the following awakening skills. The corresponding technology has been mastered by Lynk, but skills like Black Rose special forces do not exist.

The Freeze Grenade is the expendable weapon that Lynk gave to Bruce. It has a pretty good effect on Mr. Freeze. If it still doesn’t work, then two more.

Watching Bruce walk away with two belts full of frozen grenades, Lynk suddenly felt that this kind of little thing seemed more useful to the master, but that kind of high-tech equipment was more suitable. Tony , or a hero like The Atom.

Bruce returned half an hour later, and Lynk saw that one of the belts had run out of frozen grenades.

“Ten grenades, 500,000.”

“Got it.”

For Lynk’s pricing, Bruce has been used to it this year, many of which Technology can save him a lot of time when tracking down targets.

The smartphone technology, which Lynk sold to Wayne Enterprises, is now part of Bruce’s control of Gotham City.

If the smartphone hits the market on a large scale and becomes an indispensable item in people’s daily lives, then as a smartphone developer, Bruce can use his authority to investigate the trajectory of some people’s actions.

Although it’s illegal, Bruce was out of the law when he became a vigilante.

However, the current network problem makes it difficult to launch the smartphone directly, but this has no impact on Lynk, the technology is sold, the money is in hand, and the rest is Bruce’s business.

In the past year, Lynk and Bruce have developed a certain tacit understanding. Although Lynk is Bruce’s employee, every time Bruce comes to Lynk’s studio, it is like coming to the game Like the equipment store, buy some equipment that may be used before departure, and if you don’t use it, you can get a full refund.

Lynk enjoys this life, and Bruce a lot easier.

According to the normal growth experience of Batman, many of Batman’s equipment and even medicament will be manufactured by himself in the future. It can be said that when faced with various crises, Bruce’s nerves cannot relax.

Why is the master so wary of everyone? It’s not because he’s too nervous. Anyone can become a flashpoint.

Although Lynk doesn’t mean to change the master’s idea, letting the young playboy relax a little bit can be regarded as some small help that Lynk can provide to his gold master.

“It’s only been a year, and Mr. Freeze has already appeared, and I heard that the Penguin has begun to emerge now, and the regular villains such as black masks and red hoods have also appeared, alas, people The trilogy is Lars, Joker and Bane. When I come to me, it’s the Gotham City villain’s meeting, but this is also good. The more enemies, the more money I can make. Sure enough, the ugly country There’s no reason to like the chaos of the world.”

After putting away the grenade belt, Lynk began to tap the mechanical assistant in front of him.

During this year, Lynk not only unlocked the technology of the ammunition expert, but also unlocked the technology of the mechanic, but compared to the ammunition expert who only needs to unlock it once, the mechanic is more difficult, It needs to be unlocked twice. The first unlock is from mechanic to Mechanical War God, and the second is from Mechanical Head to True Mechanic. This is a technology that really has pre-unlocking conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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