
Chapter 12 12. Unexpected Visitors


Lynk absolutely didn’t expect an explosion outside this abandoned factory, and the vibration generated by the explosion shook the dust above the factory, which made Lynk, who was eating hot pot, angry at that time.

Although it is not difficult to eat hot pot here in Gotham City, the hot pot at this time, but Lynk finally gave up his status as a technical house, and took the initiative to go out to buy materials, and even said that in order to ensure the original Authentic, some ingredients are ordered from abroad.

Even though Lynk put the lid on the pot, the ingredients on the side were still stained with dust.


Just when Lynk was about to go out to see that it was those guys who dared to provoke him, an equipment supplier who didn’t exist in Gotham, another explosion happened suddenly, and it also A gap was blasted in the wall on the side of the factory.

Looking out through the gap, a group of apparently street gangs are running towards the factory, and further away there is a group of well-equipped men who seem to be chasing the gang members .

Only this time, Lynk directly summon out his Quake armor and walked towards the gap.

da da da…

The shot from the front stopped the gang members in front of the gap.

Then I saw a silhouette in black armor walking out from the factory, but this didn’t stop these guys, retreating would definitely die, but there was only one person in front, and the charge might be the opposite. able to survive.

dong dong dong…

Unfortunately, Lynk’s warning didn’t work, and these guys who acted recklessly entered the factory.

The smart weapon installed by Lynk inside the factory launched an attack directly when it was determined that the gang members who entered the factory did not have any identification.

Standing at the gap, Lynk looked at the people who were still rushing towards him, and could only pull the trigger in his hand.

Although the MA5D rifle is still a solid bullet and can be used as a weapon set in the 26th century, the bullet fired by the MA5D rifle is no different from the current anti-material sniper rifle.

Lynk shot all those who wanted to enter his “territory”, and then saw many corpses with almost broken bodies appearing on the periphery of the factory, which made those who were in the process of Those who pursued these men stopped their progress.

“Get out of here and forget what’s going on here.”

Lynk doesn’t want to use martial power to solve everything for these uninvited guests, but these people obviously have their own ideas.


A bullet hit Lynk in the chest, but Lynk stood there without any movement.

“Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!”

Seeing that Lynk was hit by the sniper without taking any damage, made the leader realize the horror of Lynk at that time.

How can humans outrun a car?

After summoning the Vile Tank, Lynk drove the tank and started chasing, but for these well-equipped tactical squares, Lynk replaced his rifle with a shuttle of Frozen Bullets.

While driving while shooting, Lynk also experienced the exhilaration of a blockbuster protagonist.

Twenty-seven ice cubes were carried back to the factory by Lynk. After one after another was thawed, they were all tied up with special ropes.

“Who are they?”

Just as Lynk was about to start the interrogation of these people, the lord came and saw the bodies outside, and the bound squats Members, Bruce feels things are not simple.

“I don’t know, I haven’t had time to inquire yet. The next step will be handed over to me, or you will be responsible. If you take over, it will easily expose the connection between the two of us. You should know how dangerous it is.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

Before entering the factory, Bruce had already surveyed the battle marks outside, and the wheel marks of the car were temporarily Can’t explain it, but like Lynk never said where his armor was, Bruce knew it was Lynk’s car.

It can only be judged from the traces that these people caught by Lynk are either from the military or the tactical squad of the secret service organization. No matter what kind of person it is, silence is not the best choice. .

Watching Bruce drag one of them into the basement, Lynk starts to examine the people he’s taken off the helmets and visors.

“Your existence is very dangerous to me. I think you should have sent a distress signal when you were being chased by me, but unfortunately, I intercepted them, regardless of Batman’s side. How is the situation, I will give you two choices, be my person, stay with me directly, and make money with me, and the other choice is that I will help you perform brain removal surgery.”

wu wu wu …

As soon as Lynk’s last words came out, the people who were tied to the posts all started to struggle.

It seems that two options are given, but what effect the brain removal operation has can be completely understood from the literal meaning, basically one life and one death.

“Master Chief, don’t do anything to them, these guys are from the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.”

“Batman, leave this to me, I won’t Kill them, but I’ll make sure they don’t tell me about me, and I don’t have a good impression of these agents.”

Bruce quickly asked the answer, and of course in Lynk Come, it should be the person who was taken along to withdraw. He trusted Batman and took the initiative to show his identity.

It’s just that Lynk knows very well that there are a lot of Hydra members in SHIELD now, and he doesn’t want to get involved with these people, especially since these guys always want to do things, which is very annoying.

“What do you want to do?”

“Help them remodel and replace all parts of their bodies with machines except their brains, so they can’t go back Become an agent.”

To be honest, Lynk doesn’t mind helping others with mechanical transformation surgery. After all, he has unlocked the technology in this area, and he is naturally ready to use it, but none of them have any experimental body, and Now that this group of sturdy experimental subjects took the initiative to come to the door, Lynk will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Lynk’s words made these agents who had regained consciousness widen their eyes. The mechanical transformation sounded very advanced, but if they were transformed by unknown people, even if they were taken back, they might not be able to do it in the future. Not so nice.

“You can’t do that.”

Hearing Lynk’s words, Bruce wanted to stop Lynk, but an iron ball-shaped robot fell from the sky and directly covered Bruce’s face, Bruce Before he could resist, he fainted.

The mechanical assistant just made by Lynk has not been shown in front of Bruce, so it will be the best choice to deal with Bruce.

Batman’s skirmishes aren’t that great, but if it’s a fight, Bruce rarely fails.

If you want to defeat Batman, the best choice is to make a surprise attack, and then you can’t let him escape, otherwise, the next time you meet, the person who falls will definitely not be Batman.

(End of this chapter)

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