
Chapter 14 13. “Clairvoyant” Garrett

“Okay, this is your communicator, now contact your superiors, since you are from that spy organization, then find someone to come and lead them.”

Lynk will take the communicator from those people and throw it away At the feet of the man who came up from the basement.

The current SHIELD is almost full of troublesome labels. If possible, he absolutely does not want to be involved with SHIELD at this time. These people are either Sky’s Eye people, or someone who does not know what to do with Sky’s Eye. It’s good news.

It’s just how to keep these guys from disturbing his life, Lynk naturally wants to chat with the superiors of these guys, at least to determine who these guys are.

Although Lynk doesn’t know much about the internals of SHIELD, when he watched American TV series, he still had some memories of some of the more famous characters, and of course it was limited to those few people.

Why Lynk is reluctant to communicate with SHIELD, mainly because it is impossible to determine the identity of the other party, except for Coulson, the village chief of Xinxing Village, SHIELD’s field agents are also good, Lynk is really unable to do so Judgment, so when the time comes to cooperate, I don’t know if I’m cooperating with SHIELD or I’m cooperating with Hydra.

The appearance of these guys has caused some problems in the relationship between Lynk and Bruce, but there is nothing to do about it, after all, Bruce does not know the internal problems of SHIELD, and on the Gotham City side, and Official cooperation can better combat crime, which is why Bruce’s attitude is slightly tougher.

Lynk used to disagree with Bruce’s concept of not killing, but after working with Bruce for a year, Lynk’s point of view has changed.

Bruce hopes to save the city. He turns into Batman to fight crime, and he will hand over the captured criminals to the police station, although many criminals will escape from prison and return to the city again. Go to Gotham City, but he let the people of Gotham City see that sins will be judged by the law, if he is as ruthless as Punisher, then this city that is very chaotic itself will become more chaotic.

On this point, Lynk admires Bruce very much. After all, among the criminals caught by Bliss, Lynk feels that he has used biological modification to transform these guys into human centipede that can move normally. normal handling.

Being able to stick to this point, Lynk has to say admiration, if it is not that those guys often jump out to do things, then Batman’s vigilante behavior will be perfect.

However, Lynk helped Bruce to send the scarecrow to hell first, and other dangerous elements, Lynk could easily deal with before he felt like he left.

Bruce pursues the double justice of the procedure and the result, but for various reasons, Batman cannot make the procedure completely just, while Lynk pursues the most direct result, as for Lynk’s own justice, then Depends on his mood.

Lynk controls the mechanical assistant, who will drive Bruce away from the factory in a fiery tank, as he waits for the arrival of the SHIELD people.

Seeing Lynk’s actions, the person Bruce took to the basement to communicate just now picked up the communicator and entered the communication channel.

In less than two hours, a group of black clothed persons came to the scene, and the leader was someone who made Lynk look familiar, but couldn’t remember who it was.

“Hello, Mr. Master Chief, I apologize to you on behalf of my subordinates. I don’t know what conditions you have. We will do our best to meet them.”

“To be honest, When I see you, I really have a headache. It’s always going to be a lot of trouble when it comes to a secret service organization like yours. If I can, I only have one request, and that is to treat me as if I haven’t seen me before and remove me from your information. Delete it from the library, if you don’t come to provoke me, I won’t provoke you either, as for other compensation, it’s unnecessary, I’m afraid you will have something behind.”

During the communication, Lynk Finally, by scanning the system, the identity of the man in front of him was determined, and a request was made that had no effect on SHIELD.

It can be said that this kind of request made by Lynk is completely for the sake of taking a step back, but the man in front of him simply won’t let Lynk go, because the other party is very much looking forward to getting Lynk’s technology.

Garrett, Lynk only remembers the name, and his nickname of “Clairvoyant”, a SHIELD member who was the villain in the first season of “Agents of SHIELD”, as for his Zodiac Aquarius The identity of the seat, in this world dominated by film and television dramas, should not appear.

If Lynk chooses a partner in SHIELD, then Garrett should be the best choice. This guy is recruited by Hydra in order to survive, and as the original life support system gradually fails, he is more It was with the power of SHIELD and Hydra that started the centipede plan, until it was finally killed by Coulson.

In the current era, who can help Garrett, Lynk is certainly doing his part.

“I can re-engineer you so that you can live like a normal person, on the condition that it just happened.”

Lynk’s voice sounded in Garrett’s ear , Garrett’s pupils contracted instantly, but soon returned to normal, but he quickly nodded slightly.

Although Garrett doesn’t know Lynk’s identity yet, Lynk’s current level of technology is completely ahead of the times. To, then when the time comes is Hydra and SHIELD wanted Lynk together.

Survival is Garrett’s pursuit. When he doesn’t know the needs of other agents, Garrett is the best target. Of course, the surgery cannot be done at one time, otherwise Lynk can’t guarantee whether Gotham will become him. Battle with SHIELD or Hydra.

The transformation technology of the Spartan warrior has not been put into practice after it was acquired by Lynk, but to satisfy Garrett, Lynk naturally needs to unlock other technologies.

“What agreement did you make with them?”

After the SHIELD guys left the scene, Bruce returned to the factory.

Although he was temporarily restricted by Lynk’s mechanical assistant, Bruce had no complaints. As the successor of the Wayne family, he knew very well how embarrassing the situation he was in.

If Lynk didn’t start with Bruce at that time, then Bruce caught between Lynk and SHIELD must be very difficult to do, and after Bruce was taken out of this matter, what happened between Lynk and SHIELD, For Bruce will not have too much influence, and even said that because of SHIELD, the Master Chief and Batman turned against each other, then SHIELD owes Bruce’s favor.

Bruce had these key points sorted out before returning to the factory, and it was natural for him to speak to Lynk.

(End of this chapter)

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