
Chapter 15 14. Parting ways


Batman smashed through the factory wall and flew out of the factory.

At this time, Lynk, who had put on a nano biochemical suit, walked out of the place where Bruce just broke.

Garrett, who was monitoring the scene through a wireless camera, saw what just happened, and he got a lot of interest in Lynk’s nano-suit.

When we first met, the high-tech armor on Lynk had already made Garrett look forward to it, and now another battle suit has been shown, and there are many details in it that are very similar to the battlesuit on Batman. resemblance.

“Batman’s battlesuit should use the technology of this battle suit, but it is not a complete version, which means that the opponent really masters this technology.”

Garrett After hearing that his squad was defeated by a legend that only existed in Gotham City, he immediately rushed to the scene, and then saw the highly technological armor, and at the same time Lynk said his unspeakable secret, which made him Garrett has some confidence in Lynk’s technology.

Seeing that all of Batman’s techniques are derived from this self-proclaimed “Master Chief”, Garrett has begun to think about what conditions should be offered for this mysterious person to do the work for him.

“Ward, have you filmed everything in the factory just now?”

“It’s all recorded, sir.”

Although It looks like Lynk has the initiative now, but Garrett isn’t going to give the initiative entirely to Lynk, or else when the time comes, Hydra will take full control as in the past.

With a Hydra already on top of his head, Garrett doesn’t want to find himself another “father”.

If Lynk knew what Garrett was thinking, he was guaranteed to laugh, and while he hoped to get something in Garrett’s hand, he wasn’t in control of Garrett’s thoughts.

Everyone is free, and imposing their will on others is not what Lynk wants to do.

Lynk prefers a one-shot deal, a deal is counted once, don’t mix too many emotions or other ideas in the deal, this is the principle he should abide by as an equipment supplier, but Lynk is still a People, since they are people, will naturally have Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and will have their own stance bias.

Bruce returned to the bat cave in a bit of an embarrassment. After taking off the battlesuit, he was covered in bruises and scars, which made Afu who came to the bat cave very distressed.

“Afu, don’t go to Lin’s place recently.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

Although I don’t know what happened, Afu is in Unnecessary moments, will not go against the will of their own Young Master.

Aver soon brought over the special effects medicament to inject Bruce.

The medical gel derived from Thor’s Hammer armor system was originally supposed to be used for first aid, but after a slight modification by Lynk, it can now also be used to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, of course, it is painful. The side effects have not gone away.

Bruce Wayne’s body should not have those overly obvious scars, so this kind of treatment has become Bruce’s daily routine.

Bruce gripped the edge of the recliner tightly with the intense pain, but the pain, which he had become accustomed to, was still pounding on Bruce’s nerves until Aver used up the can of gel.

Bruce, who was sweating profusely, slumped directly on the reclining chair, while Aver skillfully put the towel over Bruce’s body.

After this treatment, Bruce often rests on this reclining chair, and this is also something that can’t be helped. The strong pain makes Bruce enter a state of de-energization. Before recovering, he can only rest. Take a break here.

But the body can’t move, it doesn’t mean that Bruce is resting. At this time, Bruce’s mind is reviewing the battle between himself and Lynk.

Lynk’s body has been strengthened and transformed, which is something Bruce has known for a long time, and the defense of Thor’s Hammer armor has obviously exceeded his expectations, and Lynk was replaced with nanometers. After the biochemical suit, the movements are more flexible, and at the same time, the combat mode can be switched. If you fight in special terrain, Lynk is quite dangerous.

Bruce knew that Lynk wasn’t a villain, but he wasn’t ready to be a hero either. His flexible stance made Bruce worried that Lynk would one day stand against him.

Just based on the current information on Lynk, Bruce doesn’t see any hope of victory.

The technology currently used by Bruce is all provided by Lynk, and it is still a weakened version because the material is not up to standard. The suppression of technology makes Bruce’s tactics completely useless.

If one day Lynk becomes an opponent, Bruce thinks he must have a set of effective ways to deal with it, and before that he needs to get rid of Lynk’s technical dependence, and at the same time investigate clearly what Lynk has mastered. What kind of technology.

“Mr. Garrett, since you are here today, it means that there is a possibility of cooperation between us, but I want to ask first, do you want to return to the The life of a normal person is to become a Super Soldier like Captain America. Different requirements have different pricing. Seeing that this is our first cooperation, we will give you a discount of 5 million in advance. As for the balance and materials, it will be due to Your choice will change.”

Listening to Lynk’s very confident words, Garrett didn’t expect this time to come by himself, and there will be unexpected surprises, but a deposit of 5 million, which is not enough for a person For an ordinary SHIELD Level 8 Agent, it is really unsupportable, not to mention also the tail money and materials.

“Mr. Master Chief, I came here with sincerity, please show your sincerity.”

“There is no problem with that, I can show my skills , but only you can follow, and ask your people to stand in this area and not move around, otherwise they will die quickly.”

What is Lynk’s sincerity, naturally it can cure Garrett’s technology.

In the current era, there are not many people who are studying human body cultivator technology, such as Killian who will manufacture Extremis in the future. It can be said that nanotechnology is the basis of body cultivator recovery, and the rest is mechanical transformation. .

If it is a mechanical transformation, Lynk has many choices, and if Garrett wants his body to be no different from a normal person, then Lynk has to unlock the biochemical transformation technology. After all, Garrett’s life is threatened. Mainly because the internal organs are damaged, the internal organs can only be replaced by medical devices.

In order to show its technological level, Lynk put all of its trial products on the shelves.

Lynk led a tour of Garrett in the basement. After hearing Lynk’s function for these mechanical creations, his heartbeat has begun to speed up.

Although Lynk gave different options, Garrett was moved after hearing Super Soldier, but he still didn’t want to lose his human appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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