"What a beautiful woman! When will we have such a sexy beauty in the south of the Yangtze River

"Yes, yes! This beauty is simply set sexy, dignified, elegant in one, is simply a rare sex appeal! In my opinion, she is enough to be the first beauty in Jiangnan

The passers-by were all attracted by Su Fangfei's beautiful posture. They all had a pig's face, and the saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth.

These men, who were seduced by Su Fangfei's beautiful posture and seduced by the evil fire, roared and yelled at each other, and the scene was out of control for a time.

Seeing and listening to the commotion around him, Xue Longqing did not show any anger at all, but was even more elated in his heart:

"hum, a bunch of rubbish! Let's just let you have a few more eyes. No matter how much you covet, you can only get the body of a beautiful woman tonight, only Ben Shao! "

"Beautiful ladies, let's eat as little as you like?" Xue Longqing looks at Su Fangfei's attractive body and smiles.

However, no one thought that Su Fangfei, who was calm and calm, ignored Xue Longqing directly. She walked into the Regal Hotel alone with her skirt and crystal stiletto!

Su Fangfei's move made Xue Longqing's gentlemanly gesture seem to be holding the air. The scene suddenly froze!

"Su Fangfei! You

Xue Longqing clenched his hands and clenched his silver teeth. He looked at Su Fangfei's graceful back with anger.

I don't know what he thought of, but Xue Longqing was relieved in an instant.

One hand even reached into his trouser pocket and pinched the drug, which was specially made for people to get from abroad. Xue Longqing's face gradually showed a lewd smile.

"Su Fangfei, no matter how hard you struggle, it's futile! There's this special aphrodisiac from Southeast Asia. You can be a chaste girl. After the banquet, Ben Shao will turn you into a prostitute in my crotch

"Meng ran, Meng ran, you beautiful cousin, I would like to taste it for you! Ha ha ha

With a hearty laugh, Xue Longqing strides towards the hotel!


Under the dark night, a civil aviation plane across the border of the north of the Yangtze River is heading for Jinghua International Airport in Jiangnan province.

In the cabin of an airplane, a middle-aged couple is talking in a low voice.

"Zhiyuan, what happened in Jiangnan? Why didn't you even say hello in advance and suddenly transferred you, the director of the Municipal Bureau of health? "

The middle-aged beautiful woman with a low voice, wearing a suit and skirt, is dignified and decent.

The middle-aged man sitting next to her has already taken off his coat, wearing a white lining often worn by politicians, with gold rimmed glasses, and elegant.

At the moment, he was holding a newspaper in his hand, looking at it attentively.

Hearing his spouse's inquiry, he could not help but put down the newspaper, slowly took off the pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, rubbed his eyebrows, and explained in a slightly tired voice:

"before leaving, vice mayor Yao had already informed me. There have been many terrorist attacks on this side of the Yangtze River. The entire people's Hospital of Jinghua City has been destroyed, and even the orthopedic hospital has been affected. "

"At present, there is a serious shortage of manpower at the Health Bureau of Jinghua City. Nie Qianli, who was also the director of the Health Bureau of Jinghua City, was also killed in the attack. They sent me here, naturally, to take the post of director of the Health Bureau of Jinghua City to clean up the mess. "

In the words, the gentle man is slightly dissatisfied, obviously is not willing to take over this hot potato.

This speech, Rao is a beautiful woman with extraordinary insight and almost screams.

"The whole people's hospital was blown up? What kind of terrorists are they? Dare they be so bold! "

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