The gentle man shook his head slightly and sighed: "I don't know. These are all state secrets. I am a small director of the Health Bureau. How can I be qualified to ask?"

As if he remembered something, the gentle man could not help but remind him:

"by the way, I came to Beijing in a hurry and didn't inform Yufei in advance. You can call your daughter when you get off the plane. I'm afraid we'll have to stay in Beijing for some time this time. "

The middle-aged lady nodded, thinking of her daughter, she could not help sighing with some worry:

"well, Yufei, the child, has never laughed since the incident in Wuyin mountain villa. It seems that she can never forget the Meng Xianshi..."

At the mention of the name "Meng Xianshi", the gentle man's face suddenly looks a little ugly. In his mind, he immediately remembered Meng Ran's ascent to the sky in Wuyin mountain villa in Jiangzhou on that day


The suburban garden villa in the night is quiet and frightening. In addition to the footsteps of special soldiers patrolling, there is no sound.

A gust of cool wind hit, which made the four soldiers in black shiver at the basement door. The first strong warrior whispered in a low voice:

"what a strange wind, it's really cold."

Just at this time, the majestic warrior seemed to see the air in front of him, and there was a ripple!

It's like someone threw a stone into the lake, and the whole space rippled up.

The majestic warrior thought that he was dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes and looked up, but there was nothing left. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva and whispering to the three people beside him: "Hey, did you just see..."

However, he did not wait for his voice to fall, but suddenly felt a breath of incomparable terror to lock himself firmly. The whole person could not make a sound any more, and he was frozen in place in an instant!

"Mr. Xu?"

The three warriors beside him, not knowing why, looked at each other.

Seeing that the majestic warrior ignored himself, a warrior couldn't help patting him on the shoulder. He was about to ask, but he saw that the martial arts master, who had reached the peak of his internal skill, fell to the ground all of a sudden!

With his eyes wide open, he seemed to see something terrible, and his whole face was twisted and deformed.

Only then did the three discover that a drop of scarlet oozes from his brow!

A master who has reached the realm of martial arts master will be killed quietly!

"Death Dead

Just feeling the whole body cold three people just reacted, but saw a transparent figure, from the three people in front of the walk!

In the moment of passing, three scarlet blood lines shot out from the neck of three people!

The iron door of the basement is splashed with blood.


At this time, Meng ran, who was sitting on the ground and refining the immortal blood in his body, opened his eyes fiercely!

"It's just one last point to break through the memory seal in my mind!"

Before the appearance of this transparent figure, Meng ran had tried to seal his mind twice, both of which ended in failure.

According to Meng Ran's estimation, with his current skills, he can only break the seal of memory by practicing until tomorrow morning.

Now, it's too late.

The transparent figure seems to be an invisible thing. It has passed through the gate of the basement without hindrance, and is walking towards Meng ran step by step!

"Meng ran, Meng ran, should I praise your courage or say you are naive?"

A cold grin, like a grindstone, came from all directions, like the ghost of hell.

"Chen Ziyang, it's really you!"

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