It is night, the moon is bright and the stars are rare. Under the curtain of night, Beijing is a prosperous scene of singing and dancing.

The silver moon falls down, and the silver light shines on the capital of Jiangnan Province, just like a pearl.

It was late at night, most of the residents in Yunshan district had already turned off their lights to sleep, while the old building in the center of the community was full of lights on the sixth floor.

Through the layers of walls, a beautiful girl with short hair is sitting at the head of the bed with a doll of Mickey Mouse in her arms and her fragrant cheeks in her hands.

The girl's eyes fell out of the window, as if waiting for someone's return.

"Will something happen to xiaoranzi?"

After coming back from the garden villa, Yin Qingxue's whole person is not thinking about tea and rice, but only Meng Ran's figure in his mind.

She had been waiting for hours, and her heart became more and more uneasy. She always felt that something important was going to happen.

Before leaving, Meng ran once told Yin Qingxue that her memory would be restored tomorrow, so that Yin Qingxue didn't have to worry.

But now Yin Qingxue wants to come. If those people are going to fight Meng ran tonight, what should we do?

"No! I can't leave xiaoranzi there alone

Yin Qingxue's bright beautiful eyes, a decisive color, change clothes, turn out of bed, take a taxi, toward the Jinhu District anxiously come.


"Ziyang! It is the most evil and evil skill to eat the Dharma and seize the yuan. As a descendant of the Heavenly Master's way, how can you practice this skill? "

"Ziyang! Where are you taking me! Will you take my advice? Go back! Before making a big mistake, it's still time to look back

In the sky at night, a sad voice flashed away.

Looking from afar, there is a bloody God rainbow in the sky, like a rainbow passing through the sun!

Its speed is not inferior to the speed of sound!

At this time, Ning Feixuan, who was tightly held by Chen Ziyang, looked at the ferocious blood lines on Chen Ziyang's face, which was just like a spider's web.

She couldn't figure out why the elder brother, who had been a childhood sweetheart with her, was like a gentleman in her eyes.

"Turn back? Xuanmei, this is it. Do you want me to turn back? Ha ha ha Chen Ziyang only heard Tianda's joke and laughed.

"Of course you can go back! You are just practicing the evil skill of swallowing Dharma and seizing yuan Jue. As long as you are willing to give up your skill and go to plead with immortal daoxuan, immortal daoxuan will certainly forgive you if you are like a parent-child! "

Ning Feixuan quickly advised, even if there is a trace can make Chen Ziyang back, she Ning Feixuan are not willing to give up.

"Self abandoning skill? My skill of Chen Ziyang is not inferior to Meng ran! I'm the real number one! I had a hard time getting everything I wanted. Why should I give up? "

Chen Ziyang suddenly turned his head, a pair of monstrous red blood pupil, staring at Ning Feixuan, as if choosing a man and eating a beast in general, ferocious and terrifying.

Rather than being afraid, Ning Feixuan stroked Chen Ziyang's face with her hands, and felt like a knife in her heart.

"Ziyang, come back, ningfeixuan, please. I don't want to lose your elder brother."

However, Ning Feixuan's sincere words, in Chen Ziyang's ear, it is like a thunderbolt from the sky!

"Brother!? Xuan Mei! For you, I don't hesitate to give up my status as a teacher of heaven and cultivate this magic skill! I stabbed Liu Sheng piaoyue! Kill the warrior who guards the blood demon, and kill the skinny monkey! All I have done is for you

"Why! Why can't you have a little affection for me? Xuanmei, why do you do this to me! "

Chen Ziyang is crazy, hatred is towering, fiercely stops the body shape, raises the sky to roar.

Surrounded by blood, he completely revealed his real posture after demonization, just like the reappearance of blood demon!

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