Above the clouds, Ning Feixuan is full of heartache, looking at the bloody demon figure in front of him.

Ning Feixuan how also did not expect, make Chen Ziyang become the culprit of this pair of appearance, unexpectedly is meeting her own!

"Ziyang I I've always regarded you as a brother, not a man or woman. " Ning Feixuan did not know how to face Chen Ziyang.

"Brother!? You and I have been childhood sweethearts since we were young. Can't our love for more than ten years be comparable to the two months you and Meng ran had? "

"Why? What do you tell me, Ning Feixuan! Why can't you like me, Chen Ziyang, if you can like him? "

"I practice evil skills, devour blood demons, kill lean monkeys, and blame Meng ran! Ning Feixuan, do you know what I've done is for you

"But what has he done for you!? He only has Su Fangfei and Yin Qingxue in his heart. He won't fall in love with you

From Chen Ziyang's two pupils, the bloody God's awn bursts out, exploding the lead clouds under the sky and night into a void!

At the moment, Chen Ziyang, because of the stimulation of Ning Feixuan, the whole person has already begun to go crazy. Human nature gradually disappears in his pupil and is replaced by the monstrous nature!

Ning Feixuan that perfect pick out no trace of flaws delicate face, tears have not dried up, but to this moment, she is a calm, just slightly shook her head.

Because she has already realized clearly, Chen Ziyang has been completely possessed by the devil and can't turn back.

"It's his business whether he loves me or not. It's my business whether I love him or not. Ziyang, what you have done is not because you love me, but because you are jealous. From the beginning to the end, you are jealous of Meng ran. Don't you understand? "

"Jealousy? Would you envy him? This seat has been built into the world God realm! He Meng Ran is no match for us! How can I envy a waste

Demonizing Chen Ziyang, he sent out bursts of shrill laughter, as if hearing a joke from Tianda.

"Ziyang, you should not, should not, should not kill the thin monkey, should not kill the innocent!" Ning Feixuan face if frost, cold voice rebuke.

"I am invincible in the world for a long time! This seat is God! It is the God who controls the life and death of people in the world! I will kill whoever I want! It's not time for you to talk too much

Chen Ziyang, whose mind is completely lost, is suddenly killing Ning Feixuan at this moment!

The bloody hand is flying in the air, and a bloody palm print is pure condensed from the true Qi. It is like the hand of an ancient god, strangling ningfeixuan's delicate body in the air!

"Ha ha! Ning Feixuan, now you know your invincible skill! Ha ha ha

Chen Ziyang, like a demon, laughs wantonly and enjoys the pleasure of playing with the life and death of others in applause.

At this moment, as long as Chen Ziyang urges a little more skill, Ning Feixuan, who is strangled by blood palm, will die.

The dark red streamed from the corner of Ning Feixuan's mouth and dripped on her black leather dress.

Faced with the threat of death, Ning Feixuan is not afraid at all. At the moment, her mind is full of Meng Ran's pretty figure.

A line of clear tears rolled down from the corner of Ning Feixuan's eyes and whispered:

"Meng ran, if there is an afterlife, please meet me before meeting them, ok..."

At the time of my death, I suddenly heard that I was shocked to drink!

"Chen Ziyang, stubborn, is the evil that you can't explore and break!"

At first hearing this, he demonized Chen Ziyang and raised his head.

"Oh? Meng ran, you are here at last

At the end of my eyes, the sky is covered with clouds, the light wind is sparse, and the shadow of white clothes immortal is not covered!

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