In the luxury villa, Zhuang Jian, who had already turned off the light and was sleeping, suddenly called out and woke up from the nightmare!


It seems that he had some terrible nightmare. Mr. Zhuang's forehead is covered with sweat, and his face is even more pale.

Seeing that the scene was still around him, Zhuang Jian could not help but clap his chest, took a deep breath of turbid Qi, and said to himself, "fortunately, it's a dream."

"Wang ma?" Zhuang Jian suddenly yelled at the outside of the bedroom, and a middle-aged maid immediately pushed the door in.

"Young master, what can I do for you?" "Wang Ma," a middle-aged maid, asked respectfully.

"Help ben to get out of bed, Ben Shao has to go to the toilet." Facing the maid who has been serving him for several years, Zhuang Jian snorted coldly and yelled impatiently.


The maid nodded respectfully, helped Zhuang Jian into the wheelchair and pushed out of the room.

"Wang Ma, my mother, did she sleep?" It seems to think of something, Zhuang Jian is a little uneasy, no reason to ask.

"Madam, the light has just been turned off. Can I help you, young master? Shall I push you over? "

However, a few seconds after Wang Ma opened her mouth, Zhuang Jian still did not answer.

Wang Ma couldn't help but have a little doubt and asked, "young master? Shall I push you over? "

However, the young master Zhuang in the wheelchair still did not have a trace of reaction, as if he were asleep.

"Young master?"

No matter how Wang Ma shouts, Zhuang Jian in the wheelchair still has no answer.

At this time, a burnt smell suddenly filled the whole living room.

"What's burning?" Wang Ma was startled. She released her hands pushing the wheelchair. Looking around, she found nothing.

The rest of Wang Ma's eyes can not help but sweep to Zhuang Jian's body, but it is a frightening discovery that her young master's heart is actually burning a red flame!

This terrible flame, as if it had life, instantly devoured Zhuang Jian!

Zhuang Jian didn't even have time to send out a scream, and the whole person was completely burned by the terrible flame, and no bones survived!

A living person turned into a mass of ashes in a twinkling of an eye!


Wang Ma, who witnessed this terrible scene, was scared out of her wits and fled to the villa.

Wang Ma's scream awakened Zhuang Mu who had just fallen asleep.

"This idiot! What's the name of the ghost in the middle of the night! I'll have to let this bitch go tomorrow

Zhuang's mother scolded angrily and kicked the silk quilt covered on her body open. She was about to get out of bed, but suddenly she caught a glimpse of a figure outside the window!

Looking up, it was a young man in black windbreaker.

At the moment, he, like a ghost in general, his feet are actually standing in the air, through the window, sneering at himself!

Zhuang's mother, who was frightened to be cold, could not help but hold her head and scream: "ghost What a ghost

However, her voice did not fall, but it was a frightening discovery. A red flame burst out of the boy's double pupils!

The red flame melted the window glass in an instant and fell on Zhuang Mu's body!

Then, in a burst of screams, Zhuang's mother turned into a mass of ashes and did not exist in the world!


This night, the same scene, in the city of Jinghua staged one after another.

Chairman of Tianhe Group, chairman of Yaobang group, chairman and general manager of Runfa group

In addition to these group bosses, there are more than a dozen lawyers from several law firms, and the person in charge of real estate projects in Jinghua City

Dozens of rich and famous people, Group executives, in this dark night, all turned into a group of ashes!

This night is destined to be a shocking night in Jiangnan!

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