As the night goes by, when the morning light spreads over this water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the land of Jiangnan province also causes unprecedented shock!

But in one night, dozens of rich people died in Beijing! Even three of them are among the top ten richest people in Jiangnan Province, worth more than 10 billion!

With the death of these rich people, their group company immediately fell into the awkward situation of no leader.

According to informed sources, the death of these rich people is extremely strange! It is very likely that some unclean things have been contaminated, which leads to revenge and murder!

Because these rich people's death method, surprisingly consistent, all are burned to ashes by the flame!

There are even many relatives of the dead, witnessed the terrible scene of his death!

But the scene monitoring, but did not leave any suspicious picture, according to criminal investigation experts speculated that the cause of death of these rich people, should be spontaneous combustion!

In addition to these dozens of rich people, a group of lawyers, as well as the political leaders of Beijing City, died in the same night!

The death of all people, surprisingly consistent!

One night, all kinds of speculation, has spread throughout the whole city of Beijing, a time of panic.

In particular, those dignitaries and dignitaries almost have to crush the gate of the temple and Taoist temple, praying for God and worshiping Buddha, for fear that this disaster will affect them.

Jinghua City, special department branch base.

Ning Feixuan looked at the intelligence collected from all over the city of Beijing. In her beautiful blue eyes, she was about to burst out flames.

"This bastard! What happened last night must have something to do with him. What does he want to do? "

Her delicate body trembled, hoping to kill someone with lightning power.

At this time, a rush knock on the door came in.

"Who is it?" Ning Feixuan roared, murderous.

But see muscle man Gao Junwu, holding a pile of thick folder, sad face came forward.

"Captain, these are the materials sent by Dongping law firm. It is said that nine lawyers died last night..."

The more Gao Junwu said, the smaller the voice, this muscular man, in front of Ning Feixuan, who was about to run away, was just as silent as a cicada.


Seeing that Ning Feixuan did not respond, Gao Junwu raised his head in a low voice and secretly glanced at Ning Feixuan.

It's good not to ask Gao Junwu. When Gao Junwu asked, she immediately ran away, smashed Gao Junwu with a folder and roared, "get out of here!"

Gao Junwu crawled away from the office for fear that the elder sister would pursue him.

"Meng ran, you bastard!" Ning Feixuan angrily scolds, and then takes out the mobile phone, dials Ning Wenbin's mobile phone number.

"Dudu Dudu..."

"Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is not answered. Please dial again later..."

"Strange, second uncle, where are you going these two days? How come nobody answers the phone?" Ning Feixuan slightly some doubts, since the day before yesterday, she has not seen Ning Wenbin.

Ning Feixuan originally wanted to tell Ning Wenbin about this matter and ask him for his opinion. Now Ning Wenbin is not in and Ning Feixuan doesn't know what to do.

Hesitating for a moment, Ning Feixuan is finally determined.

"Gao Junwu! Go to Ziqiong villa with me


"What? Zhuang Jian and his mother died at home last night? "

suqiong villa, heard this news Su Fang Fei, painted pink lipstick with delicate red lips, immediately Zhang Zhang, Yu Rong wrote full of surprise.

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