"Damn it! Son of a bitch! Did he know something and wanted to revenge for the mother's parents!? If I knew, I shouldn't have left her! Su Yuliang, you bastard! When I die, I still have this evil seed to do harm to me! "

Meng Changzhi bowed his head and hurriedly stepped out of the bedroom door. On the other hand, his face was gloomy as water, and he angrily scolded in his heart.

Because too angry, so that he did not notice, and the door of Meng ran brush past, Meng ran mouth that touch of irony.

"No! We must find someone to kill that cheap woman. Otherwise, if she really clings to her parents' death, sooner or later, I will be exposed! "

Just as Meng Changzhi's face became more and more gloomy and he had already started to think about killing Su Fangfei, a cold smile was heard in his ear:

"did Meng let you go?"

Meng Changzhi's body was stiff. He felt a sharp cold wind stabbing his back!


A white palm as white as jade, as if an old friend said hello, as if nothing happened on Meng Changzhi's shoulder!

Meng Changzhi's heart "cluttered" all of a sudden, hard to turn around, four eyes relative.

But see Meng ran looking at his uncle.

Meng Changzhi's cold sweat was like rain. He felt that all his secrets were seen through in front of this pair of eyes!

"Meng ran! You What would you do? I'm your uncle! Let go However, Meng ran turned a deaf ear to him, just like a beast staring at his prey.

Seeing this young man, he still didn't want to let himself go. Meng Changzhi yelled at Meng Chang'an in his voice:

"Meng Chang'an! You don't mind your son! I'm his uncle! Is he going to do something to me? "

However, Meng Chang'an frowned, and said, "elder brother, is there another secret about Su Fangfei's parents' suicide? Do you know anything? "

At that time, Su Yuliang, Su Fangfei's father, had been taking care of Meng Chang'an as his own brother. He was also a famous charity entrepreneur in Lingzhou and was praised by local people.

The relationship between Su Yuliang and the Meng family is also quite good. The two families help each other in Lingzhou.

But later, Su Yuliang and his wife, seemingly in business failure, both committed suicide. They just entrusted the young Su Fangfei to Meng Chang'an and his wife.

At that time, Meng Chang'an felt that the couple's death was a little tricky. However, Meng Chang'an and song Shuling had already betrayed their families at that time. They had to work hard for their livelihood all day long, so they had no time to thoroughly investigate the death of Su Yuliang and his wife.

Later, after Meng Chang'an became the director of the beirao county government office, he wanted to investigate the matter thoroughly, but he found that everything in that year had already changed. Whether it was the case file or the autopsy report, all of them were mysteriously missing.

Become an unsolved case!

Seeing that Meng Chang'an also opened his mouth to look back on the past, Meng Changzhi was completely flustered. Facing a crowd of security guards in the mansion, he yelled:

"security! security staff! Catch this little beast for me

However, just as he spoke, Meng ran was attached to his ears, like a devil whispering:

"Meng Changzhi, I thought it was wrong at that time. Why did you always have trouble with my father and suppressed him so that he had to quit Lingzhou officialdom. If Meng is right, you don't want him to find out the truth about Su Fangfei's parents' death? "

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