While Meng ran whispered, he saw more than a dozen security guards in the mansion rushed to the second floor in succession.

"Let me go, little bunny! Oh, my God! You dare to do it to your uncle! "

Meng Changzhi roared, trying to get rid of Meng Ran's big hand, but it was a frightening discovery. Meng Ran's palm was like a foothill oppressed on his shoulder!

No matter how he resisted, he could hardly break free!

"Child! He's your uncle. Let him go Meng Xingzhi was so angry that he shivered all over.

"Meng ran, let big brother go! If you make such a fool of yourself, don't blame our elders for not being sensitive and send you to the public security bureau! "

Second uncle Meng Changchang and sister-in-law Meng Yingying are both angry.

Meng ran just turned a deaf ear to him. However, he put one hand on his uncle's shoulder, just like dragging a corpse. He ignored these security guards, and Shengsheng wanted to drag him downstairs!

"You trash, don't catch him!" Meng ran dragged on the ground by Meng Ran's eldest son, an old face flushed, and his lung was almost inflamed.

The little beast dragged him to the ground, which clearly did not regard him as a human being!

He Meng Changzhi, as the second leader in the official circles of Lingzhou City, looked at Lingzhou, who saw him not bow and bow, how ever suffered such humiliation?

"Young master! Let go, or we'll be rude to you More than a dozen security guards Shua Shua out of the waist of the electric stick, will Meng ran surrounded, impenetrable.

They also heard about Meng Ran's identity. He was Meng Xingzhi's grandson. They didn't dare to attack Meng ran. They just pretended to scare him off.

However, this group of ordinary people would not know that the young man they were facing was not a weak scholar, but an immortal statue who had killed the sun, the moon and the stars!

"Xiaoran, don't hurt them!" Song Shuling spoke anxiously, for fear that Aizi would miss her and cause her death.

But when she opened her mouth, Meng ran had already stepped out!

As if the ancient god stepped on the sky, this seemingly light foot stepped out, but it broke the whole staircase on the spot!


The roar is like a heavy gun coming out of the chamber, causing a terrible sound like thunder!

This group of security guards with electric batons had no time to respond. They felt the ground shaking, and their feet were shaking. One by one, they went down the stairs with the collapse of dumplings.

Seven meat and eight vegetables smashed down the flower bed at the bottom of the building, a cry of pain and sorrow, resounding through.

The dull noise in the backyard almost startled the whole Meng family's house, and even in the reception hall, the chatting guests all turned pale.

"What's the matter?"

Meng Shiqing and Meng Jincheng, who are entertaining people instead of their elders, suddenly get up and stare straight at the backyard.

Just put a piece of soft glutinous and delicious crispy sugar into Fang rubing's red mouth. He almost choked, and he was stunned and said, "this voice Can't it be the teacher who did it? "

"But Xiaoran, he just went to the backyard. Did he conflict with those elders of the Meng family so soon?"

"Bingfan, let's go and have a look."

Su Fangfei, who is absolutely gorgeous, is nervous. She steps on fashionable and sexy high-heeled shoes and pushes away those childish friends who want to chat up with her, and runs anxiously to the backyard with Fang rubing.

"Sister Shiqing, look! Su Fangfei, they both ran to the backyard! They must know something. Shall we follow them? "

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