
Longma's confused hissing sound resounded all over the country.

In the city of Jiangzhou, where the wind is blowing, pedestrians are in a hurry, and the snowflakes falling all over the sky are falling, just like the bliss of this prosperous age, playing the final chapter of the world.

As the companion spirit of Hongmeng and Xingzhou, the royal blood of the dragon and horse clan, at this moment, this little guy, however, has no clue at all!

Under the white snow decoration, everything in Jiangzhou city seems so plain.

But the more so, the more unusual the little fellow felt!

Only because of the surprise in Song Anqi's expression, it doesn't seem to be faking at all!

On the other hand, song Anqi, a little girl, at the moment, is still not aware of something wrong with Long Ma. Her eyes are vividly falling on the staggering figure in the wind and snow.

He was a young man in a plain robe. The style and thinness of the robe were incompatible with the cold weather in Jiangzhou city.

Young people hold a bottle gourd in one hand, and fill their mouths with strong liquor. In this icy and snowy land, on the street where pedestrians are in a hurry, they are staggering and falling.

As if to go to Beijing for the exam failed scholar general, frustrated.

What's more, she shivered because of her thin clothes. Half of her side face, which was left to her, was faintly blue with cold.

Although Jiangzhou city is in the economic backwater of Jiangbei Province, it is already the 21st century. In this kind of modern city, the youth's dress up and behavior are simply the alternative among the alternatives.

However, for some reason, it seems that no one has ever seen the frustrated young man on the road. Apart from Song Anqi, none of them have paid attention to this young man from the beginning to the end

It makes this frustrated young man more lonely and desolate

All of a sudden, a soft voice full of doubts, suddenly sounded.

"Meng Brother Meng ran? "

The young man who is looking up and pouring wine seems to hear something that shouldn't appear. The foot stepping on the air is suddenly frozen in the air, and can't step down!

Because of the cold and shivering thin body, is motionless, rigid in this side of the ice and snow.

At this moment, song Anqi and this frustrated young man were stunned at the same time.

Just like this heaven and earth, this space-time, are all static for it!

"You Are you really brother Meng ran? "

Song Anqi, who clearly recognized the young man's side face, did not realize what kind of existence she saw!

Just blinking that pair of clear eyes like water, staring at this depressed youth holding wine gourd.


Can be held in the arms of the little girl long horse, do not understand the hissing sound is increasingly fierce.

Where do you have your own master brother?

At the end of her eyes, there is nothing at all!

The little girl whose eyes were all attracted by the down and out youth still ignored Long Ma. She was about to move forward, but there was a burst of car horn ringing in her ear.

A truck full of goods, from the road in a hurry, splashed a large pool of thick black snow mud.

But the next scene, it is to make song Anqi only feel unspeakable heartache.

However, the poor young man with thin clothes seemed to be too slow to avoid. He was splashed with snow and mud by the truck.

It seems that he is a down and out young man who has no strength to bind a chicken. The whole person falls to the ground at once. The wine gourd in his hand falls off, and the wine "Dudu" is sprinkled all over the floo

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