Gudu gudu

The turbid wine keeps falling on the snow along the wine gourd. In a twinkling of an eye, the dirty wine gourd is already half empty.

The young man splashed half of his body. He didn't care about his sore body and wiped off the snow and mud all over his face. As if he were crazy, he crawled up from the ground and tried to pick up the wine gourd that had been spilled most of the time

Song an Qi lenglengleng looking at this depressed and miserable youth, is about to step forward, but suddenly hesitated.

"Brother Meng Ran is so skilled that he can't even avoid the snow and mud? He just looks like brother Meng ran. What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? "

The young lady, who wanted to be a little angry, began to wrinkle her nose.

The frustrated young man with snow mud on his face just wanted to hold the wine gourd, but he saw a small white hand, picked up the wine gourd from the snow mud and handed it to him cleverly.

In his ear, a little girl's soft, sticky and greasy voice was heard:

"well, are you an antique lover or are you playing Cosplay? In such a cold weather, how can you only wear this kind of clothes? I'll send... "

As the frustrated young man slowly raised his head, Xiao Ni Zi's voice suddenly stopped!

The dirty wine gourd she picked up fell to the ground!

"Meng Brother Meng ran! "

Xiaoni son lenglengleng looking at the whole face of this frustrated youth, the whole person is completely frozen in place.

The young man in a plain robe had long hair hanging down in disorder, covering most of his face. The hair tips were stained with dirt and dirt, and his chin was covered with stubbles and unkempt.

It seems to be because of a long time not sleeping, deep pouch, eyes dim.

The winter wind is bleak, blowing the youth's scattered long hair, so that song angqi clearly saw his face stained with snow and mud!

Not Meng ran, who is it!?

That killed Jiangbei Jiangnan, head rolling, the top Chinese banished immortal, how can be so sad!?

That cross pressure wanzu, town kill the way of heaven too ran xianzun, how miserable here!?

Song Anqi looked at the young man in front of her. She felt the pain of tearing her heart, and her tears flowed out of her eyes like a spring.

Song Anqi threw down the dragon and horse in her arms, warm and white hands, gently picked up Meng Ran's dirty face, and then, regardless of them, held him in her arms!

"Brother Meng ran What's wrong with you, brother Meng ran!? Answer me

Song Anqi is more sure than anyone. The young man in front of her is definitely her brother Meng ran!

Even if she is mistaken for song Xiaohui, Pei Jun, or anyone in her life, she definitely recognizes her brother Meng ran!

"Gee? Gee! Gee! "

At this moment, in front of this scene, the dragon horse several want to be mad.

The little guy rushed forward again and again, biting at Song angqi's sleeve, trying to wake her up from the state of "bewilderment.".

Because in the eyes of this ancient holy beast, there is no Meng Ran's figure at all!

There are only song Anqi, holding the air, losing heart like crazy self talk!

Song Anqi's sobs are floating in the ice and snow.

Passers-by, see this lovely girl talking to herself, can not help but stop to watch and point.

"I said," what's the matter with this little girl? Should not be abandoned by a boyfriend? It's pathetic to cry. "

"Oh, isn't that beautiful? Don't you think she looks like a star? "

"Wait, what's that little thing? Such a small horse? How lovely

The passers-by, what the eye sees, is the same as the dragon and horse.

In front of me, this scene is just song Anqi holding the air and talking to herself!

However, as far as song Anqi is concerned, her brother Meng Ran is in front of her.

It is so true!

"You You can see me? "

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