When the old man and Mu Qingya are still discussing how to thank Meng ran, Meng Ran has come to Wenquan community.

Meng Ran's family is in beirao county. His mother rented a house for him because he was studying in Jianghua.

Wenquan community here is just an ordinary residence, most of them are ordinary office workers. The rent of 1500 yuan a month is not expensive for Meng ran.

Although Meng Ran's family is not a rich family, it is not poor.

However, Meng ran was too naughty in junior high school, and later his parents were much more strict with him. As for the pocket money, song Shuling always controlled him very well and never gave him more points. Thinking of this, Meng ran couldn't help shaking her head and laughing bitterly.

It's not that song Shuling doesn't love Meng ran. On the contrary, song Shuling has always had great expectations for Aizi. Although Meng Ran's grades have always been average, song Shuling firmly believes that Meng ran will be admitted to Yanjing University, otherwise she will not spend 300000 to send him to Jianghua.

Farewell to drive back to his brother, Meng ran slowly toward the community.

It was about two o'clock in the middle of the night, and the whole community was silent.

A woman's scream suddenly cut through the night sky, but also disrupted Meng Ran's thoughts.

The voice is not far away from Meng ran, which is only a few hundred meters away. When Meng ran rushes past, a dark shadow has already rushed out of the gate of the community. Meng ran picks up the crying girl on the ground. With the help of the dim light, she recognizes that she is actually his classmate.

"You? What happened? How did you cut your face? "

Meng ran frowned and found that on the delicate face of the tall girl, there was actually a bloodstain with the length of a little finger.

This girl Meng ran still has some impression in her mind. She is the lead singer of the school band and one of the three school flowers of the school.

At this time, the girl supported by Meng ran was wearing a pair of light blue denim shorts, a Hello Kitty white T-shirt and a long ponytail on her upper body. Her white melon seed face was pear blossom with rain on her white face. She could not help but want to take care of her.

"Brother Meng ran?" As soon as the girl saw that she was Meng ran, she burst into tears and burst into tears, holding Meng Ran's chest.

One day, Meng ran, who was hugged by two girls and cried loudly, was also a little embarrassed. It was really indecent Indecent.

"Cough, aunt song Angel, what's going on here? Don't cry. I see your face is scratched. I'll take you to bandage it first. "

Song Anqi nodded, but she was unwilling to leave from Meng Ran's chest. However, Meng ran could only take song Anqi upstairs in this way.

With the light on, Meng Ran's room is also clear, the room is clean, all kinds of living things are piled up neatly, Meng Ran is a very self-discipline person, attitude towards life is very serious.

The decoration of the house is not so exquisite. After all, the rent of 1500 yuan is not so much required by Meng ran. It is simple and simple with three bedrooms and one living room.

She poured a glass of water to song Anqi and asked her to sit on the sofa for a while. Meng ran went to the bedroom. Meng ran remembered that there was a medicine box at home, which was always stocked with gauze, iodophor, band aid and other common medicines.

At the very least, if Meng Ji wanted to remove the scar, she could only do it for herself.

"Ah, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. I didn't expect that Meng ran would be reduced to worrying about my accomplishments." With a silent sigh, Meng ran found his small medicine box under the bed and came to the living room to bandage the wound for song Anqi.

"Brother Meng ran, do you still bandage the wound?" Song angqi did not cry, blinking her small eyes, curiously looked at the ordinary boy.

In the previous life, Meng ran, an ordinary looking student with no money and no power, was able to get acquainted with this university flower because they both had some interests in music. Of course, the most important thing was that Meng ran had some literary talent. In order to pursue Jiang Yufei, Meng ran once wrote a song for her, which was sung by song Anqi.

I heard that it was recorded by song Anqi and sent to Youku. There were hundreds of thousands of clicks. It was also a beautiful talk of the school at that time.

In fact, in terms of beauty, song Anqi is not as good as the other two school girls. However, she has a kind of soft and water like temperament, which is particularly attractive. In addition, she is the lead singer of the band. She has a beautiful voice and is good at sentimental love songs, which has won her a large number of fans.

In her last life, Meng ran later heard that song angqi had become an online singer with hundreds of thousands of fans. She was also a little star.

It is Meng ran. In the last life, she had a good feeling for song Anqi, but it was similar to that of brother and sister.

And at the moment, Meng ran looked at the lovely appearance of the girl's blinking eyes, but also some speechless. I can't tell her, let alone bandage the wound. I've even saved the dead. Anyway, song Anqi certainly won't believe

"Brother Meng ran, you seem to have grown tall? How do you feel white? It seems to be whiter than me... " Song Anqi looked at the white palm of her hand, which even girls were jealous of, and suddenly exclaimed.As for this question, Meng Ran is more difficult to answer her

"It's wrapped up. What happened just now? Is there a robbery? " Meng ran poured himself a glass of water, and he also poured a cup to song Anqi.

Song Anqi, who was just in a relaxed mood, cried again after hearing this.

Meng ran rubbed her eyebrows and felt a headache. Suddenly, she felt that the world of cultivating immortals was good. At least, she didn't have to coax girls

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