"Stop crying! Tell me what's going on Meng ran pretended to be angry.

Seeing Meng ran angry, song Anqi stopped crying, but sobbed to explain.

It turns out that Jiangbei satellite TV held a talent competition this year to give young people with dreams and talents a stage to show themselves. Song angqi's dream is to be a singer and release her own album. The registration fee for this talent show competition costs 5000 yuan. Song angqi is a single parent family. Her family's life depends on her mother's 3000 yuan salary. Otherwise, she can't live in this Wenquan community.

She was able to study in Jianghua because her singing talent was admired by Jianghua and her tuition fee was exempted. But the 5000 yuan registration fee really upset her. Her mother worked very hard every day. How could she ask her mother to ask for money again.

So, song angqi thought about working for herself to earn money. She went to a bar to sing at the weekend and at night. After two months of hard work, she finally saved 5000 yuan. She didn't want to be robbed on the way home from work. Not only that, but also the gangster was madly scratched in Song Anqi's face.

The broken dream makes song Anqi collapse, and she can only cry.

Meng ran also sighed, life is like this, I don't know when will give you a bolt from the blue.

Meng is not strong enough to experience his own demons.

When he was able to pass through his ninth calamity, Meng ran realized that his understanding of the world was not enough. His heart was not strong enough, otherwise he would not be invaded by the evil spirit.

"How dare you claim to have an invincible heart if you don't understand the ups and downs of this world?

At this moment, Meng Ran has a vague insight. He wants to make up for his regret and end his gratitude and hatred, but also to temper his heart in the world of mortals!

"The earthly world will eventually go through, and I will experience the ups and downs of these mortals with them! With these three thousand red dust, I will be invincible. "

Meng ran, who was fully aware of the truth, stood up with a faint light in his deep eyes. "Song angqi, follow me."

"Brother Meng ran, can I help you?" The girl is also Meng Ran's sudden move under a big jump.

With his hands on his back, the boy's body was as straight as a sword, and his eyes seemed to have crossed the lights of the thousands of families and confronted the world catastrophe in the secret place of time.

"Take you to realize your dream!"

The moon is bright, as if the surrounding buildings are sprinkled with a layer of silver.

In the night, the boy took the girl and ran to a musical instrument shop nearby.

"I remember that there seems to be a musical instrument shop on the West Street. There are both Chinese and Western musical instruments. I just don't know if it's closed at this late hour."

For Meng ran, there is his most precious thing in the memory of the earth.

Just like that musical instrument, Meng ran once bought a top-grade jade flute with gold thread inlaid with jade. In order to buy this jade flute for Jiang Yufei, Meng ran was frugal for half a year. During this period, she went out to work part-time to save enough money to buy it.

The Jade Flute, which is worth 20000 yuan, is also the most valuable gift given to Jiang Yufei by Meng ran.

However, Meng ran regarded it as a treasure, but Jiang Yufei was abandoned.

However, in the thousands of years, this memory is one of the most unforgettable of Meng ran, not because of its bitterness and heartbreak, but as a symbol of such a frivolous age, so willing to pay for a person.

Just like Yin Qingxue, she would rather die than marry Lu Shaoqian. At that time, Lu Shaoqian, who was stimulated like a madman, roared and asked Yin Qingxue "why! Why would you rather die than marry me? Just for that trash? Is it worth it! Is it worth it? "

Yin Qing is not willing to show a happy smile, but never willing to smile

Life is like this.

"Is this musical instrument store still open so late?"

Song Anqi's voice interrupted Meng Ran's thoughts. Looking at the brightly lit shop, Meng ran was also a little happy. She took song Anqi and went straight into the room.

The owner is a divorced young woman. She is very polite. When she knew that Meng ran bought the jade flute for her girlfriend, she sold it to Meng ran at the price of 24000 yuan, 20000 yuan. Meng Ran has always kept this kindness in mind.

"Aunt Wang, I want to buy a Yuxiao." The area of the musical instrument shop is small, but all kinds of musical instruments are stacked in order.

The owner of the shop closed at 10 o'clock. Today, he fell asleep on his desk because he saw a movie. Fortunately, the people in Jiangzhou are simple and honest. If something is lost, the boss will not be angry.

The owner of the shop was awakened by Meng ran and looked up at the time. It was 2:30, which was also a little embarrassing. But when she saw that it was midnight, there was business coming to her door. She was also a little happy.

"Young man, I brought my girlfriend. My girlfriend is very beautiful." Naturally, the young woman saw song Anqi with a band aid on her face, but she didn't care. Instead, she really praised her. After all, song Anqi was really good.Hearing this, Meng Ran is nothing. Instead, song Anqi blushes and falters: "Auntie, you misunderstand us. We are not that relationship."

Young woman ha ha smile, said: "young people are shy, aunt understand." But in my heart, I said: ah? How does he know my surname is Wang? Maybe it was introduced by a friend.

The young woman led them to one side, where bamboo and jade flutes were stacked on the wooden frame.

"Angie, choose which one you like." Meng ran pointed to these exquisite instruments and said.

Song Anqi was a little pinched, holding the corner of her dress in her small hand. She was embarrassed and said, "brother Meng ran, what you mean is to buy a jade flute? But I've been robbed of my salary. I can't afford to buy it. "

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