In the conference room of TND general base, the chief drillmaster Yu Jackie Chan's thick and heavy breathing sound is echoing ceaselessly.

Staring at the metal bullet proof door, he trembled and said, "this This is The true spirit of martial arts master

Yu Chenglong has outstanding talent in martial arts. At the age of 34, he achieved the peak of his internal skill and became a famous master of martial arts.

Later, invited by Ning Wenbin and devoted to defending his country, he entered the special department without hesitation and became a super soldier.

In the next few years, he was promoted by Ning Wenbin to be the chief instructor of TND training because of his outstanding fighting skills and close combat skills such as boxing.

However, due to the problem of the earth's cultivation realm, Yu Chenglong's internal power increased in the next decade, but his progress was slow. He was far away from the martial arts master's realm.

He was so gifted that he failed to break through the martial arts master after more than ten years of Kung Fu. How can he not be excited to see the true spirit of this master's realm?

Not only he, but also Xu Sanping, Liang Jianguo, Zhou Yanan and others all stood up and stared at the metal door without blinking.

"Is this the true spirit of master Wudao? No wonder even Yu's fist can be easily blocked. "

Liang Jianguo, chief of the information section, said with deep emotion.

He is also a martial artist with internal skills, but he is only a small success in his internal skills. At this moment, when he sees a martial artist in the master's realm, he can display his true Qi and can't help feeling filled with emotion.

"Hey, hey, hey, I said Yu drillmaster, you'll have to write your name backwards."

Gao Junwu, with his arms around his chest, has a tone of view that is not too big to see the excitement. He laughs.

At the beginning, he accepted the training of Jackie Chan, but he suffered a lot. Now it's his turn to make a fool of Yu.

However, the commander-in-chief ignored Gao Junwu. He swallowed a mouthful of blood from his throat and rushed to Meng ran. He squeezed Meng Ran's arms tightly and said in an excited voice:

"you Are you a martial arts master? "

Meng Ran's eyebrows wrinkled and he was about to open his mouth. However, he saw standing beside him, the enchanting captain of the imperial sister, with a red lip, reminded him with profound meaning:

"Yu drillmaster, his skill is more than a master's realm!"

Yu Chenglong's expression was shocked, and he said, "not only the master's realm? Is it heaven and man But he, but he's only twenty years old... "

Yu can't imagine what a storm it would be if a 20-year-old man of heaven and man were introduced into the martial arts world.

When I was 20 years old, I was still working hard on my internal skills. I was already a man of heaven

A deep sense of frustration surged into Jackie Chan's mind.


Yu seemed to think of something, "no! Meng ran? His surname is Meng! twenty years old! Heaven and man Master Mengxian in Jiangbei, this Is this really a coincidence? "

Jackie Yu was shocked by his bold guess. His hands and feet were cold and he turned his head mechanically.

When he saw Meng Ran's smile, the whole person suddenly woke up.

After wiping off the bloodstain from the corners of his mouth, he strode forward with the excitement and reverence of seeing an idol on his face. He bowed down in a trembling voice and said:

"Yu Chenglong visits Meng Xianshi! I don't know if the immortal master is in front of me. I'll forgive you! "

Xu Sanping behind Jackie Chan is stunned.

How arrogant Yu Chenglong is, the old man knows better than anyone else that he can be so willingly admired, that is to say, this young man is really the number one Tairan in the sky list!?

At this time, Liang Jianguo, the chief of the intelligence section, and Zhou Yanan, the combat staff officer, also quickly bowed forward to pay a visit:

"Liang Jianguo, Zhou Yanan, meet Meng Xianshi!"

In the conference room of such a large base, there is no sound.

In addition to Ning Feixuan and Gao Junwu, who knew the inside story for a long time, only Xu Sanping, the oldest, was still stunned.

"Why, Mr. Xu is doubting Meng's identity. Do you want to fight with Meng?"

Meng ran folding fan gently shaking, light mouth.

This light words, like thunder in his ears, Xu Sanping only feel the air, seems to have invisible pressure forcing him to bend down!

Xu Sanping was only a child. Even though he ate the gall of a leopard with bear heart, he did not dare to challenge the first person in tianbang. He apologized and admitted his mistake: "I dare not! I've met master Meng Xianshi, Xu Sanping

Meng ran, who was still sitting in the main seat of the meeting room, glanced at the crowd lightly and said coldly:

"now, is there anyone who doesn't accept it?"

Yu Chenglong and others called out in a hurry: "no! We are so pleased and sincere! "

Ning Feixuan took the opportunity to remind him:

"ladies and gentlemen, since you all know Meng Ran's real identity, I won't talk nonsense. Yanjing center, personally appointed Meng ran, also known as Mengxian teacher in Jiangbei, formally took over the special department! From today on, Meng Ran is fully responsible for the special departments, and no one can resist! "

After that, Ning Feixuan and Gao Junwu also bowed slightly"Ningfeixuan, leader of TND, Gao Junwu, deputy leader of TND, have met Minister Meng!"

Yu Chenglong and others also respectfully called out: "we have met Minister Meng!"

Meng ran sat there, nodded with satisfaction, and slowly opened the encrypted envelope handed in by Gao Junwu. A golden minister's medal was presented!

"Thank you for your kindness. From today on, Mr. Meng will take over the special department."

"Yes The thunderous response of the crowd rang out in an instant.

"You don't have to be polite. You will all be colleagues defending the country. Get up." Meng ran gets up and raises Ning Feixuan and Gao Junwu, calming down.

All of them got up one after another, and looked at Meng ran with reverent eyes.

Meng ran was so hot that he was embarrassed. He said with a bitter smile: "I knew you were like this, I would not admit it..."

Yu Chenglong and others looked at each other and laughed.

After Meng ran identified his identity and established his prestige, the morale of the whole special department also rose.

To put it bluntly, the whole special department, both men and women, are almost all fans of Meng ran.

Only because the three characters of Meng Xianshi are too loud

"Director Xu is responsible for the research and equipping of new TND weapons. He is responsible for the research and development of the three edged army stab together with the people of the nine families. If you have any questions about the disappearance of the three edged army stab, you can ask him. "

Ning Feixuan with Meng ran, has visited all parts of the base, is to Meng ran detailed introduction of the work and tasks of each department.

Meng ran steps a meal, suddenly swept to the people behind him, directly asked: "now in the Department of the highest combat power, who is it?"

Yu Chenglong, Gao Junwu and Ning Feixuan look at each other in awe. In terms of strength, Ning Feixuan, after refining the demon God thunder, is already infinitely close to the S-level ability, and its combat power is one head higher than the two.

"Not even a martial arts master?" Meng ran looks strange.

Meng ran really didn't know what to say.

I can't help rubbing my chin and murmuring:

"it seems that before leaving for Beijing, I have to give you a talk about cultivation."

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