Meng Ran is just to return the favor of Ning Feixuan, acting as Minister of TND temporarily. How can he waste his time and energy on these young people.

Moreover, the task of protecting the people in the future must be resisted by these super soldiers. Meng ran can't do it every time.

Because it is the most important thing to improve the combat effectiveness of these people!

However, the environment of the earth and the earth has been so bad that it is Yu Chenglong, an outstanding martial artist with natural talent, who has been practicing hard for more than ten years and has been unable to break through the master's realm. How difficult it is to forcibly enhance the fighting power of these people.

Even Ning Feixuan and Gao Junwu, who are confident in Meng ransu, can't believe it when they hear Meng Ran's murmur.

"Improve our cultivation? Did I hear you right? Can someone else help me with this

Muscle man Gao Junwu scratched his head, a face confused.

After so many years of hard training, he was able to compete with martial arts master. How could such a thing be accomplished overnight?

"Well, I can't stay in the special department all the time. It's you who will be the pillar of the Department. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate at least a few masters of martial arts, and then raise the fighting power of all the soldiers to the level of martial arts masters. Only in this way can we barely see

Meng ran, frowning, said at will.

He did not notice that his speech export, with Ning Feixuan and other people brought what an unparalleled impact.

"Cultivate Training martial arts masters My God, I am not dreaming The chief instructor Yu Chenglong was shocked by Meng Ran's bold idea.

Ning Feixuan and others look at each other, only feel Meng Ran's speech, it is too crazy.

Compared with the excitement of the crowd, Xu Sanping, an old man, is obviously much calmer.

He pushed the pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose and solemnly shook his head at Meng ran and said:

"minister, in the early years, the state also allocated a large amount of money to cultivate martial arts experts. I was lucky enough to participate in this SSS level top secret plan, but in less than five years, I declared a complete failure."

Ning Feixuan also nodded: "yes, the second uncle has mentioned it to me before. At that time, the financial funds allocated by the state exceeded the total expenditure of the state on education in a year, which was astronomical

It is enough to show that a country attached great importance to martial arts at that time by making use of such huge financial funds to cultivate martial arts practitioners.

Even so, in less than five years, the training program was declared a complete failure.

So much money has been spent, but it's just the result. It's hard to avoid feeling sorry.

"With the strength of a country, it's not difficult to obtain the cultivation skills, but the cultivation environment is too bad after all. The most powerful weapon is the one who can't stand up to the threshold of modernization. No matter how much money is invested in the cultivation of martial arts, the income is always low, which is appalling. "

Meng ran said calmly.

When Meng Ran's words were exported, Xu Sanping's perception of Meng ran was enhanced again.

His original impression of Meng ran was just a savage warrior with courage and no plan. After hearing Meng Ran's words, he felt that this young man was definitely brave and resourceful, with both wisdom and courage!

This is what Meng Zhong said!

The biggest problem in training martial arts practitioners is that the effect is too slow and the income is too low.

Instead of wasting a lot of money on training military personnel, it is better to spend the money on developing new weapons.

This is the reason why Xu Sanping became the director of new weapon research and development.

"What are you going to do, Minister?"

Jackie Yu finally couldn't help asking questions.

He is the chief instructor of super soldiers, fighting, guns, camouflage, field operations, assassination All the aspects that can be covered are used to train soldiers.

In order to cultivate the most effective super soldiers!

Therefore, Yu knew how difficult it was to improve the fighting effectiveness of the soldiers.

To make it easy to understand, the super soldiers in special departments are all trained by Jackie Chan to perfection. However, it has little effect to improve their combat effectiveness through these means.

Meng ran flicked his finger and suddenly said, "it's very simple to refine the body. Let everyone have a body with hard anti bullet


Including Ning Feixuan, there is not a high-level special department, do not face a big change.

"All soldiers can resist bullets How could that be possible? " Zhou Yanan, a general military officer, was talking to himself in a dreamy voice.

As TND's operational staff, every operational plan of special departments was formulated by staff member Zhou Yanan.

For Zhou Yanan, the fighting capacity and physical condition of the soldiers can not be more familiar.

Now in the whole special department, only Gao Junwu and Yu Chenglong are the only ones who want to resist bullets with their bodies.The rest of the super soldiers rely on the precision bulletproof vests designed by Xu Sanping.

But now, Meng Ran is saying that we should let all the soldiers be able to resist bullets with their bodies?

This This is just a dream!

"Meng ran, are you kidding? Do you know what the consequences are? " Ning Feixuan regardless of the presence of all, a pull Meng ran arm, look serious to the extreme.

Meng ran smile, "no harm, as I help you to clean up my mess."

After that, Meng ran opened his mouth and said more than ten kinds of medicinal materials, as well as three kinds of strange drug quotations.

"Staff officer Zhou, have you recorded them all?" Meng ran looks to that beautiful woman adviser, light asks a way.

"It's written down, but minister, these things..." Zhou Yanan looked at all kinds of strange drug citations in his writing, and didn't know how to say it.

Saussurea involucrate over 200 years, Polygonum multiflorum over 50 years Although these Chinese medicinal materials require a very high age, they can be easily started with the financial resources of special departments.

But Meng ran finally said these three kinds of medicine, it is a little confusing.

Adult male elephant blood, rhinoceros horn, half of the best jade (chalcedony is the best).

Can these three materials be used as drug guides?

Meng ran saw the doubts in Zhou Yanan's eyes and explained faintly:

"these three kinds of drug introductions are indispensable. You can prepare them as soon as possible. By the way, I gave this prescription to Ning Feixuan. If it is leaked out, don't blame Meng for not talking about the feelings of his colleagues. "

The last sentence, Meng ran voice with a sense of cold.

All the people at the scene, except Ning Feixuan, were all trembling. They immediately made a death order, and no one would reveal a word.

"Very well, Mr. Zhou, go and prepare immediately. In two days, I want all the materials to be delivered to the base

"Yes! Zhou Yanan promises to complete the task

The valiant female staff officer made a military salute to Meng ran and immediately turned away.

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