"Yu Chenglong and Gao Junwu are at your command." Meng ran did not squint and issued the second order after taking over the post of TND minister.


They stood upright and upright, upright and unyielding.

"In two days, a school yard with a length of 500 meters and a width of 500 meters was built. The surrounding area is closely monitored to clear all residents and pedestrians within a radius of ten miles. No one is allowed to enter except department personnel. "

"Yu Chenglong, Gao Junwu, yes!" They both drank in unison. After a military salute, they immediately turned and left.

At this time, following Meng ran side of the Department high-level, only Ning Feixuan and Xu Sanping two people.

Ning Feixuan witnessed the two people leaving in a hurry and said curiously:

"the school yard with a length of 500 meters and a width of 500 meters? What do you want to do? "

Meng ran mysterious smile, "two days later you will know."

It seems to think of what, Meng ran lengbu Ding came to a sentence, "in addition to you and Zhou Yanan, there should be no one in the Department?"

Ning Feixuan nodded positively: "well, then there are secretaries. They are just ordinary people and don't participate in the battle."

"Oh, that's good. It's very embarrassing not to get the time to have sex together." Meng ran whispered.

"What a bubble?" Ning Feixuan was puzzled.

Meng ran quickly waved his hand and said nothing.

"Director Xu, listen to Ning Feixuan that you are quite familiar with the Sanleng army stab?" Meng ran looked at the old gentleman who was about to lose his hair.

"I'm not familiar with it. At the beginning, the research and development of the three edged army stab were all cooperated by all parties. I was only responsible for the material test, old man."

The old gentleman is not modest, but is absolutely true.

At that time, the research and development of Sanleng military stab, the most important national weapon, brought together a large number of experts and scholars in China.

To put it bluntly, all the backbone elites in the field are included.

However, due to the state's intention to conceal R & D technology, special division of labor and cooperation, the core technology is only in the hands of one of the nine families.

Even Xu Sanping, a figure of Taishan Beidou level, is unable to master the core technology.

"Material test? That's enough. I would like to ask director Xu to help me make a batch of 9mm caliber light pistols. The style is simple and light, and the less impressive, the better. "

"9mm light pistol? Minister, there is no need for me to make a new one

Xu Sanping frowned with snow-white eyebrows. He was puzzled by Meng Ran's request.

However, Meng ran shook his head slightly, "no, what I want is not a pistol, but a bullet. The bullet must be polished from the best jade. I have only one request

Meng ran glared at Xu Sanping.

"The best jade? This It costs a lot, minister. How many bullets do you want? " Xu Sanping was shocked by Meng Ran's request.

Making bullets out of top grade jade?

This is a total failure!

Meng ran stretched out two fingers.

"Twenty? That's OK. In two hours, old man, I promise to finish Mr. Xu clapped his chest and promised to be brave.

However, Meng ran was smiling but not speaking, just slightly shaking his head.

The old man's brow immediately jumped for a moment, swallowed his mouth to spit, and asked tentatively: "two Two hundred? Minister, this is not a small sum of money. The budget is at least tens of millions, and the failure rate has not been included. "

However, Meng ran still shook his head, two fingers or motionless standing there.

"Two Two thousand! " As soon as he took office, Xu Laosan felt that the new minister was looking for problems for himself as soon as he took office.

"My minister, if it's 2000 yuan, the research and development fund will definitely exceed 100 million yuan, and in a short period of time, where can I find so many excellent jade for you?"

The old man complained bitterly and wrongly.

"Meng ran, you just ordered a large number of medicinal materials, and the budget has exceeded 100 million yuan. If you order another 2000 hair..."

Meng ran waved his hand and interrupted Ning Feixuan's words.

Ning Feixuan and Xu Sanping thought that Meng ran had given up, but they never thought that Meng ran would spit out a sentence with a calm face:

"I want 20000 hair."

"Two Well... " Mr. Xu Sanping almost didn't take a breath. He was scared out directly.

"Director Xu!" Ning Feixuan is to quickly pat Xu Sanping back, help him smooth breathing.

However, the lion opened his mouth and ignored the murderous eyes of the two men and said to himself:

"according to the market price, the production cost of a 9mm high-quality jade bullet is less than 100000 yuan. Moreover, if it is purchased by the state, there will be a lot of discount. If it is within two hundred million, there is no problem. "

"Two billion Well... "Xu Sanping, who has just taken a breath, is again pumping from his chest

Meng ran frowned and said, "isn't it 2 billion? Your special department can't even take out such a little money?"

As the backbone of China's protection, the special departments must have a large amount of financial support every year.

Meng ran doesn't believe that he can't even bring out two billion yuan.

Xu Sanping and Ning Feixuan looked at each other. Seeing that Meng Ran's expression didn't seem to be making fun of them, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"my minister, every year, the Department has a budget, and most of the budget is spent on director Xu's weapon research and development. You want us to squeeze out 2 billion for you out of thin air. It's impossible. Unless... "

Ning Feixuan a pair of sky blue beautiful eyes, staring at Meng Ran's face, want to talk and stop.

"Except for what?" Meng ran asked.

"Unless you go to Yanjing in person, describe the cause and effect to Yanjing center, and ask them in person for funding." Ning Feixuan cast a helpless look to Meng ran, which is her last way.

"Forget it. I don't have the time to talk to those old guys." Meng ran refused, but also took out his mobile phone and dialed Su Fangfei's mobile phone number.

"Cousin Fangfei, please help me with the money, two billion. Forget it, three billion. Specific card number docking, you and Ning Feixuan chat, I have something else, hang up first. "

The phone quickly hung up, Meng ran toward the two people who were stunned, a smile, "done."

Ning Feixuan two people look at each other for a long time, and finally are full of bitter smile, very tacit agreement of scolding a sentence: "really special? Corrupt family!"

Meng Ran is very dissatisfied, this is not his money to be scolded?

"Tell me first, what are you going to use jade to make bullets?" Ning Feixuan's expression is very dignified.

Two billion is definitely not a small amount. Meng ran spent such a large amount of money to build jade. The intention behind it is not just nonsense.

Meng ran to this peerless elder sister, showed a mouth of snow-white teeth, a bright smile: "bullets can do? Nature is used to kill people

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