In the new year's Eve, the new year's Eve is a feast for all households.

Song Shuling and others, who are far away in the villa of Qingxiu Dongju in Jiangzhou City, did not meditate any more today. Instead, they gathered together to paste Spring Festival couplets and make dumplings. It was very lively.

"Yiya ~"

sitting comfortably in the corner of the sofa, I saw the meat dumplings made by Su Fangfei and others, and my mouth watered.

She jumped to Su Fangfei's shoulder and kept shouting.

"You greedy cat! Don't steal. The dumplings haven't been cooked yet Su Fangfei gently lifted her hand and knocked the dragon horse's small head for a while, smiling and angry.

"By the way, Fangfei, I heard from you a few days ago that Xiaoran called. What's the matter?" Song Shuling, who was rolling out the dumpling skin, asked casually.

"Aunt Ling, you precious son, just move your mouth, and you will go to three billion!"

Su Fangfei murmured in spite of someone.

All the people around the table, hearing Su Fangfei's words, couldn't help but smile.

"Today's new year's Eve. Xiaoran, should he come back for reunion? What tasks do special departments have to carry out on New Year's Eve? "

Miss the son of the strong woman, can not help but sigh.


At this time, Jinghua City, Jiangnan Province, a hidden school on the outskirts.

All kinds of crying father and mother scream, one after another.

The new school yard, which took only two days to be rolled by a large bulldozer, is full of hundreds of large round barrels.

There is a strong firewood under the barrel. Because of the fireproof layer under the barrel, the barrel will never be burned even if it is burned on the fire for a full day.

As for the barrel, it is covered with a huge cover, only exposed a face of pain of the head.

"Department Minister, this Is that how you refine their bodies? Will it kill people... "

One left and one right follow in Meng ran side of Gao Junwu with Jackie Chan, some scared asked.

Early this morning, according to Meng Ran's order, Gao Junwu gathered 436 super soldiers in the base to the school field.

But Gao Junwu didn't expect that Meng ran would order them to take off their whole body and jump into the barrel.

"Don't worry. Maybe ordinary people can't bear this pain. However, these warriors in special departments have the foundation of martial arts. They have undergone various kinds of trials, and they are sure to survive. "

Meng ran, like an inspector, walks on the campus with Gao Junwu.

"Minister, are the medicinal materials cooked in the barrel the same as those you asked staff member Zhou to prepare?"

Gao Jun is curious.

The blood red liquid in the barrel made Gao Junwu feel sick and nauseous at that time, and almost vomited out the overnight meal.

"Well, five kilos of male elephant blood have fallen into each barrel. Unfortunately, the time is too hasty, otherwise it can extract the essence of elephant blood first, and then cooperate with the use of liquid, the effect is better.

Meng ran explained lightly.

Meng Ran's formula for refining the body of soldiers in special departments is the most common and simple one in the universe.

Most of them are those of the Xiuxian sect, which are used to improve the physical strength and work efficiency of the miscellaneous disciples who have no spiritual roots.

But even this formula is enough to force the super soldiers in special departments to upgrade their physical bodies to a higher level.

Strong enough to resist submachine gun bullets!

"Instructor! help me! It's hot! It's so hot There was a loud cry.

The young soldier with only one head in the barrel was crying for his father and mother.

However, Yu Chenglong, the chief instructor, was laughing and yelling at the crowd: "kids, enjoy the hot bath!"

After that, the palm of the hand is facing the soldier's head and pressing it down

This time, the original will be Jackie Yu as the ultimate savior of the public, one by one did not dare to speak out.

After several rounds of inspection, Meng ran takes Gao Junwu and Yu Chenglong to the front platform of the school yard.

There, there are also two big barrels, but there is no one inside.

Yu Chenglong's thick eyebrow jumps, a bad idea, fiercely surges up.

Meng ran said with a smile: "Gao Junwu, please take a bath in the instructor."


Gao Junwu rubbed his hands and grinned like a demon.

"Meng Minister Meng I don't have to? " In Jackie Chan's face muscles twitch, in the heart one strength son scolds mother.

I didn't expect that Meng ran even wanted to clean up together.

The most important thing is, this is the high platform of the school field. In front of more than 400 soldiers, we have to strip them all!"Instructor Yu! We'll have to make a good calculation of the account you tortured me Finally, it's time for Gao to revenge!

"Dog, the Japanese army! You're the son of a bitch

Yu Chenglong scolded, bent his legs and stomped on the ground, trying to get away.

However, Meng Ran's magic power blocked the whole body's internal power and could not move on the spot.

"Hey, hey, Yu, don't be shy." Gao Junwu, like a hungry wolf, sprang up in front of hundreds of soldiers and tore off Jackie Chan's uniform.


In Jackie Chan's scream of shame and indignation, the iron faced instructor was suddenly put into the barrel by Gao Junwu.

After that, Gao Junwu also took off his essence, jumped into the barrel and accepted the liquid quenching.

Meng ran nodded with satisfaction, and then walked away leisurely.

During the exhortation ningfeixuan, Meng ran took the base military helicopter, directly returned to Xiufeng mountain.

In the early morning of the second day of the new year, when Meng ran returned.

On the playground, a famous Dragon, a tiger and a fierce warrior, are exchanging fists and kicks with each other.

"Little bunnies, give me the strength to milk! Damn it, don't let the minister beat us up! "

Yu Chenglong is swearing in his throat.

"Speak! Are they all dumb? " Yu Chenglong suddenly found that the group of soldiers suddenly shut up.

"Look at you bears. It's not the minister. The devil is coming. You..."

Before Jackie Chan's voice dropped, a familiar voice came from the sky:

"Yu drillmaster, you are not a suitable name."

Yu Chenglong is full of excitement and trembles. He turns around and looks up at the sky. He sees a helicopter hovering in the sky hundreds of meters above. When the door of the cabin is opened, a young warrior in a black cape is looking down at him with both hands in his pocket.

"Meng Minister Meng... "

Before Yu Chenglong's voice fell, he saw the next scene that will never be forgotten!

See Meng Ran's figure, from the height of more than 500 meters high, jump down!

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