In the school yard, the roar of the helicopter propeller came from time to time.

A figure, however, jumped from the top to the bottom. At a height of 500 meters, there was no obstacle at all. It was just like a divine army falling from the sky and hitting the ground at once.


There was a deafening noise.

The ground of the whole school ground, like drumbeats, was shaken violently. The sand and dust in the sky covered the sight of more than 400 super soldiers.

They covered their mouths and noses, choked and coughed, and widened their eyes, trying to see the young man's condition.

It's over 500 meters in the sky!

Don't say that ordinary people jump off, even a martial arts master, absolutely must be disabled!

About a few seconds later, the smoke and dust that filled the whole school yard finally gradually dispersed.

"Meng Minister Meng... "

See Meng ran figure of these super soldiers, like a petrified statue, gaping.

See the center of the school field, slowly dissipated in the smoke, gradually exposed a tall Wei An figure.

Wearing a black cape, he stood there leisurely, with his hands in his pockets, like a magic sword out of the sheath, proud of the sky!

Under his feet, however, there was a web like, dense crack. With Meng ran as the center, it has extended tens of meters outwards!

You know, the ground of this school yard is paved with the strongest marble in the building materials.

Now it is Meng ran Sheng stepped out of a round pit!

"One Nothing at all? "

"My God, is the minister a son of a man?" Code name iron head super soldier, hard swallow mouth spit.

It was Jackie Yu who slapped the back of his head.

"Stinky boy! Want to die

"What are you doing! The minister is coming home to celebrate the new year. Don't say goodbye to the minister soon! "

Yu Chenglong, the iron faced instructor, roared with his voice. His voice echoed throughout the school yard.

The crowd was stunned at first, then grinned and yelled at Meng ran: "happy new year, Minister!"

Meng ran nodded slightly, quietly released his mind, and soon swept over the 400 super soldiers on the school field.

Immediately satisfied nodded, "good, it seems that these two days, you are serious training, no waste of medicine in the bath. From now on, disband on the spot. I'll give you a day's holiday to relax. One day later, you will have more rigorous training. "

"Let's hear the order and disband!"

The medicine bath formula given by Meng Ran has the effect of strengthening muscles and bones, but it is not just a simple bath.

If you want the body to absorb the medicine completely, you must cooperate with a lot of muscle and bone activities.

Therefore, before returning to Xiufeng mountain to celebrate the new year, Meng ran specially instructed Yu Chenglong and Gao Junwu to strictly supervise these soldiers and make sure to complete 12 hours of high-intensity training a day.

Not a minute less.

It is precisely in this way that these super soldiers, the drug power in the body is completely inspired, one by one, as if the use of endless energy.


All the soldiers responded in unison. They were very excited about this precious holiday.

Even soldiers called out "long live Minister Meng.".

These super soldiers obviously regard Meng ran as a "good man".

But soon, they will find that this new minister is the devil among the demons

More than ten minutes later, more than 400 soldiers on the school field had already disbanded and left.

There are only Yu Chenglong and Meng ran on the whole school field.

Meng ran stood with a negative hand and looked at the chief drillmaster without expression, "if I remember correctly, before I left, there were 436 soldiers in total. What about the two less?"

Meng Ran has a chill in his voice. He has just passed the divination and determined that there are only 434 soldiers on the school field, that is to say, two people are absent.

Yu Chan long only felt his hair stand on end, and he bowed his head to admit his mistake:

"minister! It's my fault as a chief drillmaster. If you want to punish me, please punish me! I'm Yu Chenglong, alone! No complaints

This iron blooded instructor, biting his teeth, said that he had to resist all his mistakes.

Meng Ran is still expressionless, spit out a word: "say."

Yu only felt a tremendous pressure, such as the sea roaring down himself, the whole person's feet "roar" trampled on the marble floor, his legs were all sunk in!

His whole body was soaked with sweat, and his gums were covered with bloodstains, but he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth:

"all the mistakes should be borne by Yu alone!"

This pair of clank iron bone, is Meng ran looking at his eyes, are a little more appreciation of the meaning, not stingy praise: "blood."

As the voice dropped, Yu felt the pressure of his own terror and disappeared in an instant.As if the whole person from the water out of the same, the whole body is sweating, a head fell on the school field, breathing heavily.

I do not know when, Meng Ran's figure has gone, his indifferent voice, but resounding from Jackie Chan's ears.

"If you have enough rest, take me to the two deserters."

Originally, he had a face of survival, and his whole body was excited. He did not know where the strength came from. He jumped up from the ground and crawled to Meng Ran's back.

"Minister! Wait for me

TND is 70 meters underground.

"Minister, you are back."

"Happy new year, minister."

Underground corridor, see a base of Meng ran civilian staff, respectfully say hello.

Meng ran nodded.

"What's wrong with drillmaster Yu? Why are the uniforms all broken? Has he just been beaten up by the minister? "

Most of these civil servants are single women in their 30s. Seeing Yu Chenglong, the follower behind Meng ran, they can't help but whisper about it.

Underground life in the general base is very boring.

On the contrary, the arrival of this new young minister has become the most talked about topic among these elderly leftover women.

"Minister, you You know it all? "

Like a bullshit, Yu Chenglong, who follows Meng ran closely behind him, looks like a child who has been caught by mistake. He droops his head dejectedly.

Meng Ran's head did not return to the light way: "the pain of medicine bath quenching body, even the martial arts may not be able to bear it down. Although all the soldiers in the Department are elites among the elite, some people will not be able to hold on. "

The fact is exactly what Meng ran expected. After the first day's medicine bath quenching, the Ge brothers wanted to escape from the base.

Jackie Chan was on patrol in the middle of the night.

All day, the two brothers were locked up in the base's confinement room, without eating or drinking.

This morning, Gao junwudu was doing their ideological work.

TND has strict discipline. In case of desertion, there is absolutely no consequence of any negotiation. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the military post and take off the super soldier uniform of special departments.

If the circumstances are serious, they will be sent to the military court to accept sanctions!

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