"Theoretical support! I need rigorous theoretical support! This is the beginning of an impact on the future world situation! "

Sitting in front of the computer director Xu Sanping, his hands are fast tapping on the keyboard, eyes are staring at the screen, at a glance ten lines.

Just all the data, Mr. Xu at the moment through the computer data summary analysis, listed a dense data table.

"No! Meng ran! These weapons must be reported to Yanjing center first! Without the approval of the central leadership, no one but you can use these weapons! "

"Why don't you understand! It's not just a gun problem anymore! The existence of these guns will definitely surpass the three edged army thorns in the future

Ning Feixuan sits on the sofa opposite Meng ran and persuades him with all his heart.

More than 20 minutes have passed since Meng Ran's experiment in the new weapon research laboratory.

These more than 20 minutes, Meng Ran's ear almost heard the cocoon.

Ning Feixuan, Xu Sanping, Liang Jianguo three people, you and I a word of advice Meng ran, the skin of the mouth is almost worn.

"For the last time, these weapons are delivered to super soldiers of special departments in my personal name. It's your business whether they are reported to Yanjing. It's none of my business."

Meng ran hands pillow in the back of the head, the whole person cocked two legs, leisurely chair sitting on the sofa, look lazy and casual.

"You don't have to worry about whether you will surpass the three edged army spike. Because unless it's me, these guns are in your hands, just like ordinary pistols, they can't play their real power. "

Long before Meng ran decided to customize these new pistols, he had already anticipated this situation.

The power of this new pistol is too amazing, and since the development of modern weapons, no similar weapon has been produced.

It is no exaggeration to say that the production of this weapon is the act of Genesis.

The Guinness Book of world records and the Nobel Prize are all within easy reach.

But Pifu is not guilty.

Behind the word weapon is power!

It's the power to fight for world hegemony!

Neither China, nor the European and American powers, will allow such weapons to fall into the hands of the enemy countries. They will certainly be in their hands.

As long as we master the core technology, mass production, and even popularize the whole army in the future, and conquer the world with powerful force, it will not be an unreachable dream any more.

In a sense, Meng ran developed this new weapon by Xu Sanping, which is no different from the advent of nuclear weapons!

This is an opportunity to rewrite the world pattern!

Meng ran languid voice, let Ning Feixuan can't help but be stunned, is busy in front of the computer Xu Sanping, also stopped the action in hand, looked at Meng ran with doubt.

"Minister, what do you mean by that? Why can't these pistols developed by director Xu not play a powerful role in our hands? Isn't captain Ning fired a shot just now

Liang Jianguo, the section chief of the weapons research report, also stopped his pen and looked at Meng ran.

Meng ran didn't explain anything, just looked at Ning Feixuan with a smile.

Ning Feixuan frowned and thought hard for a long time. Finally, she completely responded, "it's magic! It's Meng Ran's magic power

Master Xu Sanping also suddenly realized that all his doubts were easily solved.

"So it is! No wonder he asked me to use jade bullets! The core problem is how to store his mana! "

"That is to say, the real power of this gun has nothing to do with the gunpowder in the bullet. The gunpowder only helps to launch the bullet! The real power is just the magic power infused with bullets! "

Director Xu Sanping, who has thoroughly figured out the causes and consequences, is shaking his hands and spitting at the stars.

Although Liang Jianguo still has some incomprehensible, but the general meaning can be regarded as understood.

These jade bullets, if Meng ran does not inject mana into them, pull the trigger and shoot them out, they are no different from ordinary bullets!

So the key to the problem is Meng ran himself!

In other words, Meng Ran is the soul of this gun!

He mengran is the most precious treasure that China and European and American powers compete for!

It is for this reason that Meng ran dares to develop such weapons.

As long as Meng ran doesn't put out his hand to fill the bullet with mana, no matter who he is, he will never want to obtain this kind of powerful weapon!

"But minister, he is a practitioner of Dharma. Isn't the group of Taoists who are practicing the Dharma? With the cultivation of immortal daoxuan, should it be enough to infuse the magic power into the bullet? "

Liang Jianguo raised the second key issue.

However, Meng ran shook his head very definitely. "The power of this kind of jade bullet explosion is based on the ice crystal technique and the flame technique. Do you think it can be done with his half baked cultivation of Chen daoxuan?"

Meng ran sneered at the famous Taoist immortal in China.Since Meng ran was stopped from killing Chen Ziyang in Jiangnan Province on that day, Meng ran did not have a good feeling for this Taoist immortal.

On the surface, this Dharma practice immortal, who was respected by everyone, did it behind his back, but he was a villain who blindly covered up his disciples.

How can it not be disgusting?

On the occasion of song Zhengde's 80th birthday, Meng ran heard Fang rubing mention her gambling with Chen daoxuan.

If it was not for this old Taoist priest who knew how to leave, he would not visit Longhu Mountain in person and smash his Taoist temple!

Meng Ran's ridicule makes Ning Feixuan suddenly fall into silence.

Looking at the whole land of China, I'm afraid that only the young man in front of him can be so arrogant that he doesn't pay any attention to daoxuan.

However, Meng Ran's words are not the slightest reason for refutation.

Meng Ran's ice crystal technique and flame technique are the best in the world. Ning Feixuan is very clear about this.

If Chen daoxuan had filled the bullets of the new pistol with mana, he would not have been able to do it.

For a moment, the whole conference room was silent.

From the surface, Meng ran absolutely gave China a priceless gift, a group of super soldiers with fighting capacity chasing the master of martial arts.

Now, combined with this outrageous new pistol, the combat power of special departments is soaring in a straight line!

Meng Ran is absolutely meritorious!

But now Meng ran put his own mana problem on the table directly.

Ning Feixuan and other people's focus of attention, suddenly shifted to Meng Ran's body.

Meng Ran's approach at the moment is no different from giving Yanjing central that group of giant leaders, a red date, followed by a blow.

Let them taste the sweetness first, and then there will be a fierce beating. Let these so-called giants know that Meng Ran is the core of this new weapon.

In other words, the real priceless treasure is not these new pistols, but Meng ran!

This is called, priceless people!

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