The 15th day of the first month of 2011 coincides with the Lantern Festival, and the whole country is in a happy reunion scene.

However, in Jinghua, the capital of Jiangnan Province, there are few people on the streets of the city.

Almost all the doors of every family are closed, whether they are relatives or friends who visit the house or work colleagues who have dinner together and celebrate.

Even those large supermarket chains in the urban area are closed.

Contrary to the atmosphere of reunion of China, the whole city of Yanjing is shrouded in an atmosphere of terror, and everyone is in danger.

"Wife, after 16, our company officially started. After my son goes to school, you can pick him up and off."

In an ordinary residential building in downtown, a couple in the bedroom are chatting about their plans to return to work after the Spring Festival.

In the middle of the story, the head of the family suddenly looked worried. He even glanced out of the window. Seeing nothing different, he whispered to his wife:

"it's better to meet several parents in the group of parents to pick up their son to and from school together. Recently, Beijing is too unsafe."

"I know. My elder sister works in the Municipal Health Bureau. She said that the leaders in the city have been holding meetings these days. The provincial emergency documents have come down. We need to install cameras in every street in the city. "

This young woman in pink pajamas, seems to have some relationship in the city, said a face of certainty.

"Pull it down. If it works, how many people will be missing? All the people in the bureau are dry rice eaters? If you want me to say, ten have * *, these high-level leaders in Jinghua City have colluded with those traffickers! That's them... "

The man's face indignantly scolded a sentence, the voice is more and more loud.

As soon as these rebellious remarks were uttered, his wife was frightened and quickly covered his mouth.

This scene, in Beijing, almost all of the households in the city.

The municipal media have been hiding the missing people in Beijing. It is said that they are worried about causing panic and are suppressed by the relevant leaders.

At first, the high-level people in Beijing thought that during the Spring Festival, the wave of missing people would subside slightly.

However, to the surprise of these high-level officials, the situation will turn worse and worse!

Even now, this is almost out of control!

In the whole city of Beijing, the number of missing people has exceeded 1000, and it is showing a geometric growth. We are about to break through the barrier of 2000 people!

The most important thing is that missing people have occurred almost all over the country, but the scale is far less than that of Beijing.

Most township leaders treat the incident as an adult trafficker and trafficking in human beings and conceal it.

But the population of Jinghua City is missing, more than a thousand people, this is a paper can not stop fire!

Even if the city's top leaders repeatedly put pressure on the major media to prevent any media from disclosing reports on the grounds of causing public panic, there are still various panic remarks on the Internet.

The whole city of Jinghua is filled with a terrible atmosphere of unexplained disappearance, and people are in danger

Just before 7 o'clock in the morning, the sky in Beijing is still gray.

In the dark lane of the city, a young man in a shabby and shabby cotton coat is rubbing his hands and breathing the heat back and forth. It is obvious that he was frozen in the early morning.

Hungry, he was staring at the dense small advertisements on the telegraph pole, trying to find the recruitment Enlightenment on it.

About two or three minutes later, this took out an old mobile phone and dialed a mobile phone number.

"Hello, are you still hiring?"

The young man spoke politely and with a very low attitude, as if he were asking for a reward.

Then there came a voice with a little doubt: "the move is a move, but on the 15th day of the first lunar month, you are not at home, holding your wife and children to enjoy happiness, this time to look for a job? How old are you? "

"Brother, I'm just in my early 30s today. There's a car accident in my family and I'm waiting for money. Please do me a favor! I have enough strength. I can do all kinds of dirty words and hard work. You can give me a place to sleep! "

The unkempt youth, as if he had met a savior, was full of ecstasy and trembled in his voice.

However, there was silence on the other side of the phone for more than ten seconds, and there was no movement.

The young man, who couldn't afford to wait, couldn't help asking, "big brother? Are you still there? "

"OK, your brother, I'm also kind-hearted. You're so pathetic. I'll give you an address. You can write it down and come to me according to this address."

After leaving the address, the person in the phone, is to urge the youth to come quickly, seems to be very anxious to use him.

Soon, the youth according to the telephone tip address, riding an old electric bicycle, came to the outskirts of the city.

Looking around, there are factories all around, but the doors are closed.

"No. 203, Hongxin Road, it should be this, that's right."There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of the youth, and he quickly wrote down the layout of the surrounding factory buildings in his mind and knocked on the closed iron gate.


Two big wolfhounds with black hair are roaring at the youth in the iron gate.

About two or three minutes later, the youth heard the sound of footsteps in the factory, "who is it? All the 15 year olds are off duty! "

A voice full of impatience came, and the young man immediately recognized that it was the man who talked with him on the phone!

"Big brother, it's me! Looking for a job

Then, the big iron door slowly opened a crack.

You can see that there is a pair of rolling eyes, looking at the youth.

"You? You come here and give him back quickly. "

Seeing that there was no suspicious person behind the young man, the man inside told his men to open the big iron gate.


As soon as the big iron gate was opened, two big wolf dogs with bright black hair rushed forward.

The dog's two big muscles, which he wants to avoid, are twitching in the dog's calf.

In my mind, it was a flash that I remembered my master's orders before I left Huahai city.

The young man forced to suppress the impulse to kill the two wolf dogs with one punch, pretended to be frightened and ran back in a rolling manner.

"Ah! Help! Help me

With the shouts of the youth, he ran away and fell down on the concrete steps.

Two big wolf dogs with big mouths and big mouths sprang up at once and tore at the young man's shabby cotton padded clothes.

"Ah! My hand! My hand! Ah... "

The screams of the youth were resounding and full of despair.

Inside the iron gate, the person in charge, who had been watching for more than ten seconds, saw that the young man was just an ordinary person, and no one was following him around. He came forward to rescue him. Only then did the corners of his mouth show a meaningful arc.

He nodded to the big man behind him and said:

"it seems that he is an ordinary man. Drag him in. It is not easy for someone to deliver him to the two animals, but he can't be fed to these two animals like this!"

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