The whole person rickets into the shrimps general tall thin man, only feels his intestines and stomach rotten general, the intense pain makes him awake instantly.

Someone has invaded the Fang family!

The tall, thin man who realized this wanted to shout, but was horrified to find that his tongue and lips were swollen and numb and could not speak at all.

At this time, however, I heard several rapid sounds of breaking the air.

From behind the rockery, there were four men in black.

The four men in black were all haggard, their skin wrinkled like a dried orange peel, and there was a cold air around them, just like a corpse crawling out of a grave.

The pupils of the tall and thin man are infinitely dilated. His piercing fear makes him fall into an ice cellar and his hair on his body is inverted.

With all his strength, he pointed to one of the men in black, his lips moving, but he couldn't say a word.

A black robed man opened his mouth coldly, his voice was like being cut by a glass, and his voice was hoarse and harsh. "The master Meng Xianshi in their mouth should be the one who killed the young master and Zheng Ru."

The rest of the three people nodded, and they were all as expressionless as corpses. However, the cold air on their bodies was gradually spreading, which made the vines on the rockery wither in an instant.

If Meng ran can be here, he will feel a familiar breath in these four people.

This breath is just magic power!

These four people are different from the secular martial arts, and all of them have cultivated their magic power!

"Ah! You Who are you? "

A scream cut through the silent night sky.

The visitor was a young security guard with an inch in his head. When he saw the vice captain lying on the ground twitching and the dead captain who could not die again, the whole person collapsed to the ground.

I'm so scared.

The scream of the young security guard alerted the staff on duty in the security room and immediately sounded the alarm.

At this moment, the whole Fangjia mansion sounded a harsh alarm. Just now a dark villa turned on the lights. The whole Fang family mansion blinked with bright lights, as bright as day.

Standing in the middle of the black robed man frowned, hoarse mouth way:

"really annoying insects."

The man beside him took a step. Jie Jie laughed. His scarlet tongue licked his cracked lips and said, "it's good to kill them all."

After that, he saw the man with long braided black robe. The palm of his hand was a "puff" sound, which lit up a cluster of green three inch flames.

He said something in his mouth, as if he was chanting some incantation. Then the three inch flame in his palm jumped out of his palm and turned into a ribbon of flame, which was tightly wrapped around the security guard.

It was as if the young security guard had been poured gasoline on his upper body, but he was suddenly ignited and his whole body was covered with oil green flame. There was no time to send out a scream, which turned into a handful of fly ash in the strange laughter of the four.

The tall and thin man who had seen the horror with his own eyes was terrified.

At this time, several security guards in the security room, as well as a dozen security guards patrolling in Fang's mansion, arrived.

They surrounded the four strange men in black, and they were all martial arts without exception!

At the same time, a security guard rushed into Li Mingzhu's room and exclaimed:

"general manager, not good! Four men in black have invaded the house

Hearing this, Li Mingzhu, who had just put on his clothes, seemed to think of some possibility and asked in a hurry: "do they all have long hair? You're all gloomy? "

The gasping security guard nodded repeatedly.

Li Mingzhu's face turned pale and murmured: "it's broken! Ten have * * is too one door, those bastards are coming

"By the way, where are the Hao brothers! They are both martial artists with small internal skills and top experts in Qingzhou. They must be able to resist those demons from too many schools

Li Mingzhu asked in a scorching voice.

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