A few days ago, Li Mingzhu found out that there was a mysterious organization in Qingzhou and investigated Zheng Ru's case. At that time, Li Mingzhu was worried about implicating the Fang family, so he spent a lot of money to invite the Hao brothers, who are famous in Qingzhou, to guard the Fangs' mansion, and even hired a large number of armed bodyguards.

All the bodyguards of the Fang family have been changed into martial arts. Even if they want to invade, they have to weigh it carefully.

At the moment, after hearing about the invasion of taiyimen, Li Mingzhu has placed all his hopes on the two martial artists who have achieved little in their internal skills.

However, the security guard's answer was to make Li Mingzhu look pale.

"Manager, I I saw the captain and the two of them lying on the ground, as if they were seriously injured The security guard stammered.

"How can it be! The Hao brothers are the top experts in Qingzhou! " Li Mingzhu was shocked, his heart pounded, and an ominous premonition hit his heart.

Li Mingzhu witnessed the terror of the man in black that day. If it wasn't for Meng ran, he even suspected that only one person could destroy the whole Fang family.

"Calm down! I want to calm down! The Fang family has reached the critical point of life and death. I must not be disorderly Li Mingzhu slapped himself hard on the face and forced himself to calm down quickly.

At the moment, the whole Fang family mansion has already become a pot of porridge, and the alarm echoes constantly in the mansion.

Li Mingzhu, with red eyes, grabbed the front of the security guard and yelled: "you go to the lady's room! Take the lady to the cellar in the backyard. Unless I go to you, no matter who is looking for you, you should not come out! "

Seeing that the security guard was still stupefied, Li Mingzhu, like a wounded beast, pushed the security guard to the ground and roared wildly, "what are you doing! Go

The security guard nodded his head, quickly climbed up from the ground and rushed to Fang rubing's villa.

Li Mingzhu picked up his mobile phone and wanted to call Meng ran, but he hesitated.

"Since master Meng trusts me, I must deal with this matter. Besides, far water can't extinguish the near fire. Meng Xianshi is far away in Jiangzhou. Even if I call him now, he can't get there immediately. Just go downstairs to check on the situation. If it's not possible, call Meng Xianshi again! "

Determined, Li Mingzhu was about to push the door downstairs, only to see Fang Qinghai in his pajamas running panting.

"Xiao Li, what's going on? I heard that someone broke into the mansion." Fang Qinghai, the old third party of the Fang family, asked.

Li Mingzhu is also full of anxieties. "Maybe it's the person behind Zheng Ru. Let's go down and have a look."

The two looked at each other in a hurry.

Both of them didn't realize that when such a big event happened, Fang Qingchuan, the eldest of the Fang family, was one-sided, and the whole person seemed to disappear out of thin air

The black robed man with the dark green flame in his hands felt the fluctuation of the breath of the more than ten security guards, but he said with great interest: "it seems that the Fang family had long expected that we would come to our door, but they invited so many warriors."

As soon as the words came to an end, an old vulture with a snow-white goatee grinned coldly and said, "give these people to me. My ghost is just a little short of living people's essence, which devours the essence of these people. My ghost can definitely be a great success."

The remaining three nodded in silence.

After hearing this, the more than ten bodyguards no longer hesitated. They all urged their internal power, and all kinds of palms and fists were bombarded like rain hitting banana.

The combination of these more than a dozen internal skill martial artists means that all the martial artists who have achieved great internal skills should avoid sharp points for a while.

however, the old goat bearded man just gave a cold smile and slapped the sheepskin pocket on his waist. The temperature of the whole courtyard suddenly dropped, the wind was howling, and there was a scream like the cry of a baby.

More see the wind in the wind like a living thing floating!

The more than a dozen internal skill warriors who have never seen such a horrible scene are all bristling with sweat. They just feel that they are being stared at by something vicious, and their scalp is numb and frozen in place.

"This What the hell is this? "

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