The night is as dark as ink, and the autumn wind is surging wildly. From time to time, a few meters high white waves roll up in the middle of the mirror lake, and the three figures on the river face each other coldly.

King Kong and Hua Jingtao, the two giants of Luomen, stood side by side. The turbulent waves swept over their bodies and set off huge white waves. However, the two men, like old monks, were on the surface of the lake, and the power of heaven and man was released.

The young man in white, ten feet away from the two, was like a jade. He was shining green all over his body. With long hair and a shawl, he stood with his hands and waves rolling around him, like a banished immortal.

Before, King Kong could resist his knife without any damage by his flesh, and Meng ran realized that something was wrong. With Meng Ran's current cultivation, which contains his own 50% magic power, is that the man in blue shirt of the state of China absolutely dare not resist.

It is obvious that this King Kong has not practiced the secret skill of body refining. He is born with an invincible body.

About King Kong, Ning Feixuan has mentioned to Meng ran many times before, let Meng ran be careful of him. Meng ran also knew from Ning Feixuan that this King Kong was also a power, and what he awakened was the most rare physical force, that is, power.

However, judging from the fight just now, the King Kong should have awakened some special blood talent. Meng ran suspects that the Luomen giant should contain some kind of fierce animal blood. Although Meng ran doesn't know how to get it, he should be Sirius or great ape.

Sirius and great ape are the top of the body in the demon family. The friars of the same rank in the immortal world often can't stand their blows, and their fingers will be torn to pieces.

For these two demon clans, the friars of the Terran clan often talk about it with color.

However, it is a pity that King Kong met Meng ran, who had a god worshipped King body, which was the strongest physical body in the universe.

Meng, even if he has not yet entered the realm of God, he can't even enter the realm of God.

In Meng Ran's opinion, the body of King Kong should be no different from that of the dragon who has just turned into a dragon. At most, it is a semi divine body.

This level of physical body, is indeed Meng ran encountered the hands of the strongest level of existence.

But for the use of blue jade glass body of Meng ran, still not enough to see.

And from the beginning, Meng ran did not intend to let the two giants leave. Meng Ran has confirmed from the mouth of Hua Jingtao that Luomen has mastered his whereabouts.

Since Luo Men and Kate family are going to kill themselves in Jiangnan, he Meng ran takes the initiative to kill Luo Men and Kate family by surprise!

"I would like to advise you that if you take that monster with you and offer to our Luomen, we can consider not implicating your parents, relatives and friends."

Meng ran scoffed and sneered: "if I don't?"

Seriously injured by Meng Ran's fist, the God of war in the Middle East who was still bleeding from the mouth, gritted his teeth and roared, "then let them bury you!"

Meng Ran's eyebrows wrinkled and his face was cold.

King Kong's words have completely infuriated Tairan xianzun. The terror of killing is like a handle, which makes the King Kong two feel like thousands of steel needles.

"You want to die!"

With a roar of anger, Meng's seven foot sword awn reappeared. At the moment of the blade being cut off, the blade's Qi extended to a full length of 30 meters. It was cut straight down in the sky and on the ground!

"It is worthy of being banished immortal in the world. This hand of this son condenses Qi and becomes a blade, which is just like the essence!"

Hua Jingtao has a dignified face. Facing the first person in the Chinese sky list, he doesn't dare to be big at all. His accomplishments at the peak of his master's cultivation are all stimulated.

However, he grasped his hands out of thin air, and the water around him seemed to hear orders. Instead, they rose out of thin air. The drops of water merged into a transparent water curtain with a thickness of one foot, which was like a steel barrier, and was firmly protected in front of them.


At the moment when the water curtain just took shape, Meng Ran's domineering sword awn has already been killed!

In front of the blue sword awn, the water curtain barrier of Hua Jingtao is like paper paste, which is split into two parts by Meng ran in an instant.

The surging waves burst out, and the sky opened a knife to kill!

"How could it be so strong?"

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