Hua Jingtao for Meng Ran's strength has been estimated very high, but he never thought that even so, he underestimated the ability of the first person in the sky list.

Hua Jingtao gathered Qi into things and manipulated the lake to form a water curtain barrier. He was absolutely confident that he could block the "Badao" of the eight Dao gang of Qingshan Tianren.

Can be so amazing, in this young man that naive knife awn, it is as fragile as paper paste.

"Boss, be careful!"

King Kong saw the situation and drank violently. The whole person was like an armored tank. He stepped on the waves and rushed to Hua Jingtao.

Feet heavily on the surging lake, he did not care about the body's injury, a pair of iron fists pounded out.

Two white fists appeared in mid air, just like two cannons coming out of the chamber, which seemed to blow up the whole mirror lake.

It is also the realm of heaven and man, and the same is true Qi and fist strength. At the moment, even if Meng ran had been seriously injured before. Compared with Gu Changfeng, who fought with Meng ran on the Bank of the eldest son River, this all-out strike is more powerful than several times.

However, today's cultivation of Meng Ran is one level higher than that of that day, and the combat power is more than several times stronger.

Even if only 90% of his mana was used at the moment, the sword that Meng ran wrote now is that Shen chuanting and Gu Changfeng joined hands, and they were absolutely unable to stop it.

King Kong's fist power is almost just a blast out, Meng Ran's knife has been cut in the sky!


With a loud noise, King Kong's two fists were only supported for half a second, then they were cut off by Dao Qi!

In the face of this domineering Kaitian Dao Qi, the middle east god of war is the first to bear the brunt of it.

When Hua Jingtao saw this scene, he was shocked and said in a hurry: "use the vigorous Qi to protect your body."

However, the man shaped killing weapon in the Middle East battlefield is full of confidence in his own body. Even if the armor piercing bullet can't hurt his body, he doesn't believe that Meng ran can really hurt himself.

"I don't know what to do."

Meng ran obviously also noticed this scene. A sneer appeared on his perfect face like a God, and the knife in his hand soared by three points.

The God of war in the Middle East, who only heard the sound of "Zila" and tried to fight against Meng Ran's sword with his flesh, immediately splashed blood for five steps!

The blood gushed out like a spring, instantly dyed the lake under King Kong's feet scarlet, shocking.

Looking from afar, this big man, who is nearly 2.5 meters tall, was cut by Meng ransheng from his left chest to his lower abdomen. He was cut several inches deep by Meng ransheng. His flesh and blood were blurred and his bones were visible.


King Kong's scream resounded through the mirror lake. The blood flowing was more harsh than the sound of surging water waves.

King Kong should be glad that Meng ran can only use 90% of his mana. If he has 10% of his mana, he will be killed with this knife. Even if he is a demigod level body, he will fall on the spot.

"Boss, help me!"

Meng ran did not intend to let go of the Luomen giant.

Although Meng Anyang is not afraid of his parents' revenge, he will not protect his parents.

Meng ran does not believe that in the face of Luomen magnate's revenge, Ning Wenbin's special department can really protect his parents' safety.

After his rebirth, Meng ran could never have let his parents into danger because of his negligence. The reason why he killed his parents was clear.

But see his whole person as if turned into an arrow, shot out. On the surface of Jinghu Lake, a ten Zhang long white water wave, like a huge ship riding the wind and waves, was surging.

When the white water waves came to King Kong, Meng ran raised his hand and wanted to kill him. Hua Jingtao, who was furious, no longer kept it. He let out a roar:

"Lizi, dare you!"

However, seeing the Luomen giant blow out with one blow, a startling cry is heard on the surface of Jinghu Lake, just like a phoenix bathing in fire and a hundred birds facing the Phoenix!

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