The huge blood crystal that covered the whole night of Taihu Lake was broken with fingers.

At this moment, bailitai lake, blood ice crystal, falling like rain.

What's more, what makes the remaining Roman giants unable to accept is that, including the Sith elder, the five great vampire masters sealed by ice crystal are all broken together!

At this time, with the shadow of the ice emperor and the power of the ice emperor's finger completely receded, the pressure of the lake's transverse pressure on the earth finally dissipated.

Only a few of the remaining Luomen giants, as well as the Lord of Luomen, were able to control their bodies. They were pale and panting.

"That's how the elder of the Kate family died!"

Meiji, a beautiful woman in red dress, only feels thirsty. Because she is too afraid, even her heart almost stops beating!

It was the Lord of Luomen and Hua Jingtao. Looking at the white bones and flesh of Sith's original position, they felt as if they were falling into an ice cellar, and their hearts were cold!

"How can there be such power in this world? Is this the real strength of banished immortals? "

Even the Lord of Luomen, when he looked at the golden light and shadow in the void, he was stunned and stood still. He didn't dare to take a step!

Too strong!

It's so strong!

In the eyes of earth warriors, the peak of divine realm is already the strongest force in the world, and there is no power beyond it.

But the boy who had been seriously injured could destroy the Holy Grail of blood with one move!

You know, this is a town artifact inherited by the Kate family for thousands of years!

"What is the shadow just behind him? Why do I feel so terrible? "

Since the war, all the masters of Kate family have fallen, and only half of them have been killed by the shadow just after Meng ran.

Only 20% of your skill is left!

No one thought that the world shaking and killing Bureau carefully set up by the Luo Men and Kate families would come to such an end that even the Holy Grail of blood could not kill the banished immortals of China!

It is not difficult to imagine that once today's war spreads out, not to mention China, but the whole world will be shocked by it!

"Boss, we still..."

Hua Jingtao's voice was shaking. He was just about to ask, but he heard a burst of breaking air and suddenly attacked!

"No! It's a master of Chinese martial arts

All of the Luomen people who saw the faces of the visitors changed their faces. Now their real yuan was greatly consumed, and they were hurt by the finger of ice emperor.

It's no wonder that they are so nervous. If they are masters of the Chinese sky list, this group of Luomen giants will be doomed.

But see these two strong horizontal black shadow, across the Lake Tai, directly came to Meng ran in front of!

One of them is so powerful that he is connected with the heaven and the earth. He is a strong man who has stepped into the realm of man and nature!

Although the other person's momentum is a little weak, but he is definitely a great master who has understood the state of condensation and gasification!

They are Gu Ruojun, the head of the family, and Gu Yunming, the second master of the family!

Although the two men are respectful and humble to Meng ran, they don't show up sooner or later. They appear when Meng ran and Luomen master are both defeated. It seems that there is a bit of conspiracy

"Gu Ruojun and Gu Yunming, the masters of the Gu family, participated in Meng Tianren."

After the respectful salute, Gu Ruojun even said with shame: "if Jun didn't know that the invasion of a powerful alien had caused serious injury to Meng Tianren, I hope Meng Tianren will forgive me!"

Gu Ruojun looked very sad and sighed repeatedly. He looked at Luomen magnate from time to time with a look of indignation.


With only half of his mana left, Meng ran, who suffered heavy damage to his body, was unable to hold on to it and spewed out a large mouthful of blood mist.

Seeing this, Gu Yunming immediately stepped forward to help him.

"Meng Tianren, you are seriously injured. Ruo Jun knows a little about medical skills. Let Ruo Jun check it for you."

With a wave of his sleeve robe, Gu Ruojun seems to take out pills to cure Meng ran.

At this time, however, it was a sudden change.

Gu Yunming, who was originally worried, has a ferocious face. He is actually slapping at Meng Ran's face!

More see a blue sword, if you look at the cuff, straight through Meng ran chest!

"Meng ran, fall!"

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