"These two Chinese experts want to kill Meng ran?"

This sudden reversal of the plot, so that a few Luomen strong, immediately froze in place, the face of surprise.

At first, they were worried that the Gu brothers' Association would join hands with Meng ran to deal with them, but they never thought that Gu Ruojun would want to kill Meng ran!

"It seems that this banished immortal has made many enemies in China." The Lord of Luomen coughed and said with a sneer.

Although Meng Ran is strong, after several wars, even if he is a banished immortal, he will not last long.

Anyone can't imagine that this seemingly unimportant family owner at the end of the tianbang ranking has become the biggest possibility of killing Meng ran at the moment!

“BOSS! That green awn seems to be Flying sword!? Is there a master of Kendo in the south of China Seeing clearly the green sword of Meng Ran's chest, Hua Jingtao can't help but be surprised.

"Jade sword? It's kind of interesting. "

The Lord of Luomen seemed to recognize something, and a sarcastic arc appeared on his old face.

At this time, Meng ran, whose breath has been weakened to the extreme, is trapped in death in the face of the Gu brothers' joint action!

"Little bastard! This sword is handed down by our ancestors. Even if it is the body of Vajra Buddha, it will surely die! "

Gu Ruojun, who controls the green sword, looks ferocious and laughs wildly.

In fact, before the Sith used the Holy Grail of blood, the two men had already arrived at the Lake Tai. However, they were shocked by the astonishing momentum of these masters. They did not dare to take a short step. They stayed dormant and waited for an opportunity.

At the time when Gu's brother thought Meng ran was going to die, the white shadow behind Meng ran completely suppressed them.

Even if they were ten miles away from the lake, they would have been suppressed by the shadow of the ice emperor.

Especially after seeing the astonishing power of the ice emperor, the two men had the idea of escaping for a time. Finally, they realized the shaking figure of Meng ran in the void, so they took a bold try.

The two men had made up their minds. Once they found out that Meng ran still had some strength, they would never attack Meng ran.

Although Gu Ruojun is a master in the sky list, he is not even qualified to make a move in front of the first person in the sky list.

However, when the two men approached Meng ran, they were surprised to find that Meng Ran's breath had already weakened to the extreme, and their flesh was full of holes. Therefore, these two people dare to take risks and kill them if they want to fight!

They have been to the Shenjiazhuang garden for a long time. They have seen the century old family which was destroyed that night. Now they have seen Meng ran and Luomen master who are both defeated by the Bank of Taihu Lake.

As long as Gu Ruojun eradicated it, he was the only one in Jiangnan.

It is a great achievement for the state of China to eradicate the influence of Luomen and Kate family. Gu Ruojun can already imagine that the high-level of China will give them great support.

The name of Gu family in the south of the Yangtze River is enough to shock the two realms of Chinese martial arts and Taoism!

Even if you are in charge of Yanjing and become the tenth largest family in Yanjing, it is just around the corner!

In the face of such an attractive huge interest, how could he be willing to wait for death?

"Go to hell!"

With a loud drink, the green light sword controlled by Gu Ruojun and the palm power of Gu Yunming almost simultaneously bombard Meng Ran's body!


After a sound of gold and iron, Meng Ran's body, which was hard to hurt by the power of God, was pierced by Gu Ruojun's sword!

Spring like gushing blood from Meng Ran's chest, just like blood rain, dyed black night.

Sapphire glaze body, again suffered heavy damage!

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