In the city, and the gentle sound of falling maple leaves is incredible


Meng ran, who saw her beloved fall with her own eyes, only felt the pain of tearing her heart, and only felt the hope of her whole life disillusioned.

He oppressed thousands of families and practiced hard for thousands of years in order to change the fate of his previous life. However, Meng ran, who can see a corner of the future, is witnessing the tragic death of his beloved. How can Tairan xianzun accept this outcome.

"Ah!!! I don't believe it! I don't believe it

"It's not true! It's not true! "

Meng Ran's voice was hoarse and his mouth was full of blood. The blood overflowing from his pupils had already obliterated his sight, but he could not stop the beloved figure in his eyes.


Meng Ran is crazy. He is really crazy.

Also mad is the young man in a tuxedo suit.

At the end of the day, he was jealous of the fire! Why? You bitch! I am the prince of the dragon family guarding the earth! I'm the immortal of half step! I'm no worse than him! What's worse than him

"Why! Why would you rather die than stay with me

Yin Qing's eyes were full of blood, but her eyes were full of blood.

"Because You are not him. "

"I don't like it! I don't like it! What I can't get, I won't let Meng ran get it! " The prince of Mo long nationality, who hates the heaven, looks up to the sky and roars.

Then all the expensive suits burst! Suddenly, a hundred Zhang long black dragon body, blocking the sky and the sun!

Real body!

It turns out that the real body of this young man in suit is a Mo dragon whose skill has reached the peak of Fenyuan state and is only one step away from jiedan realm!

"Hualong! The prince has turned into a dragon! Run away

The people who flattered and blessed were frightened to death in the face of the real body of the prince of the Dragon nationality. Let alone those celebrities and rich people who are worth up to 10 billion billion yuan, even the yuan, the chief and the peerless man of heaven, were scared to death and fled in a hurry.

The prince of Mo long, who is the real body of the dragon clan, is a huge dragon head about the size of a car. He looks at all living beings coldly, and then roars and yells: "dirty human beings! You all die

After a word, I was surprised to see that the Dragon claws were photographed, and the whole villa No.1 in Dongfeng yujingyuan was instantly turned into dust, dust and dust all over the sky!

In the sound of shouting and exclamation, I suddenly saw four gods leaping into the sky. They were actually the four powerful gods in China!

"Your Highness, there is a reason for this. It is actually Yin Qingxue's personal act. It has nothing to do with China. Please..."

Don't wait for the white haired God state strong words finish, the dragon claw has been torn off!

In the face of Mo Long's claw, a generation of martial arts mythology has no resistance at all, and is killed on the spot!

"Master Zhang!"

The remaining three myths of martial arts were surprised and angry when they saw this scene.

"Evil animal, dare you!"

However, the only response to them is the magic power of Prince Mo long.

In the blink of an eye, the four martial arts myths have turned into a local blood bone!

Seeing that the four martial arts myths can't resist this dragon for a moment, the Terran warrior can't resist any more.

More than 20 super soldiers in special departments, with blue veins in their necks and fists, are desperate to fight with Prince Mo long.

But their duty is to protect Hua Guoyuan, the head of the family and the head of the nine families in Yanjing. Now, they can only let Mo long slaughter innocent people.

At this time, Yin Qingxue, who is still alive because of her obsession in her heart, seems to be shining back. She can't help but recall her happy time with Meng ran. A line of clear tears slipped from the corner of Yin Qingxue's eyes.

"Meng However, I'm sorry... "

At this time, Yanjing city suddenly heavy rain, lightning and thunder.

However, seeing the dark clouds blocking the sun, the whole sky above Yanjing city was covered. The sky was black, and there was a golden thunder roar in the lead cloud, just like a sea of clouds, which was shocking to the world!

"What is that?"

Originally, he was only concerned about the people who fled for their lives and looked at them in a daze.

I saw, lead cloud thunder deep, hidden in a young man in white, to control the thunder! He, with golden hair and golden eyes, is like the king of thunder. He will shine brilliantly on this Yanjing city!

"God King body third! Hunyuan gold body

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