He was a perfect and magnificent young man like a God. His surging magic power seemed to crush the capital of China at any time!

All over the body is covered in a golden glow, like stars, bright and amazing!

"Such power is Jiedan

In the void, Meng Ran's pupil shrank. It's hard to believe that the young man's cultivation would break through the realm of jiedan!

In addition, Meng Ran is more convinced that this delayed "self" body has become the third level of God King body. It is already a Hunyuan gold body that can not be invaded by all kinds of methods and is comparable to the holy body of Buddha!

The man in the cloud sea thunder, already invincible earth!

"Meng ran! If you are not dead! "

The old dragon king of the Mo dragon clan, who has been standing idly by, starts up angrily with a loud drink. The Dragon pupil immediately burst out a dark divine awn, across ten thousand meters, directly attacking the unique person in the thunder cloud sea!

"Meng ran! The prince will tear you to pieces today The prince of the dragon family, who shows the real body of Mo long, now sees his biggest enemy in this life. The Dragon pupil is the size of a lantern, showing his hatred.

Pang Ran's body hovered over Yanjing, and its powerful and incomparable strength stirred up the storm tornado instantly! A hundred Zhang long black dragon is held in the air by a storm tornado. Like a Dragon God who controls the storm, it crosses the sky and goes straight to Meng!

"Something's wrong! What happened to this son? I can't see through his accomplishments The old dragon king, standing with his negative hand, stares at the center of the thunder. Suddenly, a bad premonition rises in his heart.

Before the "Tianqian plan", Meng Ran's cultivation had just broken through the third small state of Fenyuan state, that is, the period of destroying yuan, and had not yet entered jiedan.

The magic power of the old dragon king has already reached the peak of jiedan. If the earth could not bear the power of concentration period, I am afraid that this old Mo long, who has lived for nearly ten thousand years, would have broken through the state of concentration and would have broken through the void.

We should know that the "heavenly punishment plan" was jointly formulated by the old dragon king and the Yin family of the United Nations in China. With the help of the "space-based kinetic energy weapons" deployed by China in space, Meng ran was killed in one fell swoop!

The power of space-based kinetic energy weapons is comparable to that of nuclear weapons. Lao Long Wang's power is the peak of jiedan. According to the law, Meng ran was not involved in jiedan at that time. Even if he stepped into jiedan, he would have died.

But now?

The youth who should have been turned into ashes now reappears in the world!

Even the old dragon king can't see through his strength!

How strong is the man in the sea of thunder?

At this time, the old Dragon King's dark light actually ran across the sky of Yanjing and went straight to Meng in the thunder!

But the next second, something weird happened.

Just as the divine awn, which is enough to kill any monk jiedan, is far away from Meng ran in the thunder. However, at the time of three Zhangs, the ink God awn is actually melting away from nothing!

"How can it be! Even if he breaks through jiedan, he will not be his opponent! " His magic power is so easy to dissolve by Meng ran, and the old dragon king is hard to believe.

He has already reached the peak of jiedan. To be frank, he is already the highest power on the earth. No one can reach him!

But if even the old dragon king can't help Meng ran in the thunder clouds, it undoubtedly shows that Meng ran in this space-time has become the strongest person on earth!

"Look out for the emperor!"

Finally, the old Dragon King realized what it was, and hastened to remind him, but it was too late.

However, the prince of the dragon family who shows the real body of Mo long, a hundred Zhang dragon body, rushes towards Meng ran and destroys the heaven and the earth!

At this time, Meng ran, like the king of God, who controls the endless sea of thunder and clouds, has already been filled with killing intention in his golden eyes.

He, who already knew the truth of his being surrounded and killed that day, said nothing more.

It's like a hand made of pure gold, slowly spread out, and then hold it out of thin air!

It's like holding this Yanjing city in your hand. With one fist, Prince Mo Long's natural energy within a hundred Zhang's body is squeezed out in an instant!

"Ah! Meng But

In a dull look, the prince of Mo long, who was originally invincible as a God in the eyes of mankind, was actually held by an invisible giant palm, and could not move at all!


That's the sound of flesh and bones being pinched and exploded!

Holding their breath, they can see clearly that Prince Mo Long's long dragon body has turned into a pool of flesh and white bones in front of Meng ran!

Second kill!

Half step knot Dan Dragon Prince, by the control of thunder clouds and clouds from Meng ran, in kind of second kill!

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