The next morning.

After a short vacation, the day of school departure came again.

"Erm. Now you've got all your stuff, Seika"

Look at the carriage line, says Luft.

We're not the only ones on the way home. Fiona's line and Glai's platoon to escort it were with him. Aside from the frivolously lined carriages, you can also see soldiers riding horses in light clothes.

It's going to be a safer journey than it was when I went to Astilia.

"Right. Thank you, brother."

"Go back to school, you'll be fine."

He said, "I know."

"And when you graduate from elementary school, you decide quickly what to do. As a father, you want me to go to school..."

"Uh, wow, I know..."

I answer with a pulling grin.

Becoming an adventurer didn't tell Blades or Luft.

I'm going to keep my mouth shut until it's critical. I would be in trouble if they told me not to pay tuition or something...

"Efa's fine, too. I've been working for a long time, but did you get some rest?

"Uh, it's okay. Take care of yourself, Master Luft."

Efa says in a hurry.

While in the mansion, Efa had been mixing with servants and slaves to work the house. I don't need to do that anymore, but there's nothing else I can do.

Maybe he wanted time to talk to the people he was close to. The next time we see each other, we'll be a long way off even if we come.

"And Miss Mabel. If you get a chance, don't hesitate."

"... Yes"

Mabel nodded remorsefully.

I take a half-eyed look at the situation.

Mabel was all over the place, all the time, even all over again.

I don't mind because I'm a guest, just enough to make me want to say a novel.

"Ugh... I've always wanted to be here..."

"You... are you like that at home?

"In front of those guys, they're wearing cats... so I'm a little tired"

"It's here that you wear it. Why are you so relaxed?"

"I know what it's like to be a child who says he wants to marry a nobleman... I've always wanted to live like this, too"

"You know, the guys who say that, they're ready to have kids, go out into the social world, support their husbands' work, that's all. 'Cause I don't even want to be tattered like you!

"Why are you saying such, terrible things..."

"We all live on our own. And for that, when you get back to school, try to study again."

"Ugh... no..."

I look down at Mabel in tears.

This kid, he had this personality. As opposed to Efa or Amu because they are the type to move around even if they are left alone.

"Hey Seika! What are you doing? In there!

Suddenly, Glai's voice echoes.

My second brother, who was returning from the platoon carriage, stared at me with his hands on his hips.

"It's time, what are you bringing!

"Shut up......"

"Sorry, Gli. I was holding him back."

"Hmm... fine. Bye, brother."


"What the... you come to the Empire every once in a while anyway, right? From now on, we'll see each other face to face."

"Yes, it is."

From behind the gly, Fiona shows up and says:

"If Grye does not match the assassins who have been directed against me, though. Ugh."

"... dude. Don't be so ominous at times like this."

"Ugh, I'm kidding... I say it's a joke. So don't worry."


Fiona is laughing.

Or maybe that was Fiona's concern that there would not come a future where Gli would be debated by assassins.

"Her Royal Highness..."

"Sir Luft. Thank you for your hospitality. It was a great comfort before I went back to Empire City. You've been a nuisance for a long stay. Be sure to thank me for this. Tell Sir Blaise so, too."

"I'm afraid, Your Highness. It has been a great honor for you to choose our territory for your stay. Above all, if it became a rest for inspection. We will continue to promote the territory and develop magic for the sake of the Empire."

"Ugh. I owe you Sir's brilliant brother."

"If you're a fool, use it to the full."


That's when a red-haired girl glanced at her face from a nearby carriage window.

"Is that it? Doesn't everyone still ride? Should I come down, too?

I laughed a little and raised my hand gently to Luft.

"Bye, brother. Cheer up."

When will I see you next?

I've never thought of this brother as a family... but I kind of wish that opportunity would come again.


Returning home was not the same as riding a carriage...

Because Fiona didn't ask me to put me in her carriage.

Fiona was as stubborn as ever, although she was once again opposed by the two example maids as the fierce fire.

That's why Fiona with a smiley face is sitting on my front right now.

And even Glai had finally nominated him, so it's his second brother sitting next to him.

Oh, my God. This face.

"You, when you get in the carriage, you don't really talk."

Glai said as if he was frightened.

I answer with a sinister look.

"... I don't like to get drunk doing extra things"

"It was true that you didn't like carriages. It's been like this for two days since I left. Even so, there's a lot less shaking."

"I'm sorry I can't even be your talker. I'll avoid dirty talk, but I won't just bother you."

"Ugh, never mind"

"Hang on, I didn't know you had anything against me."

That's what Efa told me two years ago.

There's about something I don't like. Because you're human.

And so - I turned my attention to the ceremony that was flying outside.

The carriage lineup is poor on a path surrounded by trees on both sides.

"Brother Glai"


"Speaking of which, can Brother Glee stay here? He's a platoon captain."

"That's okay. I've left most of it to Lauren already. Either way, I can't lead the way back to the garrison. And I can't disobey the royal highness."

"Ugh, that sounds kind of disgusting."

"I didn't say that."

"But what if?"

"I guess I'm leading such a large crowd to keep the time from coming. It's not a battle. This escort is a threat."

"But what if I come?

"Don't be shy. I'll take command while I protect His Highness here. It's not like that."

"Yeah, good then. By the way, that's a different story, but how many people in this country steal wild?

"A burglar, huh? There are a few to a hundred of them... but I don't want to hear a big group here."

"Oh, yeah."

I squeal.

"So what's that?

At that time - in front of the carriage, a roar sounded.

Human anger, screaming, and horse groaning go up.


"Looks like a faked empty carriage has been hit."

Fiona says calmly in the air of straining all at once.

I laughed lightly and opened the carriage door.

"Hello, you're here."

Grab the edge of the ceiling at the same time as you jump out, kick the floorboard and jump. He landed on the roof of the carriage so as to turn the universe in reverse.

"Hmm. You haven't done such a light business in a long time"

Thanks to you, I can see my surroundings better.

A group of dozens dressed in crude clothes, divided and scattered to the left and right of the road, too.

Looking forward, the carriage of carriages that were causing the Empress's carriage to disguise itself had been crushed by a giant rock.

There are no high cliffs around. It's a kind of earthly magic.

"It's off!“ Yellow Ball "moves to six,“ Steel Ball "is an arrow in the carriage of eight! Left rear row, go for the roof guy! Two, one…"

From somewhere, the wildlings turn to me with Fiona's carriage. Apparently, he's going to shoot the person inside every carriage wall.

Still, that's a lot of gear tone. Well, no.

Do you value carrying, the crossbow was much smaller than what you once saw in the West? That doesn't make it that powerful.

I guess that's enough.

"Let go!

The more stunning at the same time, the more arrows are fired.

At that moment, I activated the procedure using the overhead human rattle as my starting point.

Yang's Phase - Magnetic Flow Cloud

A swarm of impending arrows.

All of them - turning a crappy orbit on the way and flying away in an unavoidable direction avoiding carriages and me.

I hoisted the edge of my mouth and laughed.

"Ha, where are you after"

"Ohh... your head!?

"Become!?“ Soft Ball "goes to eight for cover! Steel Ball Reserve. Kill the guy on the roof!

A few crossbows that I had refrained from turning against me.

But it was the same thing. All the arrows deviate and fly vainly into the sky and the woods.

"Nah...... what the heck is this, magic!?

"Heh heh, yeah."

To the stunned voice of the crossbowmen, I groan with laughter.

There is such a law that when a metal approaches a powerful magnetic field created by Yang Qi, that metal turns into a magnet and always rebels against the first magnetic field.

An arrow cannot break through the magnetic field of "Magnetic Flow Cloud" as long as metal is used for the "play".

"Your head! Six, seven is a disguise too!

"We're starting to get a counterattack from enemy platoons, you head!

"Eight! There's an escort magician!“ Yellow Ball ”Squad, smash it with magic!

There was a scepter in the midst of a group that came running this way.

The mouth chants the spell in a sudden manner.

"Yellow to sit on! Now it is time to fall down, O immovable stone hammer, for its wrathful hammer, and fall (Rotskfall)!"

A giant rock appearing far overhead of the sorcerer descends diagonally upon me. It would be the first one to crush the carriage.

But it... it disappeared in the air on the verge of reaching this way.

"What!? Knock, knot!?

"I hope the magic opponent is easy"

You can deactivate anything in such a preliminary juncture.

The head of the enemy peels his eyes like he's in a hurry, and he looks around at a bunch of them and screams.

"You guys, get through the sword! Don't worry about the escort magician! It takes everyone to get their goals inside…"

That's when - out of the carriage, the storm blew.

It plays and flies together a few of the bandits who were in the front, silencing a group of enemies in an instant.

"Is the crossbow stopped? Damn, we're finally gonna get busted."

Glai, coming out of the carriage, shouted loudly as he grabbed the wand sword.

"You guys!! This is a great opportunity to help the Holy Empress! Who wants the poet to sing his martial arts!!

From among the soldiers who were crossing swords with the bandits, a voice of bravery rose.

The enemy's posture, in turn, is visibly shredded.

Heh. You can also be a proper captain.

"Dear Seika"

When I was impressed, I heard Fiona from the carriage downstairs.

"Can we capture our enemies alive?

"How much?"

"More. It would be even more helpful if you had a head."

"Yes, sir."

"The Wooden Phase - The Art of Spreading"

Green crawls erupted from the ground around the area.

As it wraps around all of its enemies, it trees and tightens and restrains itself.

Glai stared with a clear look at the sight of a burglar being captured by a plant.

All of a sudden, the soldiers who had raised their temper and exchanged their swordspears are all taken aback.

The streets, which were a place of battle, have now calmed down with the scenes.

I say to Fiona, who is also silent in the carriage.

"What do you think? In the meantime, we've got them all."

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