"What! Ya, slightly wild thief!?

"I thought it was touching."

"So, you caught them all?


I nodded after explaining myself to Efa, who turned back.

Apparently, they weren't aware of this commotion.

Efa's carriage was running a long time ago, so the man who noticed the raid immediately drove off his horse.

The raiders, too, obviously the Efa in the rented carriage around there, must have missed it because they thought it had nothing to do with it.

Though I watched a series of streams in ceremonial God, I didn't think I'd noticed.

Now we were just stopping the carriage and treating the injured.

A healer using light attributes is rushing around. However, fortunately, no one seems to be seriously injured beyond cure. There's no need for me to leave.

The burglars were grouped together in one place in a tied state.

Fiona and the others will be discussing that treatment right now.

Says Efa as he turns a horrible eye to a burglar.

"Oh, that was dangerous...! Glad you didn't come this way."

"What? What, if I'd come, I'd have killed him. Isn't that right, Mabel?

"I don't like it."

"You guys are fine."

This one was pretty tight.

Well, even these kids could kick ass if they were like wildlings. If it's the original bandit.

"But... even though the army is on escort, you can get attacked..."

"Mmm... right"

"I wonder what we'll do about them. Like pulling them all to the Empire?

"You're letting me walk? It's going to be great for the new semester."

"No... I'm probably fine"

Everybody, if you want to pack it in the carriage, you can pack it.

Because the carriage I was using to disguise Fiona was empty in contents, and my luggage was loaded pretty sparingly.

Well, that's another problem.

Lord Seika.

At that time, I can speak from behind.

Looking back, an old man stood. Glai's deputy, Lauren, tells me with her spine pinned out.

"Your Highness Fiona is here for you."


"Dear Seika, Thank you for your time."

That's what Fiona, sitting in a chair, said in a simple tent built by the army.

No sign of Grye or military officials. Only one of the samurai is there.

I say as I look around.

"You don't seem to have those two scary samurai"

"Oh, you still know my holy knight? I'm treating the soldiers now. My sister is a user of light attributes."

"I see."

That's what I said, and I sit in the chair the samurai pulled for me.

Fiona sitting in the front, despite all that happening, doesn't look as if she's stunned, she's just smiling.

"Thank you, Master Seika. Thank you for your help - capture my assassin."

"Oh, I knew it was"

I thought so.

"Did you notice?

"Everyone realizes. It can't be a normal bandit to attack a carriage escorted by a platoon of soldiers with enough gear to hold a crossbow."

"Ugh. They're so sweet to be seen at a glance."

"I don't think there's anything I could do about it."

I keep asking.

"Was it the pursuit of political enemies that kept them alive?

"Yes, but first we have to find out who gave it to us."

"Because I don't know?

"Come on... there's too much to know."

"Your Highness is struggling, too."

"But it's okay. Master Seika has caught so many of them. This can't be normal. If we take them all back alive to the Imperial City, everyone will surely be in heaven. My political enemies won't be able to think of anything far-fetched. Ugh."

I ask Fiona, who smiles a little. [M]

"After all, are you going to take that all the way to the Empire City?

"Yes, of course. Take care, take care back. It's a gift from Saika. Ugh."

"... Your Highness must have seen this scene. That's why I let you have an extra carriage so far."

"I let you walk. There may be people out there who will die, and most importantly, you'll be late for your arrival. If we don't make it to the school's new semester, Mr. Amu and the others will be annoyed."

"I appreciate your concern... but I think you should stop taking them all. Except for the head and a few people, we should just leave them tied up here."

"Oh. Why?

"What if the restraint is lifted and the rebellion is waged? This one is more numerous, but not so different that it can't be overridden. If you're bad, it could be total annihilation. Some hands keep their tendons cut off…"

"Ugh, you don't have to do that. They should be very dear… because they are more certain to wait for an opportunity to escape than they are to move"

"Opportunity to escape......?

"Next raid, I'd say."

I frown unexpectedly.

"You mean there's a separate squad...? Then what's more and more dangerous? Among the next possible raids, there is a threat within…"

"No… there will be no next raid. The other mercenary regiment is not coming."

"Why can you be sure? Futuristic vision should not be that convenient a force. Because the future can change."

"No, Master Seika. Fate has a stormy flow, which cannot be overshadowed by the degree of butterfly wings. This is - their statute."

Fiona said, trying to look far away.

"The future doesn't come."

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