That's what happened on the day that goes back a few days from the raid.

Hausal, the leader of the Hausal mercenary regiment, Hausal had a dream.

Since that time, when I had no choice but to dye my hands at the act of banditry, five years.

Repeatedly gathering allies that were similar adventurer breakdowns, naming mercenaries, exorcising a bunch of bandits, and protecting villages from monsters, I have researched tricks and gear and gathered allies.

And now that my name is coming up little by little, all of a sudden a big job has come in.

A request brought about by several intermediaries to keep Daiyuan from being traced, which is - the assassination of the Holy Empress.

It's not like I didn't have any hesitation. Again, I've been trying to get a job that will help people as much as possible.

But this time, I was moved by the amount of the reward.

Even with the advance money alone, I was fitted with pretty good gear. Another request has been made to another mercenary regiment, but if you can get ahead of it, you'll get the full reward. At that dawn, even powerful adventurers and knights will be drawn in.

And if you increase your strength as a mercenary corps, you'll be able to get a job that's good enough to come from a high-profile client.

If we get a track record in that way - any time, it should be possible to negotiate into a city that's going to develop and get it officially hired as a Knights Guard and Police Corps.

Then you don't have to live a stray life anymore.

As a member of the city, not a bunch of suspicious streamers, you can live the rest of your life peacefully with your friends.

Hauser's dream, which might take forever, or on the contrary, might have come true, had come to a point where it seemed realistic and within reach.

Until earlier.

Now - the dream, it crumbled.

In the woods, close to the streets that stretched to the imperial capital, Hauser watched the sight of the end as he felt the cold sweat wetting his back.

"Well, a warrior can be brittle. Good for eating, but too boring for a power comparison"

Groaning boringly with a blood-coated stick in your hand is a red-brown-skinned ghost (orga) with a body far beyond a human being.

Before that fall are those who were once of Hauser's companions.

He who is crushed in the head, whose torso is broken directly beside him, or whose chest is submerged in his footsteps….

Former companions are rolling to the ground, becoming corpses that cannot now be exchanged by the power of men.

Impossible corpses, there were others.

Several of my companions were now nestled in the woods turning into stone statues. It's not a metaphor. Skin, hair, even eyes cure to gray, and only clothes and weapons, like jokes, keep their original color.

"Fish, what are you eating... munya... that's your star... su"

Beyond that, a little woman was making her body round and floating with dark attribute magic.

Long, shaky, decaying, leafy hair for a flickering outfit that doesn't fit into the woods. The words spilling out of my mouth are ruptured and have no meaning whatsoever. Their eyes are closed and they also look asleep.

But only the third eye that opened on its forehead - the red evil eye that turned his companion into a stone - looks around with a gnaw.

Even as a three-eyed (triad), a people with evil eyes, it was a different appearance and power.

Still, some people have breath.

But it was clear that they would not help.

Two shadow wolves are pulling and playing with the body of a groaning companion.

A swordswallowing monster with sharp fangs and the ability to lurk in shadows. Sitting in the center of that herd laughing is a little beast tribe boy with long ears in burnt brown fur.

"Haha, Dee and Tess are fine!... Mm, will you do that? Thank you! You're a good girl."

A minotaur beside him is offered a human body, and a rabbit boy is pleased to thank him.

The Minotaur was a monster that his fellow tutor (Tamer) had left untouched.

What I'm offering you is a former husband who killed himself.

To Minotaur's sudden betrayal, his fellow tutor (Tamer) had died with a surprised look on his face.

Even other monsters instantly tame and obey - of the Boy of the Hun, which can no longer be called a move, was a gifted talent as a Tutor (Tamer).

Looking to the right, my buddy was spraying fire.

Orange flames have erupted from the burnt orbits of the mouth, nose, and eyeballs.

The companion lived for a while and walked well, but eventually fell to collapse from his knees as his firehand rose, trying to break his belly from his torso as well.

Nearby abominably tongue-in-cheek is the man of the black devil.

"Chip, I'm already dead. Totally miscalculated...... the flames were too strong. Not a good position I let transfer either...... damn, the accuracy is still too sweet! I don't know how old you are to my brother forever...!

Black furrows, a demonic man with a goat's curly horn distorts his expression and throws it away.

Transfer the magic fire and burn the subject from the inside.

Devils who have turned their companions into burnt bodies one after the other with deviant skill are just outraged at their own immaturity.


Hauser groans vainly.

"How could the Demons... be in such a place... and such... unusual people..."

"Are you the boss?"

A demon clan standing in the front asked Hauser.

And, oh, this guy.

Black hair and black eyes. Though the figure resembles a human being, on the white skin as a dead man, there are black lines running like tattoos.

"The god demon... why, here..."

"Answer me, what purpose did you lay your soldiers in this forest for?"

I can be shot in the eyes like Naruto.

Hausal no longer has a path other than to answer honestly.

"The Holy Empress's, assassination... waiting ahead, should have..."

"Hmm... human politics. So you had nothing to do with us."

"Worried and lost, Captain."

"I don't know how. If there's a soldier in this mystery, everyone will be on guard."

"Munya... confusing..."

The devil and the three eyes (tria) speak to the harlot.

"Gahahahaha! I had an unexpected replenishment, let's go back! But Zolmnem."

The ghost (Auga), who laughed luxuriously, told me to flaunt him.

"The man is a warrior, too. That's the head, too. Isn't that too close to inadvertent?

"What? The captain can't beat a human. He seems scared of something, and he's a clutterfish anyway, isn't he?

"No... this person is not weak"

A man of the Divine Demon clan, called Zolmnem, looks at Hausal with his dark eyes (porcelain) (...).

And with such a small voice that my people don't even hear me, I whine like I'm talking to myself.

"High talent for [LV (Level)] splitting. Especially [HP] [durable] is excellent. Above all, the [skills] of gold luck and fanning are rare. Very useful as the head of a mercenary regiment… your 'status' is never bad"

"Ha... ha..."

Hauser had no idea what this God-demon man was talking about.

I feel praised just for my word butt and have a pulled laugh.

"Ah, there is..."

The neck flew.

Hauser's sight, rolling to the ground, reflected the sight of his body from his neck down, flamed in an instant.

Totally unchanging magic to sword moves that you can't even see the sword line.

As consciousness poured out with the blood, the last thing Hauser heard was the cold whining of Zolmnem, who raised the treasure sword.

"- But not even compared to me."

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