"A special envoy from the demonic realm is a strange story."

The day after the admissions ceremony.

I was visiting the school director's office on the top floor of the main building.

Before the little dwarf old lady, I say.

"The Demons are enemies of the Empire, and they have no formal national dealings with them. On the other hand, it is now a de facto truce in which no conspicuous end of the war has been opened either. Not to mention that they are not one country, they are divided into a number of races, and even more tribes. Though in the days of the Demon King he had created coalitions, he had never been a country... What exactly are their representatives visiting for? It's not about the Empire or the city along the border, it's about Rodney, etc."

"... stop asking me what I know"

The school director answers with a bitter look.

"Such a thing, it would be decided before it was built. To take the daughter of the brave."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"But... it is true that the Demons were visiting this city. Not a messenger or anything."

"Yep... you must have come to pick up the brave one anyway, just like you did two years ago. It's pathetic that they're being used in a human conspiracy even though they're dead."

"............... is that you?

I answer with a smile. [M]

"Come on. Oh, my God."

"... Fair enough. I don't care about that right now."

The school director says in a harsh voice.

"You're right. The Marquis of Greville used the demonic raid and its death, which the court had grasped, to grab that girl for a good cause. Understanding so much... what are you doing here? Are you here to blame me for taking away a missouri student?


Lie your eyes down and tell them.

"I just want to know. I wonder why Amu was taken."


"Hi, Marquis Greville and I - it seems like we want to end the brave until we give them a reason why we can't. I don't know that. Why would the aristocracy in charge of national politics dare to crush the vessels that make him a hero of the country and abandon his superiority over the Demonic Nation"

"It's... no"

The school director says something and stops saying it immediately.

"Atashi is not a military expert. Shall we stop saying things that are uncertain? The only thing I can say... is that the Empire is not a single rock."


"Lamplog's, you'd know if you were a nobleman too. To the court, to the parliament, to the society, to the city, to the chamber of commerce. Between the nobles, various factions are disturbed. Some of them are factions made by school graduates alike. You know what, Ramprog's. The fact that schools have brave men... means that their factions will have mighty violence."


"Some people don't like it."

I open my mouth after a brief silence.

"For that degree of circumstance... betraying my country and my countrymen, killing the brave... one girl?

"It's not. It's not, Lamplog's."

The school director tells him to teach.

"They are never, ever, moving with simple desire. Few of them do. Politics is complicated. They think of them, of their clans, of their companions, of their empires, and they are leaping. Even last night's outrage... yes. Probably."

"Yep... Yep. You'll see, Doctor. And so have the politics I've seen so far."

It's just that.

It has nothing to do with me or Amu's situation.

"Lamplog's. Don't think too much about it."

The dean calls me back to my heels.

"I'm just working my way to court from all over now. There's no way an outrage like that could get through with what thoughts you were moving. Probably happened without even rooting it out satisfactorily. You can keep waiting for the good news. I'm sure I'll take that girl..."

"Rarely, what is it? Doctor."

To the silent school director, I keep laughing and asking.

"You think I'm alone and I'm gonna go get Amu back?

"Lamplog's. You..."

"There's no way you can do that. The teacher is right, I will wait for the good news.... by the way"

I keep asking.

"How long does that work? Is it something that she can definitely help out before she feels at the end of torture or is poisoned by a meal and left to die suspiciously?"


"Excuse me, you asked an ill-intentioned question. I know that the teacher is also doing his best for Amu. I appreciate that properly, and I'm here for you. Good luck at best, Doctor. Bye."

I turn my heels again and begin my steps.

The word to stop, this time I didn't hear it.


The sun sets.

The purple standing sky was already dark-blue in colour.

"- - All the exchangers want the source of their own privileges to be something other than power"

A popular school square.

I groan staring into the sky in a world where the book of the night goes down.

"Orthodox bloodlines, noble laws, or beliefs, or the approval of the people... because they are a family of kings, because they are prescribed by law, because God said, because they were recognized by everyone... that they have privileges. You can lay down taxes, lay down rules, and deprive someone of their liberty, I insist. How dare you think it's convenient... Or maybe people can live together without contention because they believe there is something more honorable than power... But, Yuki. They tend to forget often."

A floating human rattle is solved for visibility and appears in front of him.

"Such things, what they preach, are only fantasies -"

I open the door.

"- that everything can be taken away by greater power"

Summon - Mizuchi

From the distortion of space, a long body with blue-green scales stretches out.

As the dragon ascends into the night sky, he begins to ramble to shake off the clairvoyant ceremonial god.

I put a curse on my voice and tell it.

"Look, dragon. Look at me."

Even more violent.

"Am I short of your Lord now?" Dragon. "

At that time, he slowed down his movements and turned his head to me.

Staring at this one with blue eyes like you turned the lake into balls... slowly before me, unloading its giant.

Eventually, coming near the surface, the cobblestone sand and tree leaves emerged due to the divine force that wrapped around him.

I squirm with my tongue.

"Damn, it's a troublesome demon... you don't have much power, you have a lot of temper."

Still, it would be easy enough to destroy one city in this country.


On your head, Yuki says.

"I'm afraid I do. If the life in this world has not yet been decreed to be a cunning living thing - this time I know that I should give up saving her."

"... for once, let me ask you why. Why, Yuki."

"Saika in this life should have been decided to live in hiding her powers so that she would not be caught up in a political conflict again. A brave man is just an umbrella for that. If you spare an umbrella and expose yourself to the wind and rain, you will end up falling."

"What are you talking about, Yuki"

I say quietly.

"Your umbrella has no substitute. There is no replacement for a brave man. What are we going to do without forcing ourselves here? Windstorms, etc. - You just have to clear every rain cloud."


Yuki blocks words for a moment.

"Seika, do you understand? This time, Seika is trying to help... and that's exactly who's driving this country, isn't it? Didn't you say so yourself! If we can show them the power to look... we can see the same thing in this world as we did in previous life..."

"What's wrong with that?

To Yuki, who loses his word, I say.

"I told you earlier, this is a place where you can't. There is one brave man. There is no other way to fulfill my vision than to rescue... the one who sees power."

"But… the enemy is the hub of this mighty nation. I didn't expect it to be that easy..."

"How difficult is it for me to have a piece of it by force?"

"Oh, that's..."

"Look, Yuki... there are a lot of countries in this world, just like in previous lives. What? -"

I tell.

"- I've destroyed about one, and there's nothing to say about it."


Yuki says bitterly.

"A brave man is not an end, he is just a means...? Saika will be happy in this life."

"Whether you know it or not"

"If so..."

A squeezing, little voice.

"Then why... are you so angry..."

Yuki says to me that I will remain silent.

"Trying to reconsider now, don't you think?

"... that's tough"

I ask, keep my voice down.

"Are you still going to give me an opinion, Yuki?"

"………… no"

Yuki answers in an unexpectedly clear tone.

"If that's what Seika decided... I have nothing more to say to Yuki"

"... don't give me your head. They're gonna fly."

I tread upon the ceremonial god in the air, and descend upon the head of the temple.

One squeaks, hoisting slightly up the edge of his mouth.

"Well... Brothers politicians from different worlds, let's see your skill. I wonder if I can do the best I can for you."

I tell him. [M]

"Head west. Dragon."

The wrapping divine power increases the power.

My head turned toward the starlit western sky.

The giant twirls.

The wind turns backwards.

Once in Japan, the water dragon that guarded the Divine Lake - now began to fly across the skies of different worlds to the Imperial Capital.

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