Amu was on a hard floor in the dungeon, holding his knee.

How long has it been since they let me in here?

When the sun does not shine and we are underground with extreme silence, even the sense of time becomes obscure.

On the night of the induction ceremony, he was put on a horse right after that and ran through the streets all night.

While changing horses along the way, he took little rest and reached the Imperial City the following evening.

I don't know why I was in such a hurry.

Even about your own, unmemorable sins.

After going through the castle gate, he was immediately put in a carriage and brought to Imperial Castle.

And he was put in this dungeon with very little explanation.

The fact that this is not the prison where ordinary sinners are put was also imaginary for Amu.

After all, this is the basement of Imperial Castle. Probably the place to keep political prisoners and the like.

But I don't know how much I think about why I am trapped in a place like this, a child of adventurers, who is nothing more than a civilian.

Amu holds her knees hard and circles her back.

It was cold. Outside, I'm sure it's already late at night. Spring is still a cold time. From the cold stone floor, more and more body temperature is taken away.

It was hard on Amu, who was brought in dressed up. I had raised my wand sword, but it was taken away before I could be put on a horse, so I can't even magically get warm.

I wonder what will happen next.

Thinking about it, my body trembled.

It's never just because of the cold.

I didn't know why this happened.

Until the other day, I should have thought about my last year at school and my life as an adventurer starting next year.

Since then, what happened to the entrance ceremony?

Would Efa or Mabel be worried?

Seika's greetings as a general generation-.


Rub the seeping tears with a mess and arms.

Seika's promise to go on another adventure together may also be lost.

And at that time, from beyond the iron lattice, the footsteps sounded.



A shadow with a light in his hand draws closer and closer.

Admitting that appearance - Amu, he opened his eyes.

"Uh... oh, you..."

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