Strongest Onmyouji's Isekai Adventure ~ The Monsters are too weak compared to my Youkai Servant

Episode 100: The Most Powerful Yin Yang Master, Breaking the Castle

"This country is too narrow."

On the head of Mizuchi floating in the night sky, looking down at the city beneath my eyes, I shrug.

It took less than two days by carriage or ten minutes for a dragon. For this minute, it will take less than a month to cruise all of this mighty country.

Directly below, the Empire was spreading.

Big city. Looking down from above, all the more so.

Countless houses are built amidst long walls, and the lights lit the streets despite midnight blurring out the entire city.

Instead of Japan, the city has developed more than any city I've ever seen in Song or the West.

I wonder how much effort the people of this world have put in their hands to prosper so far.

Most of all... I don't care.

I will turn all the surrounding ceremonial gods into bats and descend into the city.

The countless black wings that descend into the night sky are still like rain in the shadows.

The goal is an international bright castle that rises to the center of the city - the Imperial Castle.

The voices of the guards with the lights reach me through the ears of the ceremonial God.

"Wow, what is this?"

"Bat? But why so... '

Eventually I turn all the bats that came down to the surface and the roof into rats this time.

When the mice of the Equation God run out, they invade the building from every gap. Chimneys, vents, slightly open windows, crashed wall holes.

Each time you reach a branch of the aisle, the herd splits and explores the entire building in the castle with a total win.

Special, you don't have to manipulate him. The ceremony is organized that way beforehand.

Eventually - I smiled a little.

"Oh, I found it... you were there, Amu"


I kicked him in the head and threw myself into the night sky.

Step quietly down to the city, trampling the ceremonial god in the air.

"Nevertheless -"

The Imperial Castle consists of several buildings built around the main castle, which stretches in the centre, and the walls surround it.

Without the moat, the castle gate is thin.

Completely, it was like a castle for residential and social purposes. It doesn't look very much like you're assuming to hold your enemies forward.

So, I guess.

Standing in front of the walls, I pointed a single human rattle straight at the gates of the deserted.

- It's a brittle castle.

Soil Phase - The Art of Throwing Rock Doors

A rock the size of a mountain was shot out - crushing the castle gate, every wall around it.

The debris scatters and the dust rolls up.

A little late, I heard the soldiers screaming and yelling.

You won't immediately understand what happened. Will there exist in magicians of this world, such as those who produce rocks far beyond the height of the walls?

From the collapse of the walls, I walk into the castle.

"Don't disturb me! What happened!?

"Become... the walls..."

From the rat's ear, you can hear the guards.

"It could be an assault, everyone, take your weapons! Wake up those nonsense guys!

'Hey... there's someone over there! Tell the towers!


I'm a little impressed. [M]

Confusion is subsiding. Sounds like quite a few highly skilled soldiers.

The brightness of the night of the other world, illuminated by two moons, is now all but neglected.

'Is that the Raider...? Hey, I'm shooting!

'Damn... I'll do it... Huh!

Coincidentally, an arrow is fired almost simultaneously from two walled towers that were nearby.

I silently activated the procedure as I walked without even looking at it.

Yang's Phase - Magnetic Flow Cloud

My target arrow is slipping away. [M]

The arrow flew away from me a long time ago, as if in a different direction, because I had raised the output a little too much.

From the walled tower, you hear a bewildered voice.

'What, the arrow...?

"Aim anyway! Stay away from the castle!

Arrows loom again.

Of course, they can't even hit.

But it never felt good either.

"... depressing"

I fly each of them to the castle wall tower and mark them with one hand.

"Soil Phase - The Art of Stone"

NOTE Two giant rocks rolled in a series of ropes descended, completely crushing each castle wall tower.

At the same time, the voice from the ceremonial God is interrupted.


I narrow my eyes slightly in the light of the lined pine lights. Soon, far ahead, the guards were gathered.

A captain-like man in the center raises his voice to me.

"Who are you! What brings you to Imperial Castle for?

Buy some time.

I stopped, and I thought so.

While waiting for reinforcements, I will urge you to evacuate now.

Well, let's give him some advice.

"Stay out of the way"

There are signs of a captain-like man wandering in my voice.

"Clear the way. If you obey, you won't take their lives."

"Huh...! Let go!!

A captain-like man gives orders, as if he can no longer be seen.

For the archer's movements, I tried to use Magnetic Flow Clouds again - with tongue-beating, I bounced off the spot a lot.

A few arrows burst into the spot where I was earlier.

This technique is ineffective for fire arrows.

When the metal is heated, it doesn't get enough magnetic backlash.

Probably didn't mean this to ensure vision... but it's a hassle.

That captain also aims. As far as letting archers connect fire arrows again instead of normal arrows, you can assume they spotted this weakness.

When I tried to switch to another arrow shelter, I saw soldiers pulling out their swords and approaching this way.

I... suddenly, I got ridiculous.

If you think about it, you don't have to fight so hard anymore.

"Oh, my gosh."

"The Phase of Yang-Fire - The Art of Shilomura"

A white flame turned the night into day.

The firearrows released evaporate in an instant, and some of the guards who were in front of them start to flame up and burn.

Although not directly seared by the white flame, its radiation heat seemed to ignite the equipment naturally. Naturally, the human body inside can't stand it, and the guard falls flabby as it is.

If you don't reduce excess heat with shady chi, Hado is stronger than ever.

I laughed with my burnt lips as I healed the flaming blisters I had all over my body.


Summon - Sickle Weasels

A whirlwind emerged from the distortion of space, tearing apart the remaining soldiers.

Once the raging sickle descended on the roof of the castle for a while, he carefully licked the blood of the giant sickle that had grown in his hand, as if it were even a hair repair. Then it turns into a whirlwind again and raises the guard to a blood festival.

That is a particularly large and powerful individual among the sickles.

If you're attacked by that sickle and wind blade, you're not about to cut it.

I laugh watching the screaming and bloody tragedy.


Amu said before that he likes to fight.

Same goes for me.

No, I'm sure everyone does.

It feels good to subjugate the bad guys with force.

The pleasure of pressing one's own justice against another with overwhelming violence cannot be substituted for anything.

There is no good or evil in this world.

Everything just has the power to exchange it or not.

If I were you, I could do anything for you.

That's why it was strange.

Why do you have to be so - self-absorbed?

White flames sweep the universe, melting the walls of guards and buildings.

A whirlwind running vertically and horizontally winds up the blood smoke one after the other.

"Ha ha"

I couldn't stop laughing.

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