One tower, in a painting in the castle.

I descend quietly, illuminating the stairs that lead to the basement with the lights of the human rattle.

Ceremony I was concerned that I wasn't even on guard at the time I let go of God, but okay. Must be convenient.

Eventually, down the stairs, there was the dungeon.

Much wider. The place is the only place, I'm sure it's not a cell that puts ordinary prisoners in.

I call out to the girl who snorts with her knees inside.


Amu in a blanketed uniform raised his face.

"Huh...? Seika?

Are you all right? I'm here to help. "

With a smile, I gently touch the iron lattice.

Metals brittled with Gallia's mercury (gallium) just melted away.

Amu says with his eyes round.

"Hey, why...? Why are you here..."

"I told you, I'm here to help. Come on, let's run."

Even though I laughed lightly and said so, Amu still looked confused.

"Oh, you, how did you get in here?

"Uh... hey, you can't help it. I'm strong. You know that.

"Ha? Hey... what are you thinking! What do you think would happen like that?


"Trying to escape doesn't mean you can escape! Besides, this... it might bother your family as well as you!? Worst case scenario, they took the territory..."

"Amu... this is about your life."

"Damn... I know that! Oh, me, it's okay!

That's what Amu said.

I knew right away that that was the best possible vanity.

With a slightly trembling voice, Amu continues as if to tell himself.

"I'm not doing anything! I don't know any demons, and I'm sure you'll understand! Because you should be out in a minute!


"So... you run away! I don't know what you did, but it's only night, and I'm sure I don't know who did it. So now, of course."


"Wait at school. Me too, I'll be home soon. I'm sure nobles aren't hippos enough to stay with just civilians forever!

When I saw Amu's strong, forced grin, I closed my eyes slightly.

Then, say it quietly.

"It won't happen, Amu."


"Because you're a brave man."

"Yu...... brave man?


I go on.

"He's a fairy tale brave man. Once in a hundred years, reincarnated with the Demon King, a human hero - this time the brave man is you, Amu."

"Oh, no..."

"It's not just civilians. You have a reason to be killed. Those who possess power are feared, neglected and eliminated from those who do not. In all times, in all worlds."


"Let's run, Amu. If I stay here, they'll murder me."

I smile and reach out to Amu, who opens her eyes and loses her words.

"Look, let's go. Before nightfall..."

At that time.

I turned the invisible human rattle toward the darkness that spread at the end of the aisle.

"The Fire Earth Phase - The Art of Fire"

A burning blue fireball of phosphorus flies, illuminating the dark underground.

It reached nowhere and was intercepted by the magic of the wind in the air.

The crushed nucleus of phosphorus burns small all over the aisle.

I called out to the shadow of the flame rising.

"Hey, brother."

Gli leaves his wand sword standing with a rugged look on his face and answers nothing.

I say it with a bitter smile.

"It's been a long time since we met again. Come on, I didn't want to see my brother here... But I can't help it. Do you want a duel? But you haven't fulfilled your promise yet."

Gli didn't answer my question.

Just say it in a stuck voice.

"Seika, what the hell are you..."

"You don't have to."

From the darkness behind the aisle, my voice sounded.

I shrug quietly when I see the person who slowly showed up.


I smile sarcastically at the Holy Empress, who walked out before Glai.

"There was such a place as this that there was such an unlike person. But I show up a long time ago...... no, I see. You saw it, didn't you? Now, this moment."

I turn off my grin and keep my voice down. [M]

"How did it turn out, Fiona? Will you give me this explanation? Or... do you want me to deal with the elephant that's holding you back there?

Soon - there were some signs around this building.

It's not just a guard.

Perhaps everyone is comparable to Galeos and earlier Demonic parties.

I'm sure these guys do it with the Holy Knight.

Well, that's a lot of sword-making talent.

Most of all... there's no point in this.


Fiona said in a clear tone.

The atmosphere of clarity, too, is not now.

Just keep going with a serious voice.

"Neither of them. None of this is necessary on this occasion right now. The Holy Knight is just keeping an eye out for disturbances from the outside. I understand the recklessness of letting them deal with you, Master Seika."

"Hmm... Future vision is a convenient force."

I exhale one question.

"So, what are you here for?"

"Before I do, I'm going to answer your question"


"Sometimes you must be wondering a lot. I'm going to show you my sincerity enough to explain. Because it will be easier for me to accept the suggestions I make after this."

"Suggestions, huh? Sounds like something to me... okay."

I ask the most questions.

"Why, Amu is about to be killed?


"The Empire must have enemies. A clear enemy, the Demon Nation. No matter how timid you are and how important the interests of the faction are, it is only too unreasonable to kill the brave and abandon your own advantage as a nation. Were you that stupid?

"It's... No, it's not"

Fiona, after a few words, starts talking.

"This empire used to be... a much smaller country than it is now. It has a small population, limited agricultural land and no dependent country. There was no national army, and the lords everywhere were overpowering their troops by conscripting their inhabitants, so naturally they were poorly equipped and unable to take satisfactory tactics."


"How reliable was the brave man who showed up in that? That power could have been more than a thousand, no. Heroes who, with the Holy Sword in their hands, attack the terrible land of the Devil Nation with their trusted companions and defeat the Devil King. It would have been exactly a symbol of hope, worthy of being told by legend... once."


"But... now, no. You know what, Master Seika? The Empire can now mobilize hundreds of thousands of soldiers instantly indeed. That's not conscripted peasants, either, but trained regular soldiers. Along with fine equipment and advanced siege weapons. And it's the same with the Demons."


"Do you understand, Master Seika? Brave men and demon kings are already outdated. Even if it is comparable to thousands of soldiers on its own, it is like an error from an overall point of view. Not enough to dictate the trend of war. Assuming the Demon King... just because you defeated the enemy leader doesn't mean you can control the capital. In a brave man who is only a solo horseman, the occupation of the city is also irresistible. Every wise man is aware of this fact."

"... what's wrong with that"

I say.

"Where is the reason to kill because you don't exchange for it as a force of war? If you can't use it, just throw it away."

"The brave... just exist and become a spark of war"

Fiona continues.

"Think about it. Now that there is no demon king on the devil's side, there are only brave men on the human side. Heroes of legendary strength."


"Who can say if no humans attack this plane? What if humans are foolish enough not to use it as a force? Or what if, knowing it won't be a force of war, they take it up as an anti-demonic flag? Once the end of the war is opened, it is inevitable that it will be a war. Then at least take the lead... it wouldn't be strange to have a leader of the devil clan to think so. A brave man can be a spark of war"


"Now no more...... nobody wants a war or anything. Times are different from when we were fighting over land and safety. The Demon Nation cannot be annexed as a nation because its culture is too different from ours. It's less profitable where you win. And you don't want war, probably the same on the devil's side. That's why they send assassins to fight for the brave. They don't want to take advantage of the dispute, they want to put out the spark. Sparks of war."


"We and the Demons will have the best relationship to the extent that we interact with resources and crafts, for example in informal trade through merchants. I mean, now. Nobody wants a war or anything. It's not convenient for anyone to have a wave."

I opened my mouth to say something and kept it closed.

Fiona, who was watching how it went, goes on and says:

"In addition... I'm sure Mr. Amu won't gain the strength he once had as a brave man"

"... why"

"Because you are here, Master Seika."

Fiona keeps quiet.

"Brave strength is what you get by beating the difficulties. It's something you'll finally have in your hands after battling your mighty enemies over and over while you're about to lose your own life and something important. Do you allow Mr. Amu to... Strong enough to attack Imperial Castle... kind enough for you."

To me in silence, Fiona says.

"I have no idea why you are obsessed with the brave. Nor can we know the power of futuristic vision to the heart that a man holds in his chest and never surfaces. But if that reason is strong... you can say it won't, as Seika thinks it will."

"... so I'm going to say what"

I inquire.

"This kid won't get stronger, 'cause he won't do what I think... you want me to kill him? That's what you want me to say, watching you die for peace."

"No, it's not. I don't want that either."

Fiona denies it in a clear tone.

"What I said earlier is only one side of things. Extremists, who rather think that brave men should be excluded, are only a small part of it. Those who find usefulness in the brave, those who point to the possibility that the Demon Nation will gain momentum, those who are concerned about the existence of the Demon King… among the powerful, there are many who disagree. This barbarism can almost be described as the outburst of one Marquis Greville, never by the totality of the Empire. The school factions are moving in a direction that protects Mr. Amu, and so am I."


"Dear Seika, My request is one."

And Fiona tells.

"Retreat now"


"I won't let anyone or anything happen to Mr. Amu. With all the power I possess, I will return to school safely. Don't get tired at all, even to relatives. Nor will you bear the blame for tonight. If you leave now, I'll make sure you get back to your old school life. The Empire… you will no longer have to turn it against your enemies. So..."

"Ha, I see"

I say with a dry laugh.

"I finally get it. You wanted Amu... No, you wanted to see Amu and me to make that request at this time."

"Eh... yeah, that's right. I wanted you to know that I'm a human being. I wanted to make friendships, even for a short time."


"Do you remember, Master Seika? Promise me on chess. If you lost, you promised to listen to one thing whatever the winner had to say. I want that to happen now."


"Trust me"


"If you believe me... I will always fulfill my promise"


"Seika, Seika"

That's when Amu grabs my sleeve from the side.

"Um, Fiona and your brother..."


I briefly tell the girl.

"You need to keep your mouth shut for a moment."


Take your eyes off the silent amu and I tell Fiona.

"A lot of exaggerated wishes for a playful promise, Fiona."


"You said you could refuse if you couldn't."

I tell.

"What the hell do you want me to believe?

Fiona knotted her lips and pressed silently with a painful look.

To a decisive crack, the air of the field strains.

Glai, who restarts his wand sword, opens his mouth so that he can no longer indulge.

"Seika, you...... eh"

"No...... ok. Fine, then."

Fiona raised her voice to block it.

"Go ahead, take Mr. Amu"

"... what, you know a lot better"

"We have a carriage in the square just outside the main entrance. It's a horse that can run even at night, so you can leave right away. You won't be able to go back to school, but did you decide where to run?


"If there's nothing you can do, you should head to the Free City of Lacana. It is a city of adventurers, developed by dungeons. The chief over there is my collaborator, and he's already talked about it. I'm going to cover up about Master Seika, but I can't just hide that Mr. Amu is gone... so if there's a chaser, he'll give me a convenience."

"... it's as if you were prepared to expect me to say no. So where's the trap?"

"As much as such things do not make sense to you, I am going to understand. If it did, you should be dropped at Lacana or Imperial Castle."


Fiona laughed and walked out.

Passing by my side and standing in front of the stairs, I look back and say:

"Come on, come here. I'll show you to the carriage. If you still don't trust me, you can accompany me to Lacana, right?

"- Fiona, Socoma Desulu Needed Hanai"

Suddenly out of nowhere, I heard a low voice echoing from the ground.

The figure of the Lord of the Voice is nowhere to be seen. It didn't seem like any of the signs I was feeling.

"Zira hostage tonalzmolica. Soleja, I Tono Promise D..."

"Shut up."

Fiona's words blocked my voice before I used a curse.

That voice is sharp enough to be heard for the first time, and I accidentally stop my hand.

"I will not allow you to stand in my way now. Be careful, even if it's you, we don't think you'll be dealing with Seika."

Fiona's words had a slight rush.

Confirming that the mysterious voice was silent, Fiona made a smile and turned to me.

"I'm sorry for your loss. That's my holy knight, too. It's just a little worrying, so don't worry about it. I'll tell you later. Let's go."

I turned my back and watched Fiona climb the stairs for a little while - I took Amu's hand.

"Let's go"

When she pulls her hand, the girl leans down on her face and follows her adultly.

I put my foot on the stairs leading up.


Out of the tower, the castle was quiet as if I had been a liar. [M]

I'm sure Fiona had already hit her hand, even at the beginning and end of the area.

The square was right through the collapsed main entrance.

"... really, you had a carriage ready"

At the corner of the square, I saw a single-headed carriage connected to a tree, and I shrugged in half.

Then I realized there was a time, and my face caught on unexpectedly.

"Ugh, of course. Horses and carriages are both superior. Because Seika needs to feel bad."

Fiona says in a good mood.

"I also stocked up on food and roadblocks. You'll have enough until Lacana. Mr. Amu has his sword."

"Oh well..."

"So, what do we do? Should I follow you, too?

I answer with my eyes down after a brief silence.

"... no, fine"

"Really... let's just say that you trusted me with some of it, and take it that way. It's easier for me to stay here and make future moves. Going to Lacana with you both seemed fun."

Fiona continues with a smile.

"Come on, get in. Now you can get out of the south gate. You should leave early. It's not very good to be in the capital forever."

"... Amu, see"

"Ugh, yeah...... ah, Fiona"

Amu, who tried to get in the carriage, stopped in front of Fiona.


"Um... Thanks for this. Thank you."

That's what I said, I gave him the blanket I had in my hand.

When you notice my gaze, you begin to describe it as bumpy.

"Fiona and your brother came to me a little after they put me in that cabin. Give me food and a blanket... you've always encouraged me because I can totally get out"


"This, I guess, is good stuff, right? It was warm."

When Fiona received the blanket - she laughed small and hung it on Amu's shoulder.

"Take it with you. It's still cold at night, so you'll need it on the road."

"Are you sure? Thanks........."

"Ugh...... good luck. I'll tell Efa and Mabel exactly what we did to Lacana. I'll talk to you again sometime."

"Yeah... oh, but I don't want him to be with me"

"Glai is really terrible, isn't it? I was surprised, too. When you see Amu in uniform, dress the horse... you don't know how to treat a woman. It needs to be educated."

"You were normally clamped back then. I won't see you at all until I fix your rudeness."


Amu waves small to Fiona as she boards the carriage.

"Bye, Fiona. Thank you so much."

"Goodbye, Mr. Amu"

Then Fiona turns to me.

"So long, Master Seika"

"... Fiona"

I exhaled one and called her by her name.

Fiona snaps her neck like she's confused.


"I'm sorry I couldn't keep the promise I made to play"

Fiona answers, smiling after a moment of silence.

"No, never mind. Master Seika was right. It wasn't like demanding gambling."

"Still, a promise is a promise. My failure must have been my downfall. [M] So... at least let me do this."

…… What... "

Pass in front of the pompous Fiona and look forward to the Imperial Castle.

It was only a moment ago that I came down here. Eight blocks back would be enough.

To be small and truthful - space was distorted and countless human rattles were thrown out of phase into the night sky.

When it flies as it glides through the universe, it is placed regularly around the Imperial Castle.

Eventually each is bound by a line of curse, complete with a 3D magic formation.

"ओ अ थ इ इ अ ू ू थ इ इ अ ू ू-"

Mark with both hands and speak the truth.


I've only used it enough to count - an extra-scientific technique comparable to the curse (serious) of reincarnation.


And - - changes started to happen.

The debris on the scattered walls fades, and its contours flash.

Not just one. All the debris present everywhere and the dust that was falling swayed and vanished as if it were a moon reflected on the water.

Instead, the castle gate, which should have collapsed, or the castle wall tower, which was also missing traces, begins to regain its appearance.

It gradually recovers from a blurry shadow that seems to disappear if you rub your eyes into a shape that has a color flavour and was before it was destroyed.

The change didn't stop at just that.

The walls of the castle that were melting.

The trees in the garden that were torn apart.

And - even the soldiers whose lives were lost.

Due to an unreasonable curse (serious), it is returned to the form of a moment and a little while ago.


"... something like this"

I put my hand down, which I had marked.

Emperor Castle had already returned to what I was when I visited.

Nowhere else, such as those traces of destruction.

I turn to Fiona and say.

"Once this happened, it should have all gone back to normal. I just can't guarantee even the soul of a soldier. Probably fine... but if there's anyone who's vain, make it easier then."

Fiona was flashing as if the sight in front of her was unbelievable.

But then he suddenly looks scared and tells me.

"Damn, it's something that's done a lot to me!


"I was trying to clean up with my body that there was a mighty demonic raid because of it! I can't believe all that destruction and soldier's life is back... how do you tell me to explain this stuff!

"Well, it was... an illusion, or something. Can you handle it?"

"Do you have such illusions! You wanted to harass me so badly!?

"Yes, no... I don't think so..."

"Then why don't you explain it beforehand and do it on your own! I'm glad you just said one word!


"Already! That's what you are..."

So Fiona stopped talking.

And look at me staring terribly at myself - with a sigh of sigh, with a smile that I can't seem to help.

"But... it looks like you"


"It's hard...... let's do something about it. I made a promise."

Fiona turned her heel back.

Then I just look back at my neck and tell him.

"Goodbye, Master Seika. I'm sure the time will come to see you again."


After dropping off Fiona for a while on her way back to Imperial Castle, I took off the rope of the horse that was attached to the tree and boarded the carriage tower.

Hold the reins.

It's a bright night. The horse is calm, too. There will be no problem with the departure.

It's just...


From behind, I hear Amu.

"... hmm?

"I... honestly, I haven't swallowed the situation yet."


"What are you, a brave man?"


"What you were talking to Fiona about, it was a punch."


"What? I almost died? And you're a brave man, and you can't be strong? And the school is expelled? I don't know anymore."


"I'm not as smart as you or Efa. I guess it explains it properly."

"... oh"

"Fine, then. Now get away from the Empire as soon as possible. Fiona said you shouldn't stay long."

"Hey Amu... can I ask you one thing?


"What's a carriage... how do you move it?

".................. ha??

Amu heard herself riding out in the back.

"What? You don't know how to move it?

"You can't understand...! I was so bad at it."

"So why did you sit on your stand?

"Because Amu rode that way..."

"Huh...? Wait, wait, I'm getting a headache."

Say like Amu is confused.

"In the first place, so what were you going to do? Why didn't you tell Fiona you wanted her?"

"You can't say, in that atmosphere...!

It's too pitiful for a human to know how to move all this to the quote he even got for the carriage, leaving it to him to run.

"What are you looking at at at a time like this! If it were Fiona, you would have prepared it right away! Ha... man is so stupid."

"I don't have a word to give it back."

"I mean, you were a man, too."

"That's not much of anything."

"I kinda forgot you were human... get out of the way"

And Amu saith as he turned unto your table.

"Can you move the carriage?

"I've only done it once. But it's better than you. Here, come on."

Replace as you are told.

When Amu held the reins, he said with a bitter smile.

"You're so considerate ahead."

"I'm sorry for what I said"

"But a little fun. Lacana is something I wanted to go to once...... Regards, Seika"

Amu lightly hits the reins.

The carriage headed towards the castle gate of the Imperial capital and began to run quietly.

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