"You guys have too much to do with each and every one of you."

In a small room where Murderbat was crusaded in an instant.

We were preached to Amu.

Of course, I have confirmed that there are no signs of monsters around... but that's not the problem.

"Mabel first! You must refrain from taking the sword."

"Mm... why. Then you don't look like an assassin."

"You say the axe man is a heavy warrior - but! Why are you so obsessed there... Okay? You're avant-garde, so you don't force away enemies to target you. If you have to throw a sword, we'll leave it to the guards."

"But Amu also uses magic once in a while"

"I'm only after what the avant-garde will handle. And for a sword, it costs money. If you throw with your gravitational magic idiot force, even the blade will be damaged, and depending on the location, it can't be recovered. If you can't recover more material than a sword, you're in red? Be more cost conscious."

"Suddenly, I said something like a merchant."

"It's the same thing. Instead of spending money on weapons and protective equipment"


"I'm not telling you never to throw. But if it's an enemy you can count on, let it be. Okay?"

"... ok"

Mabel nods honestly.

I'm a little impressed, too. You're thinking about going out.

"Next! Efa and Seika, though."

Now look at us, says Amu.

"You're not allowed to attack one side."

"Oh, yeah? It's okay, it's..."

Amu replies to Efa, who says anxiously.

"As I said earlier, I'm overpowered. Unless you're also the boss opponent, one of you is enough. It also damages the material."


"So, one of you be thorough with the healer. I'm told that parties with full-time healers are less likely to have accidents."

"Then Efa will turn to the healer. I will take the attack."

Though I thought it would be safer for me to participate in the battle.

Amu narrowed his eyes and looked at me, then put it down a little and said:

"Hmmm...... no"


"Efa is the attacker. So, Seika recovers (healer)"

"No, no, no. Why not?"

Until just now, it felt like either was fine.

"There are three reasons. First of all, your magic costs money."

"Are you talking about the spell? That's not a lot of money for a piece of paper compared to a sword."

"Compared to Rodney, the paper here is expensive, right? There is no paper mill nearby. Instead, you can take all the metal resources you want, so it might be cheaper to throw a sword."


"Thinking about the future, you should keep the consumables as warm as possible. And then, for a second reason... when you act as an attacker, in a pivotal situation, we don't lose our jobs? If you're in danger, you can pretend you're serious."

"... maybe... what's wrong with that?

"In the end, I'm gonna have to rely on you to lead an adventurer's life."

"I don't care..."

"We care. I knew I wasn't comfortable in a position where you'd just take care of me. Besides, if something happened and you were gone... what would happen to us?


"I know you can do anything. Maybe you can attack all the dungeons around here by yourself. But... even if you're not that strong, all adventurers have done well so far."


"So leave something to us, too. And for one last reason."

Amu laughs a little and says.

"I knew it would be easier if you stayed behind as a healer."

When I am lost in words, Efa says intentionally.

"Seika-kun. I'll do my best."

"... ok"

I nodded quietly.

Then I laugh and say it small.

"Then we're going to let the disciples gain experience, let them watch"

"What's so great about it?"

"Seika, I want to look old"

"What's your position?"

I laugh bitterly.


Even then, the quest for dungeons proceeded without particular problems.

Originally a novice dungeon, there's no reason for problems to arise, but Amu's mentoring is worth it, and the floating appearance that was there at the beginning disappears, and everyone is calmly facing the monster.

My job is almost gone.

Since all impromptu curses take the place of shoulders, minor injuries will not be done as healing positions (healers), at best to the extent that they secure vision with a lighted human rattle and serve the recovered material in phase.

But I think this is it.

They say they want to work on their own. It would also be the role of the elderly to watch young people grow.

Of course, I'm going to get my hands on it as soon as it's in danger.

Eventually, when enough material was gathered, we decided to turn back.

The day will still be high, but I also need time to go sell to the guild. This would be the first place.


We returned safely to Lacana and headed to the Adventurer's Guild with our feet.

"I'd like to ask you to buy some materials."

Saying that at the guild desk, an elderly woman at the reception smiles.

"Welcome home. Now put the material on the table there."

I open the door to the phase and spread the recovered material onto the platform by the reception.

Demon Stone or the sword that Skeleton had. No big deal, but a good amount of material piled up on the table.

The receptionist rounds her eyes.

"Oh, did you work as a porter? Is that all the material for the buyout?

"Yes...... ah, no, wait"

When I close the door and restore the visibility of the human rattle, I take out another human rattle.

Amu looks at it a lot.

"What? Is there anything else?

"It is."

Yes, I had another thing to sell.

We caught it before we visited Lacana, the remains of a deer monster.

I totally forgot. Anyway, a lot has happened... But that must sell high.

Gently speak truthfully and open the door to phase.

And with the heavy sound of Goto, the carcass fell to the floor of the guild.




The receptionist and the adventurers around him shout surprises at the object that sits on the floor.

As for me......,

"... to? What is this?

I had my eyes round as well.

That should be it, too.

Because the monster's carcass had turned into a giant rainbow mineral.

Although it barely has a silhouette close to a deer, it's not a carcass, no matter how you look at it, it's just a mineral with rectangular crystals in chunks.

Speaking of which, I also think the demon stone that was growing on my head instead of the horns was wearing this color.

But...... what is this all about?

Is this what happens when that monster dies?

Honestly, I have no idea.

I wonder if some adventurers and guild officials would know, but I can look around...

"Is this a demon stone...?

"Hey this color, isn't it a superior demon stone!?

"No way, all this!?

... Hi, didn't seem to be able to expect it.

The receptionist tells me to black-and-white my eyes.

"Please wait..."

After pulling into the back for a while, he brought back an official with a hammer and a hammer (only).

And explain to me how sorry I am.

"You will have a little time for the appraisal. And it looks like it's a demon stone... it's going to be a lot of money, so I was wondering if I could probably give you the money at a later date..."

"Ha. I don't mind that..."

Rather, I'm more concerned about why this happened.

I wonder if anyone is familiar with it.

Cancun, the sound sounds. An Alliance official was just about to crack (only) a huge rainbow mineral with a hammer. Exactly, I guess I can't appraise it while it's round.

And when a crack entered the surface of the mineral-- suddenly, I felt a fierce flow of force.

I speak up. [M]

"Um, I better not do that anymore!


An Alliance official looked back with a frightened look, at that time.

Mineral cracks spread - everything smashed and scattered.

And what emerged from inside was...,


"Mo, monster!?

It's the demonic stone that was in place of the horn that's disappearing, but no doubt about it.

It's a deer-shaped monster that should have been sealed in phase then.

A demonic stone deer standing on four legs shivers his head.

I was alive no matter what I saw.

Monsters in this world are supposed to be unbearable to phase.


Faster than I turned the ceremony - a deer hoof kicked the floor of the guild.

As he kicks through the floorboard, he also breaks down the entrance door further and jumps out.

"Wait...... no fast!?

As he went outside following him, the Demon Stone deer had already become a small dot in the distant sky.

To see the traces of hooves worn on the ground, they flew all the way over there on one leg with a slight leap.

The deer monster disappeared straight across the walls as he made another big jump on the roof of the tall building.

I stand fast. [M]

"I didn't know you were alive... anyway, you were just a monster, Saika..."

"Oh, oh... this world is huge too"

Answer Yuki over your head.

And I... I looked back, terrified.

What got into my eyes was the entrance to and exit from the guild, where the door was completely destroyed.


I go back inside slowly and quietly.

Inside the guild, he was quiet.

Adventurers, officials, they're all blatant and speechless. The Amu seemed to be the same.

Look at the floor slab kicked in by a deer, I'm going blue.

It's not good, this...

That's when the demonic stone shell left on the floor got into my eyes.

The amount has decreased a lot because the contents were deer, but there is still quite a bit left.


I laughed lovingly, pointing to the deer shell.

"Is that a demonic stone there, enough for the reimbursement...?

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