In conclusion, it was totally enough.

Rather, it was enough.

It seems that all that deer loose shell was the top demon stone, and even if I paid for the door and the floor, I still had a little surprising forehead on hand.

All of a sudden I could afford life because of it.

However, the guild people pissed me off so much.

Said, don't keep the monster in the item box, and don't keep it out in the guild.

I was absolutely right, so I just had to apologize for everything.

By the way, nobody seemed to know about that monster.

But I can somehow imagine what was going on.

Perhaps that deer-shaped monster endured the harsh emptiness of the phase by covering his entire body with a demonic stone shell.

Beasts of previous life, no more that can do the same. I see. There was an interesting chemistry.

Though Amu and the others would have spooked me if I had spoken happily of such a thing.

That's why it was an adventurer's life that all of a sudden started with trouble, but then it went well itself.

After gradually spreading the tip of his leg extension and finding that he could dive steadily even in a mid-sized dungeon, that became the main hunting ground.

Maybe these kids won't have a problem with a higher dungeon.

But I don't have to.

Adventure return.

Amu talks as he walks down the street at dusk.

"What could it have been? Upcoming Shops"

"It's the Golden Thread Pavilion. That sounds expensive."


I'm getting tired of the taste of the Guild Tavern, so I was talking about going to another store today.

Sometimes this much luxury would be nice.

Eventually arrived, the Golden Thread Pavilion had a splendid shop structure.

But I opened the door and I frowned unexpectedly.


"So, after that idiot died..."

The store was flooded with adventurers.

I was wondering if there was any bad gala in some expensive stores... but the idea seemed sweet. It's a city of adventurers, so it's as much of a money-making type of relaxation as it is.

"... store, change it"

When I say it, Efa and Mabel agree.

"Oh yeah..."

"Sounds loud"

But Amu puts his neck up.

"Oh, why? It's a little crowded, but that's not good. That's about it. It's gonna be hard to find another store now, isn't it?

So I usually go inside the store.

We have no choice but to follow suit.

Looking around the store looking for an empty seat, he glanced at us and blurted out of the tables everywhere. Some are whistling.

Probably half of them know about us.

The new foursome party, which unleashed the monster to destroy the guild and quickly began to show its face on a hunting ground for the middle class, had already become famous in part.

But the other half... they'll just be looking at a good-looking young woman and wanting to get a little bit out of it.

"Hey, redhead there!

I was sitting at a table on the wall, a bald-headed little man screaming.

"Come here and deal with me! Hey, I have the money!

And I say, I make a humble laugh.

In this world, it's not necessarily weakness because you're a woman.

Depending on your training, magic can be transformed into physical abilities. Even if it's a girl, screw the big guy in some cases. There are never many women adventurers, that's why.

From that position, Amu's wand sword could not have gone out of sight.

So I'm sure that's like a brazen joke.

I wanted to change the store because of this... and when I'm gennary, Amu laughs and says the little guy with his nose.

"Oh, Goblin's talking about something. Is it a superior species? If you look closely, you're bald."

The tavern was engulfed with laughter.

A little man with a crooked face kicks a chair and stands up.

"Oh, my gosh, that's nasty! Do what you shouldn't say!

Amu said, he had a delightful look on his face.

"Fighting in the tavern! You wanted me to try it once!

"Or, skin it. You'll be banned."

If I break anything else, I'll have to make amends......!

I wasn't sure how to stop it, then.

"Lamplog, is that you?

A familiar, calm voice went into my ear.

Unexpectedly, Lloyd, who had occupied the corner of the tavern with his companions, gave me a soft grin to put up a cup.

"You seem to be doing well lately. Why don't you have a drink over here?"

When Lloyd said that, the tavern got a little quieter.

The bald-headed little man also lowers his hips with a small tongue slap.

He looks like a gentle man, but when he's also just the head of Lacana's second-largest party, he looks pretty smart in the face.

"Yeah, yeah, I'd love to!

I reply to all the boats on the crossing and pull an amu that seems a little unfortunate and head to Lloyd's table.

When the others packed it, it was just about empty for four.

"Hey, thanks for the help"

That's what Lloyd says with a bitter smile on the table.

"Give me a break with the rubbing, will you? I like this place a lot."

"I don't think so."

"... what. We've been fighting and selling first."

"I'm not telling you not to rub it. Just do the fight outside. It's the manners of this city, too."

Lloyd says plainly.

No, is that manners?

"Long time no see, lady! Guys, can you drink?

Sitting next to Amu, a musculoskeletal big woman smiles.

He was a heavy warrior with hammers, avant-garde in the Living Mail Forest.

Answer when the amu gets a little twisted.

"As, well, normally, right?

"I've never had a drink..."

"Me too."

"Me too."

In this life, though.

"This shop is good for spirits."

Says the man who wrapped his monk's coat around him and rounded his head.

It was a monk soldier who was in charge of the avant-garde side by side with a female heavy warrior.

"It's no worse than the secret liquor passed down to the home of the Awkward Monk..."

"Idiot, do you suddenly have a recommendation for distilled liquor! In the beginning, it's time to make fruit wine. All the booze here tastes good."

Female Heavy Warrior orders, the less and the four cups are brought in.

mouth, and I opened my eyes slightly.


"Wow, it's delicious. This is Seika!


"! Huh."

I thought it was exactly wine, but it looked like wood strawberries or some kind of booze.

Is it sweetly flavored or quite easy to drink.

When Amu fills his cup at once, he laughs happily and says:

"Haha! I can do it. This! Excuse me. - Another drink!

"Whoa, that's a good drink."

A female heavy warrior slaps Amu on the back.

"How was your harvest today? Did you earn it?

"Fair enough! The dungeon I went to--"

When Amu answers in a good mood, questions also fly from the adventurers around him.

Apparently, they were all concerned about our party, which was the subject of something.

As Efa and Mabel take part in the conversation with pleasure, I watch it quietly, occasionally hitting on the relationship.

"Hey, did you hear that? The noise of the Empire."

At that time, I heard a conversation from the sideline table that bothered me.

I turn a deaf ear to the conversation between the two adventurers.

"Everything's so strong. The Demons said they raided Emperor Castle alone."

"Seriously, no...! That emperor, he was killed? I don't think so, but I guess even wars like hundreds of years ago start."

"That's it... the devil left without apologizing."


"Fix all the broken walls with magic, too. I don't even know where it was destroyed."

"What the hell. Are you talking to Yota?

"That's what the court is officially announcing. And some of the inhabitants of Imperial Capital said they did see the walls of the ruined Imperial Castle last night."

"You're lying... you planted it anyway. That emperor, aren't you about to start something again?

"Gahaha, I guess so!

The two adventurers laughed at each other and immediately moved on to another topic.

I was listening... filled with unbearable feelings.

Fiona...... su, sorry......

Apparently, she struggled really hard to cover up the noise I made.

Imagine how hard it was to go through such an impossible story, it just stops hanging up.

Perhaps I should apologize once again for this one day.

"Hey Seika! Are you listening?

"What? Oh, yes, yes..."

In response to a call for drunkenness, I then order additional booze.

The customer is not comfortable, but the liquor tasted good only in expensive shops. Even for these kids, it would have been a good place to drink for the first time.

I may have a lot of hard work ahead of me... but at least at times like this, I hope you enjoy it.

After thinking about that, two or three minutes later.

"You're weak anyway."


Amu had a bright red face, clamping down on the table and crying.

I look down at it with my face. [M]

"... you're a weak drinker"

"Huh? Chip! Ugh, everyone's determined to be weak compared to you!? I was told you were a genius! I'm a senior adventurer than you are! Elder, you think what a genius it is to be behind about Trent!? Huhhhhhhh!!


Next to Amu, don't let Mabel move slightly with her head tilted.

Apparently he was asleep.

I sigh.

"... Time to go home. Efa, help me carry you both...... Efa?

Looking next door because there was no reaction, Efa was staring at this one with a full grin.

"Huh? Huh!!

... No. Maybe we should wait till these kids wake up drunk.

Take a sigh and sit back in your seat.

Looking around, Lloyd's people seemed to be up a lot.

"Lamplog, you seem quite drinkable."

Lloyd looked at me and said, surprised.

Answer as you tilt the glass of fire wine I asked you to try.

"Yeah, well. Looks like it."

Reminds me that in my previous life I couldn't get drunk because of my physique or no matter how much I drank.

Though I didn't expect that to be the case with my body in this life.

"But you seem a lot stronger too"

Said Lloyd answers with a bitter smile.

"I only drink water. It might come as a surprise, but at the lower door."

"Oh really... I was wondering if all the well-known adventurers are alcoholics"

"That's a terrible bias. Alcohol and adventure have nothing to do with it. I'm proof of that."

Sure, it's convincing if Lacana's second-largest party leader says so.

"By the way, today was it some sort of gathering? Seems like a lot of people were drinking it."

"Oh...... sort of"

Lloyd says with a meaningful look on his face.

"We are planning a massive adventure in the near future. That's the meeting."

"Heh, massive. You mean?

"The Crusade of the Eastern Boss"

When I shut up, Lloyd keeps going.

"My party, too, is getting a lot more elite. It also gathers information on the location of the boss and the surrounding terrain. With careful preparation, you'll be able to achieve it."

"... I have a few questions"

I ask quietly.

"You mean the boss monster, in the mountains east of Lacana, when it comes to the east boss......?

"Oh, the three mountains around Lacana that I mentioned before, each of them has one giant dungeon. North, south, and east, boss monsters exist one by one. The boss of an attached dungeon like a wandering forest is actually like a medium boss. strength in different dimensions than they are, but never enough to defeat them"

"When you defeat a boss monster... doesn't the dungeon lose its power? Isn't the boss's crusade contraindicated for this city, which is made up of the resources produced by the dungeons?

"That's a story if the boss monster was the nucleus of the dungeon. The nucleus of a dungeon around here is not a boss monster."

"How do you know that?

"It's easy. A few times in the past, boss monsters have been defeated."


"I'm still talking about when Lacana wasn't such a splendid city. So the dungeon vanished, as you can see. It continues to create wealth unchanged and a monster unlike the defeated boss reigns as the current boss. Mountains to the north, mountains to the south, mountains to the east. Perhaps the nucleus is not a boss monster, something else. I don't know what that is."

I push my concerns into the corner of my head and ask another question.

"Why... did you do that on purpose? What the hell do you get when you take the risk of defeating your boss?


Lloyd keeps quiet.

"The 'Alliance of Trees', which has been doing well so far, has also recently begun to see shade in the increase in its membership. We need a big, easy to understand battle around here for everyone's eyes. At Lacana's second-largest party stop forever... my organization will not be truly complete"

It was the expression that did not change, but in his eyes he could see a willingness like a fire.

I open my mouth to say something and close it.

To me, Lloyd says with a slight grin.

"I don't mind if you don't officially join the party, so much so that I'd like you guys to help me if possible... No, fine. I know. I don't think you're the kind of person who moves caught in fame and reward."

"Excuse me."

Out of sight, I say.

That was an unacceptable suggestion rather than being told to go into a party.

Although there is no certainty, the boss's crusade can be a pretty bad thing.

It's just that I didn't have the words to stop this man right now.

I have no choice but to change the subject.

"Speaking of which, what kind of party is Lacana's number one party?

Asked so, Lloyd looked slightly bitter.

"It's a party called The Red Wings. If you ask me what kind of party..."

At that time, the liquor store door inadvertently opened.

Five figures enter the store with the sound of ringing gear.

That's just it... the whole tavern quieted down for a moment.

Look at them, I guess.

Heavy warriors, swordsmen, bandits, magicians and clerics.

Common job title, common organization... but its gear and standing behavior stand out from other adventurers.

I've often said that rumors will cast a shadow on you.

This is the "Red Wings" - the number one party in Lacana?

"Hey, five barley drinks! Bring the food properly!

When the big man of the Heavy Warrior screams abusively behind the store, he sits down somewhere with his buddies in the empty seat.

Unexpectedly, a slight blood odor stabbed his nose.

These guys, dungeon home.

"Hmm? Ooh, isn't that Lloyd!

A big man like a leader looked at this one and shouted in a big voice.

Lloyd flashes his face for a moment, then lets him put up a cup for the big man.

"Hi. I'm out of time, Mr. Zamlug."

"Ha, Lloyd. Is that water? When will you be able to drink? Half a dozen servings of amulet don't even show up, do they? Gahahaha!"

It doesn't matter to my fellow killer Lloyds, the big man called Zamurug continues.

"What's with the kids over there, soliciting again? I'll even pick up a chick who's dying tomorrow. Oh, you don't have a vision, either. You know the difference between a party and a woman's ass? I don't know if I should be..."

They know the mayor's face.

blocking Zamurug's words, Lloyd said with a smile.

"I was asked to tell you about Lacana. That's all."

"... chip. Hey, no booze yet, no booze!

face back from Zamurug screaming into the kitchen, Lloyd tells her to be fed up.

"You were talking about what kind of party the Red Wings are. As you can see. Love alcohol, women and gambling, and believe above all in freedom and violence, in short -"

Lloyd seemed as if he hated its existence.

- It's a typical adventurer's party.

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