Adventurer life, which began in an unavoidable way, was also about to pass in February.


of the tavern provided for the guild, in one corner.

Amu stuck at the table, groaning so.

"It's only summer ago, why is it so hot..."

"Ugh, yeah... I wonder what happens next month, this..."

Efa also fans her chest, agreeing powerlessly.


Mabel is the only one who uses her usual face for fruit water… but she has a smaller mouth count than usual.

Apparently, it's this kid who's weak, too.

Amu is right, even though the full summer hasn't come yet, the heat was raging here in Lacana day after day.

We lost our temper diving in the dungeon, and this is how we wind up in our guild during the day. Similar adventurers can be seen around.

"Lacana is a basin surrounded by mountains."

I say, leaning slightly citrusy fruit water.

"I guess the air will really linger. I can't help it."

"How can you be so flat? I don't sweat a thing."

Amu stares down at me with a cool face.

"If you destroy your mind, the fire will cool off without you."

"I mean, I'm in the mood."

In fact, it was one of the qigong techniques.

"I'm in the mood... that's the least suitable word for Seika..."


"... where Seika is in the mood, I can't imagine. Everything seems to be done lightly."

Efa and Mabel say as if they were half frightened... but they didn't come one pin themselves right now.

In my last life, I grew up stinking muddy.

"Instead, I thought... Amu and Efa would be able to use water attribute magic"

"Huh? Ugh, yeah"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Can't you make ice and chill the room?

The magic learned in the school was mostly theoretical, and then it was enough to attack or at best use for healing.

It's a world with so many magicians, I hope magic was used in everyday life and industry...... I thought it was a statement.

Answer like Amu is frightened.

"You know, if it's so hot, some ice will melt right away, and if you use magic until it cools down, you'll fall out of magic in no time. If you're going to use your efforts, it's better to fan with us."

"Really... Efa, but no?

"Ugh, yeah... if you ask me too much, I'm getting less and less listened to. So I guess, no."

That's right. Even the magic of the Spirit is not inexhaustible.

"At the Chamber of Commerce, that kind of work, it was a bit"

Mabel pinches her mouth.

"From a city with sea, chill raw fish, carry them without rotting... or something"

"Oh, that's what it is!

"But I always use two or more magicians, so it seemed pretty expensive. The kind of work that a rich aristocrat would ask for on the road"

"Oh...... do I have to get that far? Instead, you were surprisingly broad, Lugloke Chamber of Commerce..."

The culture of using magic for everyday life and industry, apparently, is not.

With all this development, I also find it a shame that the use is just monster exorcism and aristocratic authoritativeness, but I guess it's hard to convert.

Then I knew I'd have to hang in there now.

"Well, from what I've heard, even in the middle of summer, it's rare on hot days so far. You'll be calm in a few days."

"Now is the time."

"... oh, I can't help it"

Exactly, I'd be in trouble if I got sick.

When I took a few human rattles out of my nose, I let them go into the universe.

Gently tie the mark.

As soon as it was gone, the shady chi took away the heat around him and the cold air started to stoop around him.

"... eh, cool!?

"Wow, this is Seika-kun!?


I'll tell you what, the women came out shabby. [M]

"Just a little bit. If you rely too much on this, you're weak."

"Ha ha! Excellent!"

"Thank you Seika! I knew Seika-kun was amazing!

"I want to sleep here. Can I sleep?

"Don't get better all of a sudden."

He was a leopard weirdo who didn't seem like a creature who had been sloppy until just now. How are you doing at all, these kids?

"Oh, gentlemen. What's the matter, sir? Something..."

As I looked at the three of them with a frightened eye, I heard the noise, and the guild staff who wanted to go through came by.

He's the young receptionist who was at one of the shopping desks. I became totally acquainted with him while exchanging compensation and so on, and found out that it was named Iria.

"Oh, what!? How is it so cool around here!?

Iria, approaching the table, puts her hand on her mouth and is surprised.

"No, the..."

"Seika's cooling down."

"Mr. Seika? Ha... you still have a great magical talent."

Iria keeps saying that, she doesn't move from the side of the table.

Didn't you just go somewhere...?

"Iria? What's going on in there?

A young guild clerk who once again took the street said in surprise to see Iria standing in a strange place.

He was an appraiser who broke the shell of a demon stone deer with a hammer and a hammer. I was a senior at Iria, and I found out her name was Wallace.

"Mr. Wallace, over here!

"Why are you calling me!?

"What... su, cool!?

Wallace said, exactly like Iria, stunned.

"Isn't it amazing, Mr. Seika's doing it for me?"

"Are you sure? As much as I want you to be an employee of the Alliance."

"Don't solicit me in this kind of a show"

Wallace also doesn't try to move from where he stopped.

Are these hippos...?

"Ugh. What are you guys doing like that...... cool!?

"Come on, it's just hot...... su, cool!?

"Become, cool!?

The familiar adventurers who had laid back at the tables around them are stunned to come by. Gaddle, Nid, and Ricken from the threesome party reacted similarly because of their similarities.


"What do you mean, cool?

The surrounding adventurers and guild staff stop by one after the other.

Soon, there was a crowd around the table.

I scream unexpectedly after being often distracted.

"Hot and bitter!

Cats or these guys gathering in the shade.

"You could make it cooler, huh?

"That's right, that's right, we should"

"Hey, can I get you something to drink?

"Who are you people?"

Even the ones who knew nothing at all at some point stood on the acquaintance side. Damn, I have trouble being an adventurer.

No... Speaking of which, even in my last life, I think my friends were just these guys.

Could it be a matter of my character?

"Uncle, it's cool here!

Unexpectedly then. The voice of a tall child echoed, unfamiliar to the guild.

The adventurers unfamiliar with the treatment of the younger children leave the source of their voices in a little while.

There he was, a white child.

I have white skin and white hair that is nickel-crushed. He looked like he was about five or six, but he looked a lot prettier.

Those ears are a little pointed. Hey, is that a half-elf?

"Wow, that's cute! Lady, what's going on? Alone?"

"I'm a man!! Uncle!"

Yelling back at the crouched Efa, the child screams into the back of the guild.

"Ooh, okay, okay. I need you to hang out there for a second."

A man peering through the stairs returns his voice.

It was a familiar face. Eike is unloading merchandise to the Alliance.

Mabel says with her neck tied.

"This, Eike's kid?

"Was your wife an elf? Don't do it."

"Ha, unfortunately, Elf is my sister's husband. Take care of my nephew now."

"Then take him with you as soon as possible. This place is already full."

"Quantity...? I don't know, would you look at that? We're going to do business."

"Well... don't leave your dear nephew with an adventurer."

"His name is Tio. I asked for it."

Unilaterally to the reluctant Amu, Eik went up the stairs.

"Sister, swordsman?

Tio stared at Amu's wand sword and said:

"Yeah, but?

"Compete with me!


"I'm a swordsman, too! I can't beat my friends anymore. Let's fight outside, hey."


Amu stares at Tio pulling the hem of his clothes with the kind of eyes he sees a shitty kid.

I blew it out by accident.

"That's good. Play with him."

"Huh? No. In this heat. I'm not leaving here!

"Uh, I'm sorry, but it's time for magic."

Saying so deliberately, I retrieve the human rattle.

Hot air stood up as soon as possible, complaining voices coming from around, but ignoring them completely.

"I'm definitely not lying. Like out of magic!

"If you get too used to this, you're gonna get sick the other way. Fine, tell him to give him about the kid. Here."

I say, I'll hand you two long wooden sticks.

"Where did you get this from?"

"Sister, hurry."

"Oh, I've got it! Instead, we'll all meet in Seika's room at night. Because I've been having a hard time sleeping lately."

"What? Don't be silly"

"Here, come! I'll see what I can do, kid!

"Okay, let's go, Tio-kun! Put your hat on because it's hot."


"If Amu loses, I'll be his opponent"

"You can't lose!

Amu and the others leave in a gay manner.

Adventurers and guild officials who were gathering for the remainder of the cold air eventually found it hotter to be solidifying, scattered with one and the other.

―――― ――――


From the window, off the table, you can see a half-elf child playing with the Amu.

Soak completely warmed fruit water.

Strange, I felt terribly nostalgic.

"Get out of my way."

At that time - the body of a big man sitting directly opposite the table blocked my vision.

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