The big man fans his chest hot as he puts his foot on the table.

Watching how it goes, I say.

"This is a tavern. Why don't you ask for a drink? Mr. Zamurug."

Lacana's number one party, 'Red Wings' leader Zamurug, looks at me with a gloomy eye.

"I don't need it. How much money do you think I've dropped here so far? You just sat there, and you complained."

Perhaps that's true.

Not an adventurer's gear, but clothes and shoes were superior. I'm just at the top of the adventurer party in Lacana and it looks like I'm making a lot of money.

"So what can I do for you? It's hot today, so I'd like you to stay as close as possible."

As Zamlug lowered his leg, he stepped up to the table and stared at me from the front.

"Do you talk to me like that? Pretty fat liver, huh?"


As he looked back in silence, Zamlug eventually brought it to the back of the chair and opened his mouth.

"Ha, I see. I'm only a guest of my father's."

"Father...? Oh, you mean the mayor."

Sometimes they called me that, and the person said when.

"I don't care, you want me to tell you something first"

"You look a lot better when you're new here. Seika Lamplog"


"When I heard that this aristocratic kid had become an adventurer with a woman, I wagered with my buddies on how many days he would die... but I didn't know he was going to make a face for a middle-aged dungeon instead of surviving. It's a huge loss."

"That was a shame. Well, this one's blessed with luck."

"Luck? No. You're real."


When Zamurug puts a beat there, he changes the subject.

"I hear you've been solicited by Lloyd's bastards."

"Yes, I declined to join."


"Nothing. I just couldn't agree with him."

"Ha, I guess so!

Zamurug's voice gets louder.

"... you too, apparently"


The big man squeals his nose.

"We're helping each other out at an adult party, huh? Idiot. Think of the adventurer as what. I don't see what's at stake."

"I don't know, what does it matter to adventurers?

"I'm free."

Zamurug runs out.

of the words of the desolate, only there was a sincere sound.

"You know what freedom is? It means no one's in control, and therefore no one's help. I can be true to my desires because I'm free. Because I'm free, I hone my strength diligently to survive. That's how Lacana has developed with desire and thirst for raw"


"The powerless die, and the powerful survive. What's wrong with that? This city can now remain a free city because it has always sought strength. If his sweet party rules spread to all adventurers, they lose their desires and cravings from the city. Such a lacana, sooner or later it will be swallowed by the Empire."


"If there's such a party as standing at the top of Lacana. A powerful party should guide the adventurers of this city. It's like a party my father used to lead..."

"I couldn't agree with Lloyd."

I pinch my mouth slightly more forcefully when I have a long story to tell.

"It's the same for your story."


"Where the hell do you say freedom is for adventurers?

"... what?

"Many of the adventurers have no choice but to flow into this city, diving into the dark clouds into the dungeons just to live, with no money, no handouts, no information. What do you think is free about this? Isn't it the same with your hands and feet tied and dragged into the situation?"


"And in a situation like this, power and the like are of little use. Deciding survival is just luck... wasn't it because you or the mayor were in your current position, but just lucky?

"Oh, my God..."

"Well, now you know why you were eyeing Lloyd."

I lift up the edge of my mouth and laugh.

"Dear mayor, there was a heavy use of someone you didn't care about... and you were jealous, weren't you?

I remember when Lloyd was being called to the Mayor Cyrus' reception room.

Thanks for that, it looked like I've been asked to do everything from time to time.

Zamurug had erased his expression from his face.

"... is that an insult to me?

Adventurers value facial matter.

Especially if this man is at the apex of the Lacana adventurer, he won't be able to overlook the insult to himself.

"Come on... as far as I'm concerned, I don't care what you think."

Though I felt like I didn't care if you hit me.

But this man must have come for something, too. Even if you repel it without asking, it kind of doesn't fit well.

I have no choice but to add a word so that it can be packed.

"It's just that he's been taken care of a few times before."

"... there's no need to feel ungrateful for that bastard."

Zamurug seemed to have sorted it out in himself, saying it was a thing to preserve the honor of a grateful Lloyd.

And get to the point.

"Get in my party. Seika Lamplog"

"... eh, were you soliciting too?

I clap up on unexpected business.

"That's... the four of us, you want to get in the Red Wings?

"It's not the four of us, you're alone. The only thing that's unnecessary is getting in the way. But I promise you a good reward. If you split it up with your people, you'll make more money than you do now."

"... you seem to be getting a lot overrated. I'm just a porter and healer."

"You're lying. You're lying. Is it possible that the guy who runs those women's party leaders out of the Lamplog family is just a support job?"

"... Sure, I can handle some magic though. In any case, I refuse. My people say it's just uncomfortable to be applied. I'm also a little nervous about letting those kids go on adventures alone."

"Are you, like, their parents or something?

Zamurug says in surprise.

"Then fine. Once. For once, stay with the adventure. I'll pay you as much as I want."

"Once...? Where are you headed?"

"It's a mountain to the south. Defeat the Boss"

After a long silence, I open my mouth.

"Is that... what Lloyd is planning, against the Boss Crusade in the East?

"That's right. You can't let those guys monopolize boss crusade honors. The city will rot if the" Alliance of Trees "is at the top of every party and a large number of adventurers become obsessed with his ideas. As Lacana's number one party, don't let that happen."

Zamurug continues.

"If you are a few elite, the mountains to the south are more easily terrain attacked than to the east. In this heat, he has to stop the plan, too. This is a great opportunity."


"But no matter how much my party, the five of us are just as tough on the boss crusade. So I was just gathering up some available personnel... you too, Seika Lamplog"

I look bitter by accident.

Are you trying to bring down the boss to these guys?

Sigh and shake your neck to the side.

"Sorry, I refuse..."

So I stopped talking.

I look at Zamurug with my own eyes and often rethink... rethink.

"... no, fine"

I nod with a faint grin.

"Shall we defeat the southern boss together?"


When he left the guild and went back to my room, Yuki looked out of his head and said, bewildered.

"Um, Seika? Are you sure? Even if you defeat the southern boss. Where's the dragon vein story..."

"You can't be sure. I'm not gonna take you down, boss."


"That Zamurug is an adventurer...... probably quite strong. If your buddies and the talent you're collecting are to the same extent...... if you suck, they could really crusade you. Lloyd's thought about letting it go, but this one's dangerous."

"Uh, then..."

"So you interfere. He said he would cooperate and accompany him. This is a bad situation if I don't get my hands on it."

"Oh, but I think that's a good idea! Do, how?

"Well, watch. I have a plan."

"If it's your idea, Seika, I'm sure of it!

That's what Yuki said in the voice he played.

By the way.

It was only a few minutes after that that that Amu and the others entered the room.

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