Then a few days later.

With summer in front of me, the heat settled once as expected - I was climbing the mountains to the south.

"Fit the speed of progress, but don't break the formation! You don't have to be too ahead of the scouts! Be aware of the distance you can make sure you return to the main unit!

Right next door, Zamurug is raising his voice.

That stupid big torso is so loud that I think I can hear it anywhere in the mountains.

A total of twenty-one adventurers listen to the instructions and fix the formation in detail.

It was a line towards crusading the southern boss.

That day, I accepted Zamurug's suggestion at the Guild Tavern, and at this time of weakened heat, I was invited to crusade again.

That's why we're climbing the mountains with this hurry party right now.

Of course, I was telling the Amu's about today.

Though I was surprised, I wasn't particularly worried or anything. To challenge the boss.

That's just a little complicated. I wonder what they think of me now.

Instead, they seemed lonely or boring in one way or another... but this time I just have to have patience because I can't take them. It's dangerous.

"Don't miss the anomaly! If there's an obstacle to progress, report it to me as soon as possible!

Zamurug is screaming.

To that stupid, big voice, I help myself in my spare time, and I talk to him unexpectedly.

"If you shout so loud, won't you be calling monsters in vain? It wouldn't be a good idea to drain the party before the boss."


Zamurug, who rocked the battle axe in charge, looks down at me and says to me like he doesn't care.

"My amateur. It doesn't matter what your voice is if you're going through all this in large numbers, even if you shut up, the monster will come by. It's more of a problem if you mess up your foot."

"... I see"

If veteran experience makes you say that, maybe so.

And Zamurug's actions were in fact in line with that policy.

Long after entering the mountains, Zamurug had skipped similar instructions many times.

Seems like a waste at first sight, but given the difficulty of working together at the Rapid Build Party, I guess this much finesse is needed.

Furthermore, he always has an eye for the whole thing and the prudence to stop the progression immediately if anything.

That's right.

Zamurug did not fit the look and crude behavior of it, he was a prudent man.

Two whole parties are drawn into one line of this offensive squad, but the two leaders and I had so many meetings that we persevered before we left. He had a perfect grasp of the terrain of the southern mountains and even seemed to check his own equipment.

Moreover, of this twenty-one, what a scoundrel eight are. They are currently striving to be on perimeter alert scattered across the party. As a force, he is inferior to swordsmen and magicians, so he employs only powerful scouts and banditry for safety on the road.

No one has ever seen the southern mountain boss and its race is not even clear just because there are some rumors.

But based on that, it was unusual prudence.

But - that's probably why this guy's party went up to the top of Lacana.

"... chip, looks like you've got a troublesome clutterfish. Everybody stop! Stand up!

Zamlug screams when he sees one of the scouts return and rush over to one of the party leaders who goes before him.

So much so that the oak appeared to divide the trees, about twice the length of a man's back.

Dark dark skin with a figure that is too large.

Apparently, it's a high oak, the top species of oak.

A high oak looked down at our line and waved its thick stick.

Even giant trees are about to break a blow.

But it was bounced back by the shield of a luxurious lady knight who was at the avant-garde.

High oak that is prevented from attacking and treads. There, arrows and magic from the rear guard strike.

A high oak, so desperate by the onslaught, fell to the ground with a heavy sound.

"All right, we're back on track. Don't worry about the material! I'll reward you enough for fishing!

Avoid the oak carcass and a line resumes walking.

I think it was a pretty powerful monster, but everyone seemed to think of it only as trivial, including the female knights who took part in the battle and their rear guards.

Apparently, Zamurug has brought together some quite capable adventurers.

It would otherwise sell high, no one would look to the carcass of a high oak.

"You're thorough. You can collect the Demon Stone or so."

"Use your strength and time for that, and if you die in a boss fight, you're a moron"

"Sure. By the way, long after I left, I left the fight to the two parties going forward, and me and your party have done nothing... is this okay? Though I think I'm going to buy the objection."

"I'm the employer. What's the problem?"


"In the first place, it's their job to get rid of the miscellaneous fish on the road. The boss only crusades my party. That's the kind of contract that promises the right kind of reward, and I'm not gonna let you complain."

"... Really?"

It's about this man. At the time it was drawn in, the conditioning would have been done carefully.

It's unlikely that we can expect this to cause discord to turn back.

Zamurug adds.

"Besides, what do you think those guys are going to struggle with to this extent? They're like walking on for three days defeating a monster."

"Yeah, I'd have liked that role anyway."

"Ha, don't be silly"

Zamurug says.

"Do you bother pulling in for that? You fight."


"I don't know what I can do. But if... I'll show you what I can do."


Hi, they seemed to be buying quite a bit of power.

Well, I don't have a single idea of unleashing monsters to destroy the Alliance or make the Amu's party work.

However... in previous life, powerful samurai and other warriors were warned from the first encounter.

Maybe this guy has that kind of strange prospect, too.

I sigh inside. [M]

You can't do this.

The summit is already close. I was hoping that you would turn back on the road due to some natural factor...... do I still have to get my hands on it?

I fly the invisible human rattle far ahead, and mark it small with one hand.

Call-to-Action - Paint Wall

After a while, several scouts, scattered in the direction of progress, returned with a change of blood phase.

To its unusual appearance, Zamurug stops the party from progressing.

"What's up, what happened!?

"Well, that's the leader, the wall..."


"There's a wall in the woods! We can't move on with that!

"Huh? What's so stupid about that! Chip... tell the scouts to go back. Drop the speed of progress in half from here... and out of the weapon. We'll move on with vigilance."

Zamurug showed just the prudence.

Return to the report of the anomaly all the scouts that were scattering them, ensuring their safety and at the same time enhancing the force of the main force.

Progress slows down, but if unidentified enemies were nearby, it would have been a natural alert.

Well, that's not what it is.


Even from the main force, the beauty becomes visible.

"What, is this..."

Zamurug, who looked up at it with his companions, shrugged.

It was a huge wall, comparable to the height of the trees.

Lacquered, hardened white walls continue endlessly to the left and right. Obviously out of place in the woods. That was it, but it also doesn't look like it at all by people's hands.

All I can say at least is that it's hard to get over this and move on.

"Doh, what to do, leader..."

"... chip. Everybody off the wall. Don't do anything unsolicited until you give me instructions."

As Zamurug hovered his battle axe, he slammed it against the wall.

It sounds dull, but it doesn't scratch one on the wall.

It was Zamurug waving the battle axe over and over again, but the results were the same.

"... magic. And an arrow. Do the guy who can use it."

Fireballs and arrows immediately hit the wall.

But there's not even a burn mark on the wall, and the arrows just get bounced.

Eventually, when the rear guard attack also stopped, silence descended between the lines.

"You're in trouble. This is not going to work."

I said it with a strange face.

Of course, I'm not in trouble. It was exactly what I intended.

The painted wall is a demon who looks like a wall, standing in front of people on the road and holding back their steps.

This wall stretches endlessly in that direction, trying to get over it or around it. Its essence is close to illusion using divine force, and nothing in physical attack makes sense.

It didn't do any harm, but it was an almost impossible, even depressing demon to break through with a force push.

Though there are a few ways to get rid of this guy once, it's not exactly what I would immediately think of on this occasion either.

It will be impossible for the Zamurugs to break through.

"Um... Dear Seika. Was the use of paint walls (colored kabe) a" proposal "…?

In her hair, Yuki said as if she was slightly disappointed.

That's right. I'm sorry it was so simple. I hope I can fulfill my purpose.

Ignore Yuki, and I will tell her. [M]

"Is it the boss monster's ability...? Either way, it's unforeseen. I think we should turn back here..."

and then.

Unexpectedly, I felt a great flow of power.

From the top of the mountain, we approach this one at a tremendous speed over the sky.

It was unforeseen.

I'm in a hurry.


"... chip, right. You're right, I can't replace my belly on my back... on the contrary, this doesn't even make it easy to move on. I can't help it...... bad, you guys. I couldn't have anticipated this situation because I didn't have enough to look into you. It is also dangerous to stick any more. Pull back while you're ready…"

Before Zamurug finished saying it - - from the sky, a huge shadow fell.

Everybody, look up at it.

Flying over it was like a lizard with wings.

But not like a dragon.

There are no forelimbs, feathers grow instead, and the way they fly is close to birds.

Monsters similar to dragons, but different from dragons, were called subdragons in this world.

That's a kind of - Wyburn.

Originally, it is not as much a monster as it fears what is powerful. Even the Imperial Army, which is not supposed to be specialized, is crusaded from time to time.

But that was a different size.

A spreading plant drips from all parts of the body, and a torn pterygoid at the end tells the story of its length of life.

Someone screamed.

"E, it's enchanted Wyburn! What my grandfather said was true!!

I make my face snap.

It was totally unexpected. Because the signs of force hadn't even traveled in forever...... I didn't know the boss monster had the ability to fly.

If it was true, even proximity from the boss's side was supposed to be inhibited by paint walls.

But no matter how many demons on the wall, you can't stand in front of the one that's flying.

It's not good...

As soon as possible Zamurug, who returned to me in a hurry, flies at the members.

"Stand up, all of you! Definitely, that's the boss! Enchanted Wyburn would throw up his breath (braces) too! Don't solidify in one place!

At the same time as that voice, Wyburn, who looked down at this one, opened his jaw wide and showed a red mouth.

And a scarlet flame is thrown out.

It wasn't a dragon-like banded flame, it was a fireball that resembled a person's fire attribute magic.

Above the head of an escaping adventurer - but the fireball is too quickly extinguished. Confirming that there is no extension to the trees, I scatter the human rattle that was the starting point of the junction.

It still doesn't seem like a big deal compared to the dragon.

But... what's wrong with this?

The old Wyburn must have obviously turned up after us.

What has moved the Lord of the Subdragon, who has been quiet in the back of the woods for so long... I do not know if it was bad to get the paint walls out, or because of this number of people approaching the territory.


Anyway, now, I need you to go back across the wall.

Looking this way, I fly a single human rattle to Enchantwyburn, where I began descending to attack directly.

Tuesday, Saturday, and Friday - The Art of Earthquake and Heavenly Light

When the sun was small, intense light burst into the air.

Suddenly, they all groan and hold their eyes.

Seismic Celestial Light is a technique that mixes metal powder with gunpowder and ignites, creating blinding light and explosions.

This much light is created when the powder of Magnesia's silver (magnesium) burns out in an instant. Eat it up close and it's even difficult to stand, but on the other hand, it was a very low power, an art of indestructibility.

No matter how much boss Wyburn, that would just flinch.

If you keep shooting a few rounds like this, you're sure to run back to the territory... and get the arm you were kneeling in front of you off.

I opened my mouth gently.

"Is...? Whew!"

Enchantress Wyburn was falling.

The wings are weak and fluttering. With one shot of "Seismic Heavenly Light," he seemed completely unconscious back and forth.


Though I had expected it wouldn't be that strong to say boss because it was enough to be defeated by humans...... I didn't think it was this far.

Besides, if it stays like this, it will fall on this side of the wall.

Or suck...

No, but it's the same for humans who flinch in "Seismic Celestial Light". If we can manage to beat it back to the other side while we're at it right now...

And that's when I thought.

In one line, only one moving shadow entered my eyes.

A big man with a battle axe in his hand.

Leader Heavy Warrior, Zamurug.

Zamurug, who opened his eyes thinly to see if his vision had returned, nevertheless rushed to the falling point of Wyburn in a agile move not commensurate with his physique.


Place the battle axe on the lower level.


A battle axe unleashed to shake it up - turned down Wyburn's neck, which fell, with that blow.


I was screaming unexpectedly.

The wings of Wyburn, who was dropped in the neck, hit him with momentum, and Zamlug hit him more and more and fell.

Keep it up, don't move.

"Li, leader......?

"Zamurug... Ooh, hey, are you okay..."

A few companions who can move speak to the dreaded Zamurug.

The big man put his arms on and slowly stood up.

You were injured when you were bounced off, dragging your left leg. But with a sure walk, he approaches Wyburn's neck, which he himself dropped.

And beside it, he protruded a battle axe painted on earth and blood.

"Who defeated the boss..."


"Who defeated the boss!! Say it!!

"The, it's Zamurug"


"That's not true. You're not... all of them."


"All defeated. Because you guys were there, I was talking to the boss... Everyone here has defeated the boss."

"Oh, me, us..."

"The south, boss..."

"That's right. We knocked him out... Crusaded the boss! I totally attacked the south dungeon!! Joy!!



"Zamurug! Zamurug!

In cheer, I was alone. [M]

Hey, why are you doing this...

"You guys, we'll celebrate when we get home!! I'll give you plenty of time till you run out of barrels in the tavern! Don't get distracted until you leave the woods!!

From one line to the next, cheers again.

It seemed like I was the only one who wasn't happy, of course.

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