As Zamurug declared, the day became a stream of banquets as it were.

If it was meant to be, it would take more than a day for even a large number of people to dismantle all those boss monsters and carry the material to the city.

But if I put the whole carcass in phase, it's not the story.

Apparently, Zamlug listened to rumors that I had an unlimited capacity item box and even thought about going home and solicited it.

A perfectly nearby man.

That's why I'm at the Guild Tavern now with the face of Zamurug's crusade party.

By the way, the natural suggestion to make it a better store because it had a lot of money in it was rejected by Zamurug for too decent a reason that there was no bigger liquor store in Lacana than the guild and it would be annoying if we all made a noise.

As a matter of fact, the suspicion that you are a cautious person has arisen in me.

Maybe the rough adventurer-like behavior is just playing that role for a second.

"Don't hesitate, you guys! Drink as much as you like! Hey, we don't have enough booze! Bring more and more!!

"Huh! Leader!

"Here's to Zamurug, hero of the Dragon Killer!

That's it, shut up.

Alone at the table away from the hustle and noise, I quietly empty my cup.

Damn, how did this happen?

That enchanted Wyburn was apparently a real boss...... as expected, the number of monsters we encountered as we descended was drastically decreasing.

Same as in the underground dungeons in Rodney.

If the nucleus is lost, the dungeon loses its power.

So close to the beast, monsters are like chemistry.

Except for what was naturally alive, the monsters, who existed under the power of a different realm called Dungeon, would have died at the same time as the boss's crusade.

After all, the boss played a role close to the nucleus.

My hypothesis proved... but that's not a good situation.

The Boss Monster, which is now replacing the Dragon Hole, has left only the unity of the mountain to the east.

I hope nothing happens......

"It's a hard one, Seika Lamplog. Are you gonna drink in here?"

In a nearby seat, Zamurug sat somewhere.

I look at the big man sideways and say,

"The injury looks good. But I think you should refrain from drinking."

"What's with all these injuries? Wouldn't it be tonight that the winning wine is the best? He's not an adventurer."

Says, pour the glass.

The only person who could be said to be wounded in the boss battle was Zamurug, who broke his leg, but the healing magic of the cleric had already treated him. Nevertheless, it shouldn't be fully fast yet. Don't. You'll be patient.

"Ha, and you, I didn't know that it went through so much light attribute magic. To the end of the curse, that magic that crashed Wyburn... I've never even heard of it. The Lamplog family's secret or something? Whatever, but you were still right about me. You're the greatest credit for this adventure."


"Well, I heard rumors. Sounds like a pretty good mouth this way. How about a drink comparison?

"… it's a pleasant thing"


"You, too, must have noticed. The mountains of the south are dead. That boss monster was the nucleus. This would greatly undermine the wealth Lacana would gain. Less adventurers will have trouble living."

"Oh, don't worry about it."

Saying, Zamurug puts on the glass again.

"It's been a long time since the Boss Monster was defeated. Even then, they temporarily lost their monsters. But he said he went back to normal less than a year later. In every mountain. That's what this place is like."


"And even in the vanished mountains of monsters, there are as many ways to make money. I've been able to get to places where dangerous monsters have been nesting and I couldn't. For the mining of rare minerals, the collection of rare herbs. In anticipation of the Dungeon's resurrection, we should have made a detailed topographical map. By the time they're already on the move. At times like this, the greedy ones are strong... and when the dungeons are resurrected, this city will be increasingly empowered"

Zamurug drinks his glass again.

"Most of them are clumsy with all their arms. That kind of thing, even if the guild is distributing wheat."

"You think you can afford to take care of a guild with less income?

"Give me the whole Enchantress Wyburn carcass, and it'll be enough for you to use it as a financial resource."


"That level of material adds an uninterrupted value…. Even as a guild, it should be troublesome to have fewer armed adventurers. And then if I say a word, you'll be right."

"... and selling favors to guild and city adventurers and even getting subdragon killing honors, you become more and more influential in Lacana... and that's what you mean"

"Ha, you don't think that far. All I ask for is strength and honor. Sounds like an adventurer...... but yeah. As it turns out... I guess it will be."

That's what I say, Zamlug laughs.

The grin resembled a plotter's floating it, which I saw several times in my previous life.

Of an adventurer named Zamurug, how far on earth is it true?

I'll just give you a tongue-tip response.

"... well whatever, I was relieved that there seemed to be a way to get food support. However, exploring dungeons in the eastern mountains and removing slime from the groundwater supply is going to be a long time."

"Oh, the mountains to the east"

Zamurug says lazily.

"I don't think we'll keep it that way for long."

"... what?

Unfortunately, I ask back. [M]

"What does that mean?"

"You mean nothing. I'm guessing Lloyd's bastard is planning a boss crusade."

"You think he... will accomplish a boss crusade?

I say with a hard voice. [M]

"He doesn't have as much power as you. I don't think the Alliance of Trees can hunt enough monsters to finally defeat you with my help."

That was my feeling after today's battle.

Although the boss monster was weaker than I thought it would be, it's still loaded for people to deal with.

A line of Zamurug, except me, stood up to it with all his might, five minutes. That's where I stand.

"It won't be easy. But... he'll probably do it."

But that's what Zamurug says.

"Such a man, but he still has a proven track record of raising his party to second place in Lacana. If he can do it, it's only a matter of time before he attacks."


"Sure, I'm the one with the upper arm. But he was... uh, rumored to be an ex-general's stash? I don't know, but I'm smart enough to lead the party anyway. I rushed to work like this because I was confident that I would be crossed. If you do poorly, even today..."

At that time.

From near the entrance to the tavern, the noise was heard.

A voice that several adventurers talk to the guild staff they were packing, looking excited and cold.

"Chip...... was it today after all? Instead of going ahead... I guess I should say I made it in critical..."

Zamurug groaned abominably in a small voice.


Everyone in the liquor store looks back at Zamlug in a suddenly sounding stupid big torso voice.

That was the same for several adventurers who were talking to guild officials.

"... Mr. Zamurug"

One of the adventurers, Lloyd, painted with soil and blood all over his body, whines small and medium in the slightest possible silence.

"It was too late! No words of celebration for me?

"... I heard that. Congratulations, Mr. Zamurug."

Words were on the back, and Lloyd's voice sounded grumpy.

"I hear they crusaded the southern boss. If that's what it looks like, it doesn't look like he was hurt."

"Well. So... what about you?

"I had some difficulty, but I managed"

Lloyd smiles just at his mouth.

"Fortunately, we didn't even have to get the dead out. It turns out to be good."

"Ha, good for you. Today is my day. Drink."

"I won't take it personally. Unfortunately, we still have a lot to do."

At that time, I accidentally took a seat.

Lloyd's gaze turns this way.

"Oh... Mr. Lamplog. The fact that you're there meant that the rumor that Mr. Zamurug drew in was true. Too bad... at least I could have carried that big Abyss Demon carcass to the city by the end of the day if I had you"

"... Mr. Lloyd"

I open my fearful mouth.

"No way, boss to the east..."

"Oh. Sure, I should have told you. How about that, didn't you really think you'd succeed?

"Just one...... tell me. Has the dungeon vanished after defeating the boss......?

Lloyd nods after opening his eyes for a moment.

"Because the number of monsters was extremely low, probably. But there's nothing to worry about. This has happened before. Based on... Mr. Lamplog?

Before I heard the answer, I jumped out of the Guild Tavern.


Use it until a few transfers to reach the Inn during your stay.

It was a shame to breathe, and I pushed the door of the big room open vigorously.

"Amu! Efa! Mabel!"

The three of them raised their voices in surprise and looked at me as they circled their eyes and suddenly entered the room.

It seemed just when I was dressed and they were all in underwear, but not if I care about that now.

"Look, just calm down and listen carefully."

"Se, seseseika kun...... Huh!?

"Oh, why are you so calm in this situation!?

"... get out"

Hiding your body with a blanket or three people hiding in the shadow of your bed stare at you, but you can't back off here.

"I know what you're trying to say, but now is not the time. We need to get out of this city as soon as possible."


"... chaser?

"No. It's more troublesome. Anyway, by morning, finish packing."

I don't know how much respite there is.

Months, years, or another hundred years? Alternatively, my concern could even end in utter concern.

But - and vice versa, it can be enough.

If you do poorly, tomorrow.

"The carriage and food will be sourced by me at dawn. Explain later..."

At that time.

The city trembled.

"Wow, what?

"Is it an earthquake...?

The shake quickly subsided.

It's a small shake, not enough for the building to collapse.

But I was flattered.

No way...... I didn't expect it to happen so fast.

This is not ground shaking.

Nor is it a volcanic eruption.

I cross the room and open the window.

Walls that look thin and blurry at night.

Beyond that - there were many, many signs of power.

"This is... is it"

It was the first phenomenon I could see, but I was sure.

The dragon pulse disaster - the monster stampede - has begun.

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