The next morning.

In Raqana, there was a noise like poking a hive.

It seems that the guards were picking up the first wave of monsters that approached the castle wall during the night.

Reporting to the Mayor, boosting his strength… By the time the sun began to rise, the fact of a stampede was spreading throughout the city.

"... this looks horrible."

From the roof of the inn, I overlook the city of Rakana.

The walls haven't been breached yet.

Surrounded by a large number of monsters, it is impossible to escape, but the robust walls barely hold the crowd down, allowing for defense.

But despite that, there were already monsters in the city.

Some monsters with wings are jumping over the walls and entering.

Citizens have taken refuge in buildings, and adventurers are now turning to exterminate monsters that are attacking the city.

But there was already a lot of damage, and there was a scream coming out of Raqana.

The human side is still at the tip of the line… If we allow some of the monsters approaching outside the walls to enter, they will soon cover it.

The sight outside the city at dawn was desperate.

A wide variety of monsters are rushing into the city, like the disorderly Yunxia. Such a thing is a disaster. When I stepped on other monsters and attached them to the walls, I only felt a fierce desire to devour the land where people lived.

From above the walls, guards and adventurers' arrows and magic are still dropping bug-shaped monsters climbing the walls.

Under the direction of Mayor Cyrus, the city's adventurers joined the defense as soon as possible, so there is a balance. Zamrug and Lloyd will also be leading the party and participating in this defense.

But I don't know how long to keep it.

If a part of the walls is broken... or if a monster moves underground creates an intrusion, that's it.

They may not have the wisdom to open the gates, but the digits of the volume are different.

I can't expect reinforcements.

I do not believe that the human army could manage this disaster before the Empire's will.

Raqana will perish in less time.

And I look back.

"Oh, all three of you. Are you ready?"

Amu, Efar, and Mabel were coming up to the roof of the inn.

There are no monsters attacking this place.

I crashed the flying killer bat and chimera with Lightning, and while I was playing the gargoyle with Blast, there were no more monsters approaching me.

And there, I bend my neck.

"Oh, what about the luggage?

"Seika... what are you going to do now?"

Amu looks anxious.

I laugh to reassure you. [M]

"Of course you do. Run away."

"How could you run away like that...."

"It doesn't matter."

Call to-- Mizuchi

From the distortion of space, a long, blue body with a scale appears in the morning sky.

When they first saw the dragon, the three of them rounded their eyes and solidified.

Hopefully, I didn't want to show you the demon, but I couldn't help it.

Now is the time to escape in other decent ways.

I laugh at them against the background of the dragon giant. [M]

"I've kept quiet, but I've actually tamed some monsters. Let's fly with this one. What, the ride doesn't feel any different than a dragon. You remember Effa, don't you?

"Seika-kun, but this... is not a dragon..."

"It's similar. It's okay for the four of us, because it's this big. Come on, get your stuff. If they find you and make a scene, it'll be troublesome... but it's nothing."

Even if they see you, you're a doomed city.

You don't even have to seal your mouth.

Well, wait a minute.

At that time, Amu said in a hard voice.

"Running away... just us?


"So... what happens to everyone in this city?"

I turn off my smile and shake my head sideways. [M]

"There's nothing I can do. The City of Desire is destroyed because it's too greedy. This is destiny, too."

"Oh no...."

Amu shook his voice.

"If you had a monster like this... you'd have to deal with Stampede..."

"Maybe we can."

That's it.

"This city will be saved. So, suppose so, what happens next?


"If you insist, let me ask you a few favors. So, how far do I have to go? Regardless of Stampede going forward, who are the adventurers attacked by monsters? Who was attacked by a thug? Any merchants outside the city attacked by beasts or bandits? What about the rest of the village? Or what about the war among people?


"I can go anywhere. I can do most things... but I can't do all of them."

Just being the strongest is not enough to save everyone.

"Where do you draw the line? Save who, abandon who?


"If it's up to me, I'll help someone close to me. But I'm not going to take care of anyone else in red."


"Understood? Then don't say anything you don't understand anymore. Hurry up and pack up...."

"It's not someone else!


Amu said so in a strong tone.

"I mean... there's Thio here. What's gonna happen to her?"

The words hardened my eyes slightly. [M]

Effa and Mabel followed Amu.

"Iria and Wallace are doing their best... right now...?

Ake has Nid and the others.

That was the name I knew about all of them.

Amu takes a step away from me.

"I'm not going. Everyone's fighting... and if I just run away here, I'll regret it for the rest of my life."

…… Are you guys the same?

Effa tends to hesitate.

"Well, I... if Seika-kun says he's going to run away, I'll follow him. But... is Seika-kun really okay with that...?



Mabel looks at me and says.

"When Seika helped me... we weren't close."

"That's... different than when you were alone."

"For Seika, the situation is irrelevant. Isn't that right?"


"What do you really want Seika to do?

As they both said, there is no sign of movement.

I get angry inside. [M]

What do I want to do...? That doesn't matter now.

There is no future in this city. Even a brave man, the weak Amu can't handle that monster herd.

If this happens, I'll have to take you by force....


At that time, I heard Yuki whispering in my ear.

"I beg your pardon for making such a futile suggestion again. Yuki... has an idea."

Soon Yuki replied.

"Why not send all the people of this city from Seika-san to the Yellow Spring first?"


Yuki continued to confuse me. [M]

"If you're a Seika, you won't be able to make anything like that. Instead of being eaten alive by monsters, they will have a comfortable end. These girls will give up if there is no one to save them. Thank you for your money."


Yuki was absolutely right.


"Are you resistant?


"Then the worse option of abandoning them would also not suit Seika's mind. For Seika, who has helped people in this world with strength... let's make it unacceptable."


"I think Yuki should just leave it to her heart. Just like in the old days. More importantly... isn't that what you said in fortunetelling?"

But... the words never finally came out of my mouth.

After a lost silence that seems to be forever, I... look back at Mizuchi and point to the door.

The dragon's giant body is sucked into the distortion of space.

When the demon's majesty disappeared, I watched the morning sky for a while... I turned my back on them and told them.

"Just this once."

"Ho, really!?

I look at them rejoicing with a calm face. [M]

I don't know what you're talking about.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Amu says as he realizes.

"Ah, but are you glad that someone like the dragon just left? Don't use it anymore...."

"Fine. I don't use a pizza. He's so prominent... I don't want to be rumored as much as I can."

I don't think it's too late... but it's still too soon to get burned up.

I say so.

"I don't have to rely on that, but I can do something about it."

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