The splendid city hall was now in chaos.

"Turn the people to the north wall. Including healers. The combat power is too low. If you've evacuated the residents, I don't mind if some of you hunting monsters around the city. If you're dealing with flying people, make sure you only protect the key points."

Only Cyrus, who receives a report in the center of the people who rush, flies back into the chair and eagles.

"Looks like I can afford it."

"Mm...? Kid."

Cyrus laughs ironically as he compares the city map with the damage records.

"Hmm, it's just a bluff. If I'm scared, my men can't move with peace of mind. But... you're in trouble, too. I didn't expect to encounter a stampede in a place that had fled the Empire."

I think of Fiona's thoughts, who told me to take this place into exile.

If she was watching the future of this stampede… I don't know what it was like to send Amu and me here.

If you wanted to murder me, it was too sweet as a means. I can't die to this extent, and I didn't see such a future.

Or if you wanted to save Raqana, your supporter, at least you told him in advance. It is hard to imagine that the Holy Empress would make it easy to imitate that I could be mistrusted even if I succeeded.

So I'm sure Fiona didn't see this coming either. The power of futuristic vision is by no means universal.

On the other hand, I have a strong desire to do so.

"I'm busy. If you need anything, just tell me. No matter how many princess guests you are, I can't ask you to escape. If I could do that, I'd be long gone."

"They want to help."

I show the amulets in the back with my chin.

"Please use it. I think it will be a force for war."

Cyrus raised his face and looked at us.

"... there's no safety where we need combat power. Are you sure?

"It's not the same for adventure. Not now."

When Amu said back, Cyrus laughed a lot.

"Go to the north wall. Who can use healing magic?

Amu and Effa raise their hands.

"If the blonde lady is a sorcerer, recover. I just wanted you too. The hero was a magical swordsman. Perfect. Monsters fly over the walls, so it's better to use your sword. Can your axeman handle flying gear?

"I can do it all the way. Give me your bow."

Cyrus laughed hard.

Tell him who is near the Wall Tower. I'll send you as many as I can. If you're ready, get there right away. They're expecting an increase now or now. "


Amu nodded.

"Bye, Seika. I'm coming!

"Ahh... be careful."

"Yeah! Good luck, Seika-kun!

"When we're done, we'll celebrate again."

Silas's voice rang as he saw three people running east.

"Come on, kid. What are you gonna do?

"Of course I can help you defend yourself. I just can't follow your instructions. I have something to do."

"... uhh"

"Mayor Cyrus. How successful do you think you are in this fight?

Cyrus lost his expression.

"... this is not even a fight. I was afraid that one day I would come... at a different level than the usual stampede. It's like putting out the flames of a wildfire with a hand-water... Rakana will perish."

Really? That's not how I see it. "

Silas frowned at me. [M]


"It means we have a chance."

I focus on the flow of power that spreads around the city. [M]

In order to create something, you must pay for it.

It's one of the truths that doesn't change anything.

Monsters don't come from nothing either.

I smile at Cyrus. [M]

"With everyone's struggle, we can win. You stay in command here."


From above the tallest tower in Rakana, I looked over the city. [M]

It was a church bell tower. The role of telling time is not fulfilled now because of the danger of summoning monsters, but it is a convenient place to let them know something.


Yuki said with her face out of her head.

Are you sure? Send those girls to the battlefield. Sometimes, just in case, if you're a Seika, you have to keep it close to your eyes.... "

"I keep it within sight. I see these children in the eyes of God of Formula. I made it up, so I won't die from a fatal wound. I'll help you if you need me."

Turning to the crow's eyes, it seemed that all three were quite active.

Mabel seemed to be able to handle bows, knocking down large monsters climbing the walls with gravitational magic arrows. Effa was treasured at the base of the Wall Tower as it could heal the wounded and intercept monsters from the sky.

And Amu.

An all-powerful hero who can use his sword and magic and even heal himself.

But more than a battle force, it seemed that her activities were encouraging to everyone else.

I haven't fought in a long time. The boy himself is alive. Above all, the struggle of the poor girl seemed to stir up the surroundings.

A man who shines on the battlefield does exist. It was a bit complicated to think that Amu was like that... but that's fine now.

"These children will eventually live on their own. It won't be good to be overprotective forever."

"No, I think it's overprotective enough....."

Yuki said that she was stunned.

"Yes, Seika-san. What are you doing here?

"It's a boring politician imitation. Keep your ears closed, Yuki."


Ah, uh...

While listening to the sound from above, adjust the equation set to human rattling.

The eccentric musician in the West said that sound is the vibration of the air and can be corrected to the formula in the form of a frequency per hour.

If you say it like this, you can sing any sound in theory. It is said that not only is it possible to change the height and height, volume, etc. freely by correcting part of it.

I thought it was funny, and I had a ceremony myself... but I didn't think it was going to be a useful day in a situation like this.

I breathe. [M]

"Warriors, listen!! Good news!!

A loud sound that shook the atmosphere echoed throughout the city.

An adventurer fighting on the castle wall, a person who treats the wounded, and residents who were sheltering in the building raise their faces and things are seen in the eyes of Formula God.

My voice was reformulated once through the human rattles in my hand, amplified amplitude, and then sounded again from the human rattles that floated far above my head.

A voice comparable to that of the bell sounds again.

"Reinforcements rewarded!! Help from the outside is coming soon!! It's been a while!!

The whole city was brightly colored.

I've already achieved my goal... but I'll keep saying it somehow.

"Their heroes will be known for thousands of years!! Now is the time, warriors!! Protect the future of your children and grandchildren, who are responsible for the story ahead!!

A brave voice rises from among the adventurers... I solve the equation and scatter the human rattles.

"Um, Seika-san. When will the reinforcements be rewarded....."

It's a lie, you know.


"Some people break into despair if they don't know when the battle will end. Except for a slight glimmer of hope. Everyone fights desperately until the end. That's what humans are like... because they need to work harder."

"Umu, it's like a tyrant's dialogue... What if they find out?

"If you win, the booze starts. We'll forget about the reinforcements that won't come forever. That's what humans are like."

"People aren't stupid... Fufu, but...."

Yuki laughed small on her head.

"I've been thinking about Seika-san for a long time... I think Yuki has the qualities of a politician."

"Me? Don't be ridiculous. I'm not good at cheating on each other."

"I don't think that's important."

…… Then what is it? "

"The important thing is that everyone listens to Seika properly. I wonder if the qualities of politicians are more like... people."

Yuki says.

"Yuki thinks that Seika-san's country will definitely be a good country."

"Haha, this is ridiculous"


I told Yuki that I was dissatisfied when I returned an answer like when I heard a joke. [M]

"Let's put an end to this catastrophe."

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