The east wall was now the toughest battlefield.

There are many insect-shaped monsters that climb walls like Poison Rubber and Heranto, and obviously they are not enough. There was a danger that the adventurer with the sword and harpoon would be in a hurry to defeat him after he had been overcome several times.

"Dammit, the magicians are starting to run out of magic...! Anyone who can handle a bow will have to deal with the monsters coming up! Also, I asked the mayor to reinforce the magician...."

I turned to the roof of the Wall Tower to avoid getting in the way, and I called out to Lloyd to give instructions to the party members.

"What's the status of the war?

"Wow, Mr. Lamprogue!? Ha... ha, that's the mayor. Reinforcement is too fast."

"You still have plenty of room for jokes."

"Well, yeah. But it's almost... out of stock."

I see.

The phase of fire and earth - the art of wildfire

A blue fireball hits an ant-shaped monster hanging on top of the castle wall, knocking down a red and black body.

The adventurers don't seem surprised by my technique. [M] It's full of coping with the other two coming up.

Lloyd laughs powerlessly.

"I'm glad you came. [M] This is going to hold out for a while."

"It's an honor. Let's clean the walls for now."


We will evenly distribute the long stretched walls of the castle with the invisible dozens of rattles.

I've never used this technique on such a large scale before. We have to make sure we don't make any mistakes.

Tie the mark at hand.

Speak the truth small.

The Phase of Yanggi Fire ― The Art of Light Falls

An overwhelming flame fell down the vast walls of the city like a waterfall.

An enormous amount of flame swallows all the monsters attached to the wall and flows to the earth to create a scarlet plain.

A tremendous amount of heat was pouring over the walls.

It's even difficult to see a flock of monsters burning down directly below.

I say to Lloyd, who is losing his word with the adventurers around him.

"Isn't it a steady stone to bathe the castle's attackers with boiled oil? If only it were on fire."

"Light Falls" is a simple technique that only heats the oil of sesame seeds and olives and ignites them with fire.

Such simple heat and mass are most effective against many opponents.

"It could have been melted metal, but the walls seemed to be damaged. It would be difficult to repair such a splendid wall."

"Hah, hah... wow... I can't believe you're so..."

"I think it will be on fire for a while, so it will take some time for the monsters to climb the walls again. I'd like to see what's left of it, but can I leave it to you?

Lloyd nodded with some leeway back.

"Oh... thank goodness. Leave it to me."


That said, I will swap my position with the ceremonial god who was looking at the southern wall.


There were few monsters climbing the south wall.

Instead, there were many monsters with the ability to fly, and the Wall Adventurers were exposed to unstoppable assaults.

There are also some of the top monsters that need to be dealt with by just a few people.

One of them, Zamurg, who shattered the Swordgargoyle with a battle axe, talks to me.

Looks like you're struggling.

"Hmm!? You're the one who threatened me...."

"I'm here to help. I thought I might need some help."

"Hah, I was just about to say... but I can't even pretend."

Fewer adventurers fought on the southern walls than were visible from the dawn.

There are wounded in the Wall Tower, and a few healers work desperately.

No matter how many monsters fly in the sky, it is an unusual wear and tear given the availability of talented people.

There it is.

Zamrug looks far beyond the monster's attack.

Behind my gaze was a monster.

It's huge. If it's just the size, it'll be close to the dragon. Two fish tails on the lion's head. There are six bat feathers on his back.

It was like a chimera that had gotten too huge.

I look up. [M]

It's a rather unnatural flow of power. I don't think it's an unusual monster. Is this also the effect of the dragon pulse?

Zamurg distorts his face.

"I've never seen or heard of such a chimera. You're too big to fly or walk properly, and you've been sitting there forever. It's creepy."

"It doesn't seem harmless, anyway."

"Ah, that guy...!? Coming!"

Zamrug screams, and the walled adventurers stand together.

The chimeric lion opened his jaw and barked.


The shock blew over the walls of the castle after a moment.

The sounds of a horrible heavy bass tremble down to the core of your body.

Everyone is struggling with the pressure of being different.

Of course, it's just a scream.

No harm, no deprivation of liberty.

However, Chimera's intimidated adventurers clearly seemed to be slowing down. Even the monsters who had the advantage just now have not been able to cope well.

Zamrug, whose ears were blocked, threw up in disgust.

"Shit, that roar! Because of that, my body can't move as much as it wants! I can't reach a bow or magic. They're shooting unilaterally from that distance!

I see.

Roaring (Howl) is a technique occasionally used by top monsters of the wolf system. Launches a roar that causes panic to the enemies you hear.

The southern walls were forced to struggle because of the disturbance caused by that unusual chimera roar (Howl).

We need to do something about that.

Of course, it's easy to metastasize and smash... without the hassle.

I'll take care of that roar.

"Ah? What....."

Float and mark.

Call ─ - Yamabiko Ukiya

From the distortion of space, a small monster descends to the roof of the castle wall tower.

Black fur, no dogs, no monkeys. He is staring at me with his eyes wide open. [M]

I point to Chimera. [M]

"Turn around."

The demon opens his mouth with a beat and says with a voice that is not different from mine. [M]

"[Turn around]"

"Shut up. Just turn around. Next time you imitate me, I'll kill you."


Yamabiko turned honestly towards Chimera this time.

I turn my face back to Zamrug.

"Well, that's all right."

"... hey"

Zamurg didn't see me anymore.

Looking at the chimera with her jaw open, she screamed.

"Coming again!


Chimera's roar (Howl) echoes again.

On the wall where the adventurers rose, I looked at the sound of the valley. [M]

The monster heard a terrible roar, but he turned his flat neck back... and opened his little mouth.


Howl roared from his own side.

The monsters that were dancing in the sky crashed one after the other as if they were unconscious.

Even that giant chimera was a few steps behind her, as if she were dead.

Yamabiko is a demon who lives in a deep mountain and screams back, imitating voice and sound.

It is weak enough to be done by children, but because of its properties, it is not afraid of sound at all. Whether it is the voice of a demon or the roar of a dragon, I will scream back irrespective of whether I hear it.

While the adventurers are stunned, I say to Zamrug.

"This is the monster I'm taming. The roar (Howl) bounces back on his own, so I don't think he'll be unilaterally disadvantaged from now on."

"Ha... bouncing back the roar (Howl)...? What the hell is this monster...?"

"I'll leave you to it, so I'll leave you to it. Ah, he's pretty weak, so please protect him from other monsters."

"I see...."


Zamrug called me when he tried to use the metastasis.

"Hey, Seika Ramprog!


"When it's all done... it's a drink comparison. Don't forget."

I answer with a smile. [M]

Yeah, I'll see you at the bar.

And he swapped his position with the ceremonial god who was looking at the northern wall.

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