It seems that the northern walls were under severe conditions, sometimes with a drastic reduction in combat power, but they were now rebuilt by Cyrus's rapid reinforcements.

However, another crisis is approaching again.

As I moved over the walls, I called out to Amu, who was just nearby.


"Eh, seika!? Stop showing up suddenly!

Amu looked at me surprisingly and said, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"Can't you stay here? I thought you had something to do. I heard a big voice saying that reinforcements were coming..."

"Reinforcements are a lie. Cyrus won't deny it, but he just keeps his mouth shut to avoid confusion."

"... I knew it."

"I don't need anything like that. I was just helping out with the eastern and southern walls, which were being pushed. There aren't many monsters on the west side because there aren't any dungeons, so here's the rest."

"That's right... just now, I'm starting to get into trouble."

"I know."

Beyond Amu's gaze - when he was a giant, he had armor all over him.

I wonder if it's the living room mail. Regardless of size, if the cavity armor is moving inside, it is natural to think so.

However, it was unusual.

I can't move much faster than my normal living room mail. Every time you step out of your feet, the movable parts of your shoes and knees are distorted, and your toes bounce and fly. Apparently, he didn't seem able to support his own weight.

The flow of power is also unnatural.

It must be a distorted monster with a runaway dragon vein.

The giant living mall approaches the castle wall one step at a time.

Amu said with a sharp expression.

"He's... he's got a Battle Baton."

Armor is held in his right hand by a Battle Rod (Mace) with a combination of edges, as Amu said.

Sure, that weapon sucks.

While saying so, the living mail was getting close.

Shake up the Battle Baton (Mace) with an anxious movement - and hit it into the walls.

Vibrations occurred at the feet when the ground swayed.

Many adventurers are treading and pointing at the living mail.

It looks like some of the walls have collapsed slightly.

However, the attacker is not safe.

The arm was distorted, and the Battle Baton (Mace) itself had several edges.

Once again, the Battle Baton (Mace) is struck. The walls collapse even further, and many armor tattoos pop and fly.

I murmur at the sight. [M]

"If you leave me alone, I'll break it."

"Is that armor? Or... the walls?

Amu looks anxious.

Of course, I meant to point to the living mail, but there's no reason to think so.

Sometimes, in case.

It's just...

It looks tough.

Use your magic, use your demon, it looks like trouble.

I got a little lost... and decided to call him. [M]

Call ─ ─ Black Deer Child

What emerged from the distortion of space... was a large black figure with a large dagger in his hand, wrapped in a lid and a cover.

I'm not a person.

My nails are thick and sharp, and I have teeth that don't fit in my mouth.

Suddenly, a black figure ran the blade from the sheath.

The Shirakazu blade, however, stops at my present time, hindered by the boundaries.

"Fu, what a nice greeting, black deer."

"Haruyoshi... you, Haruyoshi..."

A black deer boy pulls a dagger.

Breathe out of the gap in your fangs when you steam.

"What a figure... what a world. Why (why)... unseal this body?"

There are circumstances. Happier than that, Black Deer. Let's make your wish come true. "


"Look, it's a battlefield. Soldiers. You are a worthy enemy to be slashed."

I point under the walls. [M] The baton (mace) is just shaken and vibrations are transmitted to the feet.

The Black Deer Boy glanced at the Giant of the Living Mail and threw up.

"Tsumaranu, Kabushida"

"Don't say anything stupid. It may be inferior to the samurai of demons, but it will be an army of less than a hundred ghosts at night."

"Hmm... come on. Become a comfort to boredom. I'll pay for your dew... and forget your promise to the next battlefield."

"I keep my promise. Let's celebrate our return with a drink from this world. Have fun."

…… Son, promise me. There's a difference. "


It falls into a horrible swarm of monsters, groaning right below it.

Amu stepped forward in surprise.

"Eh! He fell off!?

"I'm not human."

At that time.

Slightly from below, I heard a cool knife draw.

My right arm fell out of the living room mail.

Continuing, your left arm and torso armor were slashed on both legs. A sharp cutting surface was created at the site that was dropped with instantaneous residual light.

Even after the Living Mail was instantly torn apart, whenever the blade flashed, the monster herd was cut off and the blood and smoke blew around the rushing black shadow. The monsters on the north side will soon be destroyed.

Among the nervous adventurers, I murmur small. [M]


Black Deer Boy.

A demon swordsman named after his own name.

Shura lived in the mountains of Tamba, seeking challengers, and buried several powerful warriors.

Nevertheless, it's not enough to slay a dragon.

The nice thing about him is that he's not that big, so he's not noticeable. It is just right for use now.

"Oni... monster name? Is that your monster too...?

"That's it."

"So, did you just talk to a monster...? What were you talking about? Was that the word of a monster?

I smile at the mysterious amu. [M]

"No... it's from a distant country. Well, that's not a good idea."

And he stared at the end of the castle wall.

Not yet, huh?

I turn my attention to human rattles for metastasis. [M]

"... it's time to help me with the east wall again. Then I'll leave it to you...."

At that time.

The earth shaken.


"Hmm, what!?

The adventurers around me groan about something.

Meanwhile... I murmured as I gazed far from the walls.

"Are you coming out?"

The ground sprayed up enormously. The dust that danced too high came to us in the wind.

The depression in the dust is the black shadow.

"Nah, what is that!?

"I can't... I've never seen anything like it..."

"Hey, is that... a worm!?

Adventurers make noise.

Long body. Large jaw covering most of the head on an eyeless face.

Looking up from the ground, it was apparently a worm, a sub dragon that lived in the earth.

However, its size is not unusual.

Judging by the thickness of his head, most of his body is still hidden under the ground.

But even the visible part was many times the size of the normal worm.

You can't get out of the ground well, and you look clumsy, and your body doesn't seem to be free.

A distorted monster that has overgrown due to the influence of the dragon pulse.

I murmur.

"You finally showed up."

There were signs of coming up little by little from below the ground, but it took a long time.

The giant worm then opened its mouth and shook its head violently.

The jaw was overflowing with monsters.

Goblins, oaks, skeletons, living males, gargoyles. There is no uniformity in the type, as if vomiting, the worm spits out a huge number of living monsters.

The figure also appeared to be suffering.

"Nh... what is that?"

I'm the boss of this dungeon.

Returning the words to the stunned amu, he can turn his confused face.

"Boss? What do you mean?

"Rakana is now a huge dungeon."

All the dungeons disappeared and the flow of dragon pulses, which lost their destination, sought an exit.

A monster that can capture the power of the dragon vein, like the old boss monster.

And unfortunately, because they live in the ground, all flows have been concentrated in the unified worm closest to the dragon pulse and excellent at capturing force by chance.

The instantaneous power of the worm follows the laws of this world and forms the nucleus of the other realm.

It also swallowed Rakana - turning this area into a huge dungeon that generates monsters.

"So that's the boss. I mean, if we take him down, we'll get a stampede."

I had to wait as long as I could until it came out on the ground.

You can't use the curse if you've never seen him in person, and you don't have a real name or an intermediary. If you try to knock down while you're in the ground, you're going to ruin the terrain. That is the same as a disaster.

"But... who's going to take them down?"

"That's why I..."

Answering that with his face, Amu stuck for a moment and sighed heavily.

"... I wonder how strong a fairy tale brave man was. Can you do something about that? If you were the Devil King, could the brave man save the kingdom of man?

"That's... of course it is. I'm a legendary hero anyway."

When he said the right thing with a smile, Amu made a subtle face.

"I don't feel like I can take you down..."

"Me too, I die when I die. Because he's human."

"Nh... don't die."

"Ha ha!"

I laughed at Amu with a mixed face. [M]

"I'm not going to die like that."

Then he swapped his position with the formula god who was looking at the battlefield.

Transforms into a herd of monsters. The Orcs and Skeletons noticed are about to attack, but the metastasis is repeated.

After a moment, I got down to the front of a giant worm. [M]

I look at the depression giant and murmur. [M]

"Poor creature."

At that time, the worm opened its mouth.

Once again, a lot of monsters are ejected.

I tried to pay them off... and I stopped the curse.

In sight, several sword lines flash.

"Luha, I'll pay. Halyoshi"

From the head, from the torso.

All the monsters filled with vision fell apart.

Behind the scenes, the slippery sound of the knife resounded.

"Sarato, Yale"

Thank you, Black Deer.

I turn the floating rattles towards the worm.

Speak the truth and make a small mark.

Steel walls created with gold in mind are shaped in front of you.

Even the jaws of a giant worm can't be swallowed.

The worm shook its head as it tried to spit out the monster again.

I murmur.

"What, it'll be over soon?"

Wood, Fire, Earthwork, and Gold - The Art of Shooting Firecrackers

Beyond the wall, an enormous amount of gunpowder exploded.

The sound of an ear explosion fills the area with white smoke.

The steel wall returns to the dust of information due to the de-cursed human rattling.

From the body of the worm in my eyes again... my head was completely lost.

The myriad of rubble released by "Shooting Firecracker" ripped it all apart.

When a thin, planar powder explodes, most of the blast is released toward the other side when one side is in contact with a heavy rock, metal, etc.

"Shooting Firecracker" is a technique that uses this to set the direction of the explosion and concentrate its power strongly.

Song's technician, who deals with gunpowder, told me about it.

This great power has nothing to do with the curse. It's just a lot of gunpowder and knowledge-based ingenuity.

The day may come when any man in this world will defeat a dragon with a weapon.


The corpses of the worm were beginning to dry up rapidly, as if they were dead beasts in the desert.

Looking back, you can see the end of the stampede.

Gargoyles and chimeras crashed in the sky. Skeletons and living males collapse, and oaks and goblins crawl the earth like old and fading. Some of the monsters barely moved back into the woods.

If the nucleus is lost, the dungeon disappears.

The monsters who relied on its power follow the same path.

"Yahari, Tsuranu, we were dying together"

"Don't say that. Happy, Black Deer. We won."

I sigh small and say with a smile.

"Even if it's an easy victory... if you're not happy, you'll be rude to them."

"Know what? I don't know... who they are or who they are. People, or... Kaiyoka"

I won't answer the demon's question.

From the walls of the castle, I could hear cheers from afar.

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